I might be a little strong

Chapter 432 The Heroic Spirit of the Future

Chapter 432 The Heroic Spirit of the Future

"Holy Grail War?"

When Asahi Saito learned about this project, she was also a little stunned. As a Fusang native, even if she was obsessed with kendo before the mutation, she still knew something about anime.

Therefore, she is somewhat unexpected that the empire has launched this activity now.

Regarding the matter of Yuanhang, Fusang formed an Amaterasu Adventure Group, relying on recruiting idols to canvass votes, and successfully entered the top 14 and qualified for the competition.

Asako Saito, who had retreated for several days, came out, and was mentioned by the deputy head of the adventure group.

Oh, she is the leader.

Although she is not very interested, she is after all the only remaining master of Fusang, and she is responsible for the force of Fusang today. This is her responsibility and cannot be shirked.

Deputy head Akechi Yagyu laid out three utensils one by one in front of Saito Asako.

The grass shaving sword, the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, and the eight-foot mirror.

After being silent for a while, Saito Asako asked, "Is this... the real thing?"

Akechi Yagyu paused for a moment, and said, "It is indeed a genuine product in the palace, but, just... Historically, it may have been built by ancient emperors, not a real divine product."

Saito Qianxin: "That's just a fake, it can't summon the gods."

Yagyu Akechi: "The Historical Research Committee said that the end of history is a myth, so the gods in our Fusang myth are likely to be the ancient great sages, even if they are only fake creations, after all, they have been passed down for thousands of years, and they have been summoned. It shouldn’t be a problem to represent the gods.”

Saito Qianxin: "But... the pattern is still small."

Saying this, Akechi Yagyu had no way to refute it, because the basis for summoning servants in the battle of the Jade Emperor was supported by the monument.

On it, there is a record of the entire pan-human history.

The history of Fusang is said to be very long, but in the real main line of history, it is marginalized. Even if it is to summon Amaterasu, it may not be very powerful.

It's better to find a way to summon the sages from Huaxia.

After thinking about it wisely, Liu Sheng said, "Qin Shihuang once sent Xu Fu to the sea to search for elixir, and now the imperial palace still contains Xu Fu's seal."

"Can we use this to summon the First Emperor?"

Saito Qianxin couldn't help but said: "That's probably the only way to summon Xu Fu."


Yagyu wisely remained silent, but Saito Asako thought about it carefully, and then asked: "You said... the monument records the entire pan-human history?"


"Then, is it possible to summon future heroic spirits like in the anime?"

"what do you mean……"

"Well, if possible, I would like to summon Li He Your Excellency."


Akechi Yagyu never imagined that the goddess, who has always been extremely calm, would have such wild ideas. No matter how you think about the word heroic spirit, you will always think of someone who has passed away.

Those who are still alive in this world, summon them out...

"Will it offend Your Excellency?"

While Liu Shengzhi was excited, he asked with some concern. After all, this involves Li He. If Li He doesn't like it, even if they win the championship, they will only lose more.

This is a taboo thing after all...

"Try and talk?"

Saito Qianxin tilted his head and said, Yagyu Akechi paused, gritted his teeth, and went to look for the most important holy relic with Li He...

There are many people with ideas. After the three-day preparation time has passed, the Holy Grail, oh no, the Battle of the Jade Emperor is about to start. The location is the sparsely populated Antarctic Continent, and the entire continent will be used as the battlefield.

"Gentlemen and ladies, the much-anticipated Battle of the Jade Emperor is about to begin."

"All the contestants are already in place. Next, we will randomly drop [-] contestants across Antarctica. The moment we jump off the plane, the battle has already begun."

"Every player can perform the summoning according to the summoning ceremony."

"The biggest selling point of this battle is the heroic spirit. Leaving aside the combat power of the heroic spirit, the meaning of its existence, the meaning of this war, is to show the role of the monument, as the third miracle of mankind after the mutation, monument……"

Since the mutation, there are three miracles that humans have produced.

The first is Bai Yujing, the second is the light of the blue star, and the third is the monument.

The Battle of the Jade Emperor this time was mainly based on the role of the monument, which recorded the entire pan-human history, and even engraved the names of all the heroes who died.

With this power of nostalgia, heroic spirits can... materialize.

As one of the exhibitors, Daoist Qingwei drew a summoning circle after he landed. He was holding an ancient sword in his hand, which had been on Wudang Mountain all along... the True Martial Sword.

Daoist Qingwei didn't have any idea about the fighting power of the heroic spirit.

He just felt that this battle of the Jade Emperor was a good opportunity to meet historical figures. As a Taoist priest and the head of the Wudang Sanfeng Sect, Master Qingwei naturally wanted to meet the patriarch.

"Since 4 years ago, the heroes who died in the process of human beings will be immortal."

"Heroes who have died in the confrontation between man and fantasy since 5000 years..."

"Since 2000, the heroes who have made great contributions to the development of human civilization..."

"Since the Industrial Revolution..."

"Since the mutation..."

The so-called summoning spell is the inscription on the monument of human heroes, and the specific effect of summoning the magic circle is to connect the monument, so that the power of the monument can be extended here.

In the formation, Daoist Qingwei had a wonderful feeling.

In the end, he put down the ancient sword in his hand, with the blade facing down, and fell to the ground. After touching the magic circle, the magic circle erupted with dazzling light, and the sword sank into the magic circle.

And in the magic circle, a person slowly floated up...

He is dressed in white clothes like a fairy, his eyebrows are as red as his eyes, his hair is chic and unrestrained, and there is a three-foot green sword hanging from his waist...

"Are you, my Master?"

Looking at real person Qingwei, Lu Zu asked.

Regarding this, Master Qingwei clasped his fists and saluted, and said: "Master Patriarch, please accept Qingwei's respect."

Lu Zu didn't care about Daoist Qingwei's salute, but looked at the sky and the world around him, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, then slowly opened them, and said: "So, this is A world where fantasy descends..."

"Master, can you please protect me for half a day first?"

"Lu Mou, I want to become a big Luo first."

Master Qingwei: "...Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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