I might be a little strong

Chapter 441 Abnormal Archers

Chapter 441 Abnormal Archers
The Yellow Emperor, who appeared in the form of a heroic spirit in this era, is actually stronger than when he was a teenager.

Because, this is the progress of the times, this is the power of the entire civilization, after the emergence of the world, [Pioneer of Civilization (EX)] let him understand the principles and applications of all sciences known to mankind.

Therefore, just the fusion core of spiritual particles has increased the energy he can use by countless orders of magnitude.

In the prehistoric era, all he could do was to make the operation of the spiritual veins more efficient. Even though the spiritual veins of the entire world were integrated, it seems that it has only achieved a superficial application.

Now, he only extracted the spiritual veins under Antarctica.

The spiritual fusion core produced is equivalent to the entire spiritual power of a small world. This kind of power, coupled with the improvement of the technological level, shows the combat power...

It can only be described as horror.

Countless buildings unfolded into silos, millions of rockets flew into the sky, more factory gates opened, and mechs swarmed out like a torrent.

After the rocket rain, there is a cluster of fighter planes covering the sky and the sun.

Those flexible small spirit fighters, after being charged, do not need to carry ammunition. Through the internal rune engine, they can be directly transformed into plastic weapons and fire light cannons.

All mechs are like this.

Their weapons are all plastic weapons. After they appeared, when everyone was still in a daze, a salvo appeared, and everyone saw the overwhelming light cannons coming...

"Come on, what a joke!"

Elizabeth couldn't help but said in fear, although she was mentally prepared for this competition, this scale is no longer a competition, right?Is it Star Wars? ! !

"Shock it, let's do it later."

In the shock, Elizabeth had forgotten to defend herself, which made Li Bai a little troubled. He had to stand in front of his master, struggling to resist the intensive bombing.

The sword, like a streamer of light, continuously shattered the incoming light cannons.

This kind of swordsmanship can be called a miracle.

However, even if it is a miracle, Li Bai is not easy. This kind of attack is too intensive. If his master does not escape, it will be completely over when the encirclement takes shape.

Li Bai reminded Elizabeth to react.

She gritted her teeth and hurriedly evacuated. Only then did she have time to look around, and then she was stunned.

She saw Xiang Yu roaring and launching a more violent charge at the Giant God Soldiers under the intensive bombardment, and she saw Monkey King leaping up with a roar, and falling with a stick, smashing tens of thousands of mechs to death.

However, those damaged mechas were quickly attached to the intact ones, and in an instant, a combined giant mecha appeared...

She saw that she was standing in front of her master, and blocked the overwhelming attack with her body alone. She saw that with a touch of Lu Zu, nothing could get close. In this battlefield, she was at ease...

It seems that quite a few players and heroic spirits are very calm.

Not only was he calm, but his eyes were full of fighting intent. After unfolding the protective cover, Zhuge Liang even said: "This kind of battlefield is the most suitable for Zilong."

"In this situation where no one is willing to hand over their cards."

"Zilong is the only one who can reach the goal."

After Zhuge Liang said this, Zhao Yun, who was dodging in the laser rain over there, couldn't help but complained: "Prime Minister, it's not good for you to only cheat your own people? I can't last until that time with such an attack!"

Zhuge Liang: "It's okay, there are so many heroes here, they will help share the firepower."

"Ah, it will drive people..."

Zhao Yun said distressedly, but the movements of his hands did not stop, and his eyes became more and more resolute. This kind of battlefield is indeed the most suitable for him. Although his treasure [seven in and seven out (C)] is of very low level .

However, there is an advantage.

That is, there is no upper limit. Although the buff he gets every time he shuttles through the battlefield is not large, but if the number of shuttles is enough, the cumulative bonus will be extremely terrifying!

Human Sovereign, let's take a look at the martial arts in the era of disappearing aura!

Zhao Yun, charge again!

Regarding this, Huang Di was extremely calm, and instead smiled approvingly: "Indeed, if other people want to break through my defensive barrier, they must use their trump cards, but only Zhao Yun continues to strengthen."

"For this war, it is quite a good plan."

"However, do you really care about the rockets I launch? Once they all enter space orbit, they will be combined into space-based weapons."

"That's at the antimatter level."

As the big BOSS, Huang Di generously reminded the braves who challenged him that he is not so much participating in this war as enjoying and witnessing the strength of the heroes.

He wants to see stronger heroes.

Look at the road he opened for it, the starlight on the road for thousands of years!
Regarding Huangdi's reminder, Zhuge Liang did not panic, but shook his feather fan and said with a smile: "It is not so easy to go up into the sky. After all, in this war, there are heroic spirits who appear in the world with bow ranks."

Huang Di: "Oh?"

He smiled amusedly, and then looked at the two bow-rank heroic spirits present, Li He, and... Liu Xiu.

"Generally speaking, do people like to call you the Great Magister?"

The Yellow Emperor looked at Liu Xiu and said with a funny smile. Liu Xiu scratched his head in trouble and said, "This setting, I never like to recruit traditional archers. Being able to throw meteorites is also considered a long-range attack?"

After speaking, Liu Xiu pulled out the saber from his waist and pointed towards the sky.

"Correction, destiny!!"

Accompanied by his shout, meteorites began to appear in the sky, one, two, three... gradually became a rain of meteorites, overwhelming the sky, and correspondingly, those launched rockets were suppressed.

As Liu Xiu's master and a female major in the army, Zhao Yue felt that her true energy was drained instantly.

His legs went limp and he fell to the ground.

She raised her head stubbornly and asked, "Why don't you communicate with me if you want to use the treasure?"

Liu Xiu scratched her head and said, "This treasure of mine is just good-looking, and basically it can't cause effective damage. None of the heroic spirits here can be hit by meteorites."

"So, it's not bad to release it when it's useful."

"How about it, are these fireworks beautiful?"

Zhao Yue: "..."

She didn't know what to say for such a servant at the stall. It should be said that as the servants of the heroic spirit, none of them had a distinctive personality.

As masters, they just provided the true energy of their appearance.

It would be too naive to think that by doing so, he could surpass the heroes in these historical legends.

It's just, this guy, didn't he think about what to do after beating the Yellow Emperor?

With his true energy drained, Zhao Yue could only adjust his breathing and meditate, trying to recover quickly. In his current state, if other heroic spirits attacked them, he would be able to use the Command Spell.

Damn it, hurry up and finish it...

(End of this chapter)

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