I might be a little strong

Chapter 434 The Joyful Heroic Spirits

Chapter 434 The Joyful Heroic Spirits
"This era is more suitable for that child."

"She's not fit for war."

"The heavy responsibility of the Drought God is indeed too heavy for her. Now that she can enjoy an ordinary life, it is very good."

"The Yaozu has finally left the god position, I can only be happy."

"How can you be dissatisfied?"

The Yellow Emperor said that, as the emperor, he is naturally on the side of humans. Now humans are doing very well, and they have hope for the victory of this war. He is very happy.

Ning Fei looked at the Yellow Emperor, and suddenly remembered that Jishi Mountain belonged to the Emperor...


"I can't summon Jishi Mountain. Although I know its location, you should not be able to summon it. It should have woken up when it was sleeping and mutating."

"Now, no one can find it."

"God of omniscience and omnipotence? Oh, the power of the treasure is not the power of a saint after all, it will have a limit. Regarding the location of Jishi Mountain, I can't read it."

Well, Ning Fei found out that this Human Sovereign is really convenient to communicate with.

Needless to say, he already knows everything, and is happy to give you the answer. Well, not only giving the answer, but he is also actively making suggestions. He is very interested in this battle of the Jade Emperor.

It's like... encountering a fun game?
Name: Xuanyuan's
Cultivation level: Daluo Jinxian (+)

Job Description: Caster (Mage)
Inherent skills: [Mechanism (EX)], [Sage (B)]

Noble Phantasms: [God of Omniscience (EX)], [Pioneer of Civilization (EX)]


[Mechanism Technique (EX)]: The Yellow Emperor has a unparalleled mechanism technique, which can endow wood, stone, gold and iron with spirituality, and refine them into familiar demons or equipment that can be driven.

[Sage (B)]: Possesses great wisdom and can enlighten others.

[God of omniscience and omnipotence (EX)]: The legend of the saint of the human race, based on the omniscient and omnipotent ability possessed by the saint, the interference across dimensions and time forms a treasure that can know everything and do everything.

[Pioneer of Civilization (EX)]: Human civilization has been reborn in his hands, and he has embarked on the only hopeful path to victory. So far, he knows everything about human civilization and can drive it.


People are different, and heroic spirits are also different. Ning Fei summoned the Yellow Emperor, and basically all the contestants noticed the formation.

Not everyone cares, though.

Tiandao didn't care, just glanced at it, and then began to draw the summoning circle. His holy relic was not so precious, but a piece of jade wat.

Zhao Yun once used it.

In other words, in a world full of gods and demons, what can one summon a general from the Three Kingdoms do?Probably, it was just that the adventure group he joined wanted to see that Chang Shan Zhao Zilong.

Without thinking too much, Tiandao let go of the jade wat.

In fact, even if he didn't have followers, he would try his best to enter the top five. He wanted to see what else existed in the universe, whether it was a powerful monster or a powerful alien enemy.

Use this to sharpen the knife in your hand...

"Changshan Zhao Zilong, meet the lord!"

Just when he was thinking a little further, the summoning had been completed. In the light, a tall and handsome general in silver armor was standing there on one knee with a silver spear on his back.

This is the unparalleled tiger general of Shu.

It's just that the Tiandao didn't have too much trouble, he said lightly: "I'm not the lord, if you want to fight with me, just call my companion."

"This is not the battlefield you used to be."

"Here, what we have to face may be many powerful gods in myths and legends."

Hearing Tiandao's words, Zhao Yun was a little stunned, and then said with a hearty smile: "It's okay, it's not that Yun has never fought against demons and immortals, just take orders from the lord."

Zhao Yun didn't change his title, and Tiandao didn't bother to correct him.

He nodded and said, "Then, let's go to fight."


Name: Zhao Yun

Cultivation: Celestial (++)

Job Description: Lancer (Lancer)
Inherent Skill: [Guardian (A)]

Noble Phantasms: [Seven in and seven out (C)], [Jianlong unarmor (B)]


[Lord Protector (A)]: When you are beside the lord, your combat power will be improved, and all attacks the lord receives will have a dodge judgment, and the judgment probability is 50%.

[Seven in and seven out (C)]: Changbanpo became famous all over the world in the first battle, and turned it into a legendary treasure. Zhao Yun will not be bound by any effect. Every time he travels through the battlefield, his combat power will increase.

[Jianlong Disarming Armor (B)]: Until the last moment of life, I will never regret what I have done in this life, a life without regrets, a gun without regrets, take life as strength, and make the strongest blow.


Various heroic spirits were summoned one after another, but not all of them went smoothly. For example, Saito Asako hesitated after drawing the summoning circle.

Not because he was afraid of offending him by calling Li He out, but...

What kind of holy relic is this?


Legend has it that at the beginning of the mutation, Li He jumped from the third floor and was pierced by a nail, so he went to the hospital to see a doctor, but the injury was healed when he arrived at the hospital.

This is the information obtained by Quan Fusang after investigating Mr. Li and His Excellency.

And that nail was also included early. Now, using this nail as a holy relic, can you really summon His Excellency Li He?

Try it……

It seems that if the holy relic is invalid, it will randomly summon a heroic spirit that is more compatible with itself, right?It's just that because of the lack of holy relics, the strength of the followers will be weakened to a certain extent.

"Since Mutation...Immortality."

After singing, Saito Asako let go of the bloody nail in his hand, and the nail fell into the magic circle. Then, a faint aura erupted. The magic circle was very difficult, and a hero was summoned...

"Long time no see, Saito."

The Heroic Spirit who appeared opened his eyes, looked at his Master, and greeted him with a smile.

Saito Asako looked at the attribute panel of this servant, showing a distressed smile. How should I put it, she indeed summoned His Excellency Li He, but something seemed wrong?

Name: Li He

Cultivation: Monk (+++)

Job Description: Acher (Archer)
Inherent skill: [Psychic Source Flow (EX)]

Noble Phantasm: [Sword coming (B)]

It is true that Saito Qianxin has indeed summoned Li He, but unlike the future heroic spirit she summoned in her imagination, the Li He she summoned is the one who just went to Fusang a year ago...

Can it be used?

(End of this chapter)

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