I might be a little strong

Chapter 431 The Strongest Holy Relic

Chapter 431 The Strongest Holy Relic

"Why can't it be the Master?"

"Because your Excellency is now a singularity contaminated with other civilizations, you can't come back for the time being. Of course, if you insist on coming back, you can."

"You have said that, how can I come back."

He was not responsible for the matter of the stars and seas. On the contrary, it was because he sailed first that he discovered the situation of the universe and avoided a disaster on a larger scale.

The most important thing for human beings today is not the personality of the emperor.

It's... the identity of the observer.

Every time a civilization is discovered, the weight of the observer will be diluted by one point. This is unbearable anyway, and I enjoy the miracle brought by the identity of the observer.

After getting Bai Yujing and Blue Star Light.

How can human beings abolish their strongest weapon before they have achieved enough results? Therefore, under the deliberate guidance of Emperor Wa, Li He was temporarily trapped in the small Tiancang star.

It is okay to continue to travel, but it will still affect human beings.

He didn't do it.

Let’s just practice on Little Tiancang without internet for a few months, and teach your children well. After all, Little Tiancang has a good environment, and wild creatures will produce a lot of powerful creatures under the rules of killing the world. beast.

Great for working out.

As for him... the Holy Grail War is also quite interesting, isn't it?
On the Blue Star, the selection of adventure groups for long-distance voyages did not end there. After voting, fourteen adventure groups were selected, and each adventure group sent one person to participate in the "Battle of the Jade Emperor".

The winner will be rewarded with "Using Jishi Mountain to Make a Wish".

At the same time, the last five contestants who exited the battle of the Jade Emperor will receive the "Voyage Right", and the adventure group they belong to will be able to obtain the right to use the curvature spaceship to carry out star voyages and develop the sea of ​​stars.


Yuanhang is just a scam for the time being, and everyone still doesn't know about it.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of the stars and seas is still erupting, and the appearance of the Jade Emperor's Battle is more to make people regard this as a grand event and pay close attention to it and be active.

When the voting ended on August 8st, the final 1 adventure groups were decided.

The Holy Grail War, oh no, the Battle of the Jade Emperor, is about to begin.

Well, folks prefer to call it the Holy Grail War, because it is an imitation of that, the only difference is that the wishing machine is different, that one uses the Holy Grail to make a wish, and this one uses Jishishan to make a wish.

The Super Dimension Adventure Group, that is, Sun Ming's, is currently in a meeting.

Looking at the main members of the adventure group, Sun Ming scratched his head in trouble, and said, "It's very difficult. The Holy Grail War only needs a representative from the adventure group to participate. Isn't it all in vain for us so many masters?"

There are indeed many masters.

Because of Sun Ming, the daughter-in-law, Bai Niang, and Mao Yuer all joined the Hyperspace Adventure Group. This is probably the strongest human combat force in the empire today. Tianxian + Da Luo + Hunyuan, other groups absolutely do not have this configured.

Therefore, Sun Ming was very distressed.

However, as the singer of the team and the main factor in the vote for the champion, Li Mugu was very excited. She immediately said: "Is there any need to say that? Let Sister Nuba come on, and we can win."

The truth is this truth.

Although the Battle of the Jade Emperor imitated the Holy Grail War and summoned heroic spirits as servants to assist in the battle, the strength of heroic spirits is still limited after all, and it is not worth mentioning compared to Hunyuan.

If you let the female demon compete, you will be directly crushed.

and so……

Sun Ming waved his hand weakly, and said: "Look at the rules clearly, if you are above a celestial being, you are not allowed to participate. The empire has restrictions on the strength of the contestants."

"Ah? What should I do then?"

Li Mugu panicked all at once, and if he is above the Celestial Immortal, he can't compete. Doesn't that mean he has no advantage?Daoist Qingwei and those perverts can leapfrog the level to kill the enemy. Doesn't this mean that they have won?

How is this played?
At the meeting table, panda A Nian patted the table directly, and said, "It's outrageous. I don't know if the rules this time are set by the Martial Arts League or the Heroes Association. They are targeting me, A Nian!"

"I'm going to trouble them!"

Feeling that he was under the authority of the dog, Ah Nian was very unconvinced. Although he was not willing to join the adventure group at first, he came all the time, and he couldn't miss it. He couldn't go on a long voyage, right?
"The rules are all down, and there is no way to change them."

Ning Fei was quite calm. After carefully studying the rules, he turned his head and said to Ah Nian, that guy is just a hob, and running over to make trouble has no effect.

Others dare not embarrass it, but they will not listen to it either.

Ah Nian, who was still furious at first, was immediately discouraged by this indifferent tone, and said irritably: "Then what should I do? Qingwei Daoist, Master Dejian, Tiandao, Mao Jiajun, four places will be removed. !"

"how to spell?!"

"I don't even know if I can sail long distances, let alone win the championship and get the qualification to make a wish."

"I don't have any regrets, A Nian, and you don't? Don't you want to resurrect someone? Don't you want to make up for the past? This kind of wishing machine is used for personal opportunities, and this is definitely the one time!"

When Ah Nian said this, everyone fell silent. Who wouldn't want to make a wish?

At this time, Ning Fei raised his head and said: "It's not that bad. This time the Holy Grail War, the summoning of the heroic spirits requires you to prepare the holy relics yourself."

"The monument not only records the human heroes who died after mutation."

"It even records the history of pan-humanity. It's not like the anime we've seen, which can only summon heroes from Western legends, let alone ordinary heroes."

"We have advantages that no one else has."

While talking, Ning Fei looked at Nuba, who was stunned for a moment, and found that everyone was looking at her, she blinked her eyes, suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help shrinking back.

"You, you..."

"That's right, we want to ask Fairy Nuba to feel wronged and give us... some blood?"

Well, heroic spirits, that is naturally the strongest call. Now the truth of history is gradually revealed. It can be known that from ancient times to the present, there are three people with the strongest combat power.

Fuxi, Huangdi, Li He.

Li He is still alive, so he must not be summoned as a heroic spirit. Fuxi, his corpse has been turned into fly ash in the long history of reality. In the family, or has been included by the Historical Research Committee, it is impossible to get it.

But, the holy relic of the Yellow Emperor...

Is there any holy relic that can be more closely connected than blood?Yes, if their time-space adventure group only sent people below the level of immortals to participate in the Holy Grail War, they would not be able to beat the group of perverts who leapfrogged and killed the enemy.

However, they have the strongest holy relic.

(End of this chapter)

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