I might be a little strong

Chapter 440 is he is he is him

Chapter 440 is he is he is him

"Look at me."

Nezha smiled confidently. He is not only a mythical hero, but also a real historical hero. He contributed a lot in the First Battle of the Conferred Gods and made great achievements for the Great Zhou.

Unlike the Great Sage who manifested in the unsuitable Berserker class, he manifested in the best class.

He has the Fire Point Spear, Hot Wheels, Huntian Silk, and Qiankun Circle.

Therefore, there is no problem with the marksmanship that fell from the sky!

The Hot Wheels appeared under his feet, and Nezha disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, he had bypassed the laser attack network and those giant soldiers, and appeared directly above the Yellow Emperor.

One shot, fell from the sky.


The fire-pointed spear pierced the barrier as he wished, but the breakthrough that Nezha had imagined did not appear. The fire-pointed spear pierced the barrier and only lit up a shining spot.

The barrier shows no sign of breaking at all...

"How, how is it possible..."

The Giant God Soldier and the laser bombardment had already arrived, Nezha didn't dare to wait any longer, and drove the Hot Wheels out of the way for an instant, he said loudly: "It's useless, I can't break his barrier."

He is a Golden Immortal with cultivation, strength, speed, and treasures, all of which are top Nezhas, but he still can't break through his defenses.

As a mage, is the Yellow Emperor cheating too much?
In the enchantment, the Yellow Emperor smiled and said: "It's normal if it can't be broken, the energy of the fusion core of spirit particles is equivalent to a hundred suns, you must have an attack that breaks the galaxy to be able to shake the defensive enchantment it unfolds. "

"For now, among you, there is no such ability."

When the Yellow Emperor said this, everyone's brows became more obscure, but not everyone was like this. Gong Beihai looked at his followers, frowned and said: "If the Overlord can be approached without harassment, this enchantment will He can open it."

"I consume a command spell, which can barely provide the necessary qi."

This is actually the case. The stronger the heroic spirit, the more true energy it needs. If the master is not strong enough, it cannot be supplied. Gong Beihai has a King Kong state, and the gene liberation rate is 88%, but it is difficult to support Xiang Yu's consumption.

[Strengthening the mountain and overwhelming the world] This EX-level treasure, if you want to release it, you must consume the command spell.

If Gong Beihai released three command spells at once to replenish his true energy, Xiang Yu could fight with all his strength for 5 minutes, which was the consumption of the overlord.

Duosang's side is better.

He is the reincarnation of a Living Buddha, and he already has the Innate Diamond Realm and the Innate Finger Profound Realm, and he has the two innate realms as a base. Although the gene liberation rate is only 72% for the time being, his true energy is huge and he returns quickly.

Can support Nezha's ordinary battles.

However, if you want to liberate Nezha's full body combat power, that's not enough. )], [Three heads and six arms (S)].

Compared with Xiang Yu, Nezha still needs to eat his true energy.

Even if Duo Sang uses all three Command Spells, he still can't support Nezha's full state...

It was also based on these restrictions that the Yellow Emperor said that there would be no existence on the scene that could break through the defensive barrier. If you try your best, you can try it, but few of them are bitter and hateful.

Duo Sang thought for a while and said with a smile: "Let's wait a little longer, Master Gong."

Wait, wait until other heroic spirits come over. If there are more people, everyone will not need to consume so much. Maybe someone has the ability to specifically target the enchantment?

Just in time, let's take a look at the strength of all parties in this game.

Then consider the output situation.

Although I don't think there will be a heroic spirit stronger than the Yellow Emperor in this match, but what if...

"Your Mightiness???"

Everyone was shocked when Saito Asako took Li He on the stage. Li He was not in Blue Star at the moment, and everyone knew that he had gone on a long-distance voyage on the sky seat.

Moreover, counting it over again, it is indeed short of a heroic spirit.

Naturally, the last existence could not be Saito Asako, and there was only one answer, and that was... Li He was summoned as a heroic spirit.

Some people were shocked, while others were calm.

Ren Wei was quite calm, he said: "Calm down, Li He is not perfect, and now his strength is at the time when he just went to Fusang, so it is not scary."

Shang Yunni raised her hand and said, "I testify, I just kicked him out."

Everyone: "..."

In the eerie silence, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Li He was not a complete body. Otherwise, there would be no need to fight this war. They would not feel this way when facing the Yellow Emperor.

Regarding this, the Yellow Emperor smiled and said: "As expected of the next emperor who has proved the Tao through martial arts, this invincibility is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

Under everyone's attention, Li He shrugged and said, "At least not now, I was chased away by an assassin just now, and among all the heroic spirits here, I should be at the bottom."

Li He said so, but no one dared to underestimate him.

As Mao Jiajun's follower, Zhuge Liang came out of the crowd and said: "The strength of a heroic spirit has a lot to do with the master. Your Excellency Li He just lacks enough true energy."

"Or, even if you don't have real anger, if you want."

"It can also explode with the power to destroy that enchantment."

"Unknown Zhuge Kongming possesses the inherent skill of [Seeing Through (B)]. In my opinion, among all the heroes, only Li He and His Excellency can break the barrier most easily."

Zhuge Liang wanted Li He to work, but Li He would not do it.

For him, the Battle of the Jade Emperor this time was more about his state of logging into Bai Yujing. It was not his physical strength, but limited by the power of the monument. His mental strength was really only at the level of a year ago.

Even if the source of the body is the full version after ascension.


At most one second, he who has not ascended, can persist for at most one second, and then he will faint. In this case, Zhuge Liang asked him to open the source of energy, isn't it a lie?

He hasn't thought about leaving yet.

"No, no, I'll just watch the show, you guys play first." Li He directly refused. After all, he has a nuclear bomb in his hand, and now he wants to paddle, who can force him to do so?
Seeing that Li He shouldn't, everyone thought that Zhuge Liang should have a clever move.

He looked at him, Zhuge Liang smiled faintly, and said: "Since Your Excellency does not want to do our best, then we can only cooperate with each other in order to defeat the Yellow Emperor."

"Zilong, this battle depends on you."

Zhuge Liang's words surprised everyone, after all, there were so many heroes present, whether it was Xiang Yu, Nezha, Liu Xiu, Lu Zu, or Chong.

With so many heroes, Zhuge Liang chose Zhao Yun?

Even the Heavenly Knife didn't believe it, but the Yellow Emperor in the barrier smiled and said, "As expected of Mr. Zhuge, well, since Mr. has guessed it, let's start."

"Let me show you, the power of Mechanism."

(End of this chapter)

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