Chapter 433

Since the first emperor Mount Tai enshrined Zen, there is no one with the highest talent in cultivating immortals in the world than Lu Zu.

The end of the Tang Dynasty, the era of the end of the Dharma.

The aura of heaven and earth has been extinct, and what cultivators do is to find a blessed place, and use the aura remaining in the world to practice. Under such a difficult environment, it is almost impossible to ascend.

However, Lu Zu did it.

In the mind world, there is a saying that Lu Zu is a celestial being and a man in heaven. This is not a fiction, but a simulation of history. The deduction believes that Lu Zu really completed his ascension in the Dharma-ending era.

However, ascension at that time was like seeking death.


Lu Zu reappeared in the world in the form of a heroic spirit. For him, the environment of heaven and earth at this time is just like the dragon returning to the sea and achieving great Luo in half a day, which is definitely not an empty statement.

Daoist Qingwei has no doubts.

It's just that through the system of the Battle of the Jade Emperor, he can see some abilities about Lu Zu.

Name: Lu Zu

Cultivation: Celestial (+++)

Job Description: Saber Swordsman
Inherent skills: [Immortal Talent, Dao Bone, Unique in the World (EX)], [Ancestor of the Sword Immortal (S)]

Noble Phantasm: [Three million sword immortals in the sky, you must lower your eyebrows when you see me (A)].

Looking at the short main page, Master Qingwei found that this was somewhat different from the anime his apprentice told him.

Although there are still seven job agents, but this time there are fourteen people participating, and the same job agent will basically have another person. Then, there is no such attributes as muscle strength and agility, and they are all condensed into one cultivation level.

Then regarding the ratings of skills and treasures, I used the usual ones, and there were S grades.

Looking at the three plus signs behind Lu Zu's cultivation base, it should indicate that Lu Zu's cultivation base is rapidly improving. Although it is the same as in the anime, there are three command spells that can be used.

However, followers have the right to refuse.

If he refuses to obey the command spell, the servant will return to the monument, and the master will have to fight alone for the rest of the battle.

After all, the Empire doesn't want any bad things to happen to Heroic Spirits.

Should it be said that it is an inherent skill of the EX level?It takes half a day to advance to the Daluo realm, and the combat power has been greatly improved. This time, it should be relatively safe to enter the top five.

of course.

Daoist Qingwei didn't know, if the Lu Zu he summoned appeared as a Master Caster, I'm afraid Lu Zu would say that he will become a Hunyuan in three days...

Different job agencies appear in the world, and the emphasis on abilities will be slightly different.


As the master who first landed to summon the heroic spirit, Master Qingwei has already recruited the first heroic spirit in this battle. The other masters must also speed up to summon the heroic spirit first.

After landing, in a relatively hidden valley.

Ning Fei had already drawn the summoning circle. While chanting the summoning spell, he poured a tube of golden blood on the ground, and the summoning circle soon burst into a sky-high light.

This vision made everyone else look sideways.

In this regard, Ning Fei scratched his head, the covert work was for nothing... Huh?

While thinking about hidden things, Ning Fei suddenly realized that something was wrong, his true energy... was passing a little too fast, right?During the discussion in the meeting before, I was looking for a powerful heroic spirit.

I forgot, the more powerful the heroic spirit, the greater the consumption...

"After 5000 years?"

In the summoning circle, a young boy with a slightly immature face appeared. He didn't ask the master anything, but just looked at the world of ice and snow, holding snowflakes in his hands, and murmured.

Ning Fei thought for a while, folded his fists and bowed.

Only then did Huang Di look at him, and said with a smile: "There is no need to be polite, you are my master now, and I, um, the time period when I was summoned was only a teenager, not a human emperor. Huang, it should be Li He."


Ning Fei straightened up, and while nodding, he was a little puzzled: "Youth?"

Huang Di smiled and said: "It seems that you don't like watching anime very much. If you know "FATE", you will know that the Academy of Sciences was lazy this time and directly borrowed the settings."

"So, the heroic spirit summoned may be from various periods before him."

"The time is different, the relative temperament is also different, and the ability will also be different. Of course, the memories of his life are all owned, so I know what happened next."

"Oh, don't be surprised."

"I have a treasure named [God of Omnipotence]. Probably, it's because of Yu Ze, who I used to be a saint. I can know everything and understand its principles."

"Well, you don't have to worry, I'll be able to solve the problem of true qi soon."

"Let me draw a spirit gathering array first."

Ning Fei didn't need to speak anymore, the Yellow Emperor already knew what was in his mind, he jumped out of the summoning circle with some excitement, came to an open space, and drew a few golden lights casually, and the spirit-gathering formation was quickly completed.

Then, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged in...

Looking at all this, Ning Fei silently swallowed his saliva, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, the protagonists of this war are still heroic spirits, and their masters have little effect on the victory of the war."

"Not so."

As soon as Ning Fei thought about it, the Yellow Emperor over there smiled and said: "That's not the case. Among the masters this time, there are several people with strong fighting power. If they cooperate with each other, some of them can exert an effect of 1+1 greater than 2." .”

"Furthermore, what the follower does requires the support of the master's true energy."

"On my side, because I am a mage, the pressure on you, Master, will be relatively small. If I appear in the world at the sword level, your true energy, Master, may not be able to support a battle."

"This is consumption at the Da Luo level."

Yes, it is only the realm of Daluo. The Yellow Emperor in his youth had only this realm, not the one who had become the Emperor of Human Beings in his middle age, as a saint of the human race.

Of course, in this battle of the Jade Emperor, it is impossible for people to summon the complete Yellow Emperor.

In that case, there is no way to fight.

The strongest combat power humans have ever encountered today is only at the Hunyuan level, and Hunyuan often has it, but saints don't often have it. Although it is only one level behind, it is indeed a natural barrier.

Even Li He now has an advantage in playing Hunyuan in one-on-two.

But when you meet a saint, there is nothing you can do.

In fact, it is not that the empire does not allow summoning, but that it is impossible to summon at all. Although the monument to human heroes has become a miracle, its power is not enough to interfere with the level of a saint.

Being able to summon the Yellow Emperor is also thanks to the Yellow Emperor's willingness to appear.

Otherwise, even the juvenile body cannot be summoned...

After talking about consumption, Huangdi also absorbed part of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, turned around with a smile and asked, "Oh, by the way, my daughter, how are you doing now?"

Ning Fei: "Very good."

Well, now that the Yaozu has also become part of the empire, the empire has always respected the female fairies, and thinking about it, they haven't done anything bad, so it should be good, right?

(End of this chapter)

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