I might be a little strong

Chapter 425 The Excellence of Human Beings

Chapter 425 The Excellence of Human Beings
Best hope for the First Age?Humans are truly miraculous.

However, it has been so many years since the Triangle people have developed controllable nuclear fusion, where do their fantasies come?
"Isn't it us?"

To Li He's question, Emperor Wa gave such an answer, are all the civilizations that appear in the universe really just a simple expansion of the world view?Human beings, after all, have defeated fantasy now.

Humans are still in the real world!
This universe should be the only reality. Therefore, the triangular people they discovered should be civilizations in reality. They couldn’t observe them originally, not because they didn’t see the world view, but because these civilizations are falling into the quagmire of fantasy and cannot be observed. .

And human beings have begun to move towards the universe.

Began... The fantasy of descending, those civilizations detected by human beings, those civilizations that have not descended in fantasy will be descended in advance, thus being involved in the fantasy experienced by human beings today.

This is really...


Li He remained silent for a while, turned around, looked at Dimora and asked, "Have you ever killed animals? These two days."

Dimora was stunned for a moment, and said: "No, although the Triangular Man is also an omnivorous animal, after entering the civilization period, we no longer hunt and kill animals, and the meat is all synthesized from plant protein."

"We're used to buying factory-produced food."

"So I don't cook myself, and I don't kill other fish and sea life."

"Excuse me, sir?"

Li He shook his head slowly. He found that until now, the Triangle people have not discovered the rules of killing the world. After all, only animals that are killed with "hands" at close range will be rewarded with killing points.

After enough quizzes, the acquisition rules of the killing world have been clarified.

The harvesting of cold weapons is effective because there is no "blank" between the hand and the killing, it is a direct causal relationship, while the bullet is ineffective because there is a gap during the period, not an absolutely direct causal relationship.

The same goes for arson, water, and so on.

However, if the direct flames, ice and snow, etc. caused by one's own supernatural powers have effects, in short, the extension of oneself to killing cannot be cut off.

Otherwise no kill points will be gained.

Triangular people are not a race dominated by physical strength. Although they live on Little Tiancang, they have good physical fitness due to 50 times the gravity.

However, compared to other creatures on the planet, the triangular people are even more mediocre than humans on the blue star.

In other words, the current triangular people are so mediocre.

At present, the triangular people are still absorbing the evolutionary elements of the original ocean, and the entire race is in the process of rapid evolution. Therefore, when the triangular people ruled the roost of the little Tiancang star, they were definitely stronger than most marine creatures.

However, after civilization came into existence, the Triangular People began to develop towards intelligence.

After giving up the body and strength, the brain is more developed, but the ability to hunt continues to decline, and the triangle people lack a sufficiently developed sense of taste, so the requirements for food are not high.

It is enough to be able to fill the stomach and take in enough nutrients.

Therefore, the food produced by the factory has replaced all personal cooking. If it is not necessary, the triangle people will not kill. When they kill, they also use weapons.

Distant weapons, or manipulative mechs.

Then, here comes the problem. Li He even suspects that within the two days since Little Tiancang was observed, none of the Triangle people has been reminded of the killing value...

"Can you catch a fish in? A little bigger."


Although he didn't know what Li He wanted to do, Dimora agreed and used the submarine's robotic arm to grab a fish more than one meter long, which was a bit similar to tuna.

Li He condensed water into an ice blade and handed it to Dimora.

"Kill it."

Dimora was stunned for a moment, but still nodded, and took over the ice blade with the prosthetic limb on his life clothes. As the chief general of the empire, although his bravery was more in the operation of the mech, there was still no problem in holding the knife to kill fish. of.

The hand raised the knife and dropped it very neatly.


Dimora froze there. He heard the voice and saw the panel recording the killing value that had never appeared before. He was stunned. What's going on?

"It's fantasy."

Li He told Dimora the answer, and then asked Emperor Xiang Wa: "If the Triangle people accept the arrival of fantasy for the first time, why has their civilization developed to this level? In a few years, they will even be able to control fantasy. ?”


"The Triangle people have not even stepped into space. In fact, their civilization has stagnated. There is not much difference between today and 800 years ago."

"The rebellion 500 years ago was their last reformation."

"Even if we don't find them, in the future, in about 200 years, all conflicts will erupt, because the ecological capacity of Little Tiancang Star has reached its limit."

"More than 700 billion people."

"The population is still growing at a high speed, even if the small Tiancang star is bigger than the blue star, even if they live in a larger ocean, but their main body and tail are generally more than three meters long and seven meters long."

"More than 60% of the main body is the structure of the brain, so they must consume dozens of times more energy than humans to survive."

"So, for those who didn't go to the stars, even if there is controllable nuclear fusion, this planet can't accommodate so many people, and the triangle people don't realize this problem at all."

"They are a race that lacks innovation and exploration."

"Only when faced with a real problem, will they want to solve it and think about it. Their brains with extremely superior computing power make each of them like a computer."

"However, it's also more like a computer than a living thing."

"They lack the initiative of human beings. Even if they have such superior innate conditions, they can only stagnate the development of civilization and self-destruct after the outbreak of conflicts."

"And in the process of destruction, countless souls will cry out in pain."

"At that time, their fantasy will come, and it will come. While making things worse, they will give this civilization a final blow and bury it in the endless sea."

"So, it's not a good thing that the civilization of the Triangle people didn't come to fantasy until today."

"Rather, bad things."

"That shows that the talent of this race is really poor."

Rarely, there were many emotional fluctuations in Emperor Wa's speech, and the words he used gradually became subjective. This made Li He slightly astonished, and asked involuntarily, "What is the reference object for talent?"


Li He: "..."

Presumably, you only have one human being as a reference, right?If you say that to the triangle people, they will be very sad.

(End of this chapter)

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