Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 131 This is a trap

Chapter 131 This is a trap
When Jiang Yikun saw his daughter, he was relieved a lot, and then stepped forward and said, "What's going on?"

At this moment, Song Yinghao came over, holding a laptop in his hand, and put it on the desk and said: "Director Jiang, you should take a look at the situation at that time."

Song Yinghao replayed the moment when Zhao Long kicked the door, Jiang Yikun's face changed drastically when he saw the door was kicked down, he turned to look at Song Yinghao and said, "Remind comrades on duty outside to be careful, This man is dangerous."

The strength of Zhao Long's kick exceeded his imagination. If he kicked on someone, it might kill him.

"Don't worry, Director Jiang, everything has been arranged." Song Yinghao said.

Jiang Yikun stood there frowning and thinking for a while, then took out his mobile phone to make a call, but after thinking for a while, he put the phone away again.

"Old Song, is Zhao Long really related to Barr's disappearance?" Jiang Yikun asked suspiciously.

Song Yinghao was about to speak, when Jiang Xiaoai stepped forward and said, "Of course it has something to do with him. He must have killed Barr and then hid the body. Otherwise, how could he abscond in fear of crime?"

Song Yinghao sighed and shook his head, "According to the evidence we have now, it is not enough to judge that he did it. He must have other purposes for escaping in such a violent way."

Jiang Yikun nodded and said: "This matter must be taken very seriously. If there is any situation, please report to me immediately. Don't be careless."

Song Yinghao nodded solemnly and said, "I know."

Jiang Yikun didn't say much, then turned and walked outside.

Jiang Xiaoai said angrily: "It's obvious now that what happened to Barr was done by Zhao Long. Why didn't he summon all the police forces to search and arrest?"

Song Yinghao shook his head and smiled, "We are responsible for the safety of the people in the city, we cannot use all the police force on him."

Jiang Xiaoai pouted and said nothing, then returned to her desk and lay there again.

After Jiang Yikun left the big office, he went back to his own office directly. He locked the door, then stood in front of the window and thought carefully, and finally called out with his mobile phone.

"Leader, there is something I want to report to you." Jiang Yikun said respectfully.

"what's up?"

A slightly old voice came from the phone.

"Zhao Long is a bit unscrupulous in the city, and now we suspect that he is related to a person's disappearance. I am worried that he will do something out of the ordinary." Jiang Yikun said.

"Zhao Long? That person's disciple?"


"In this matter, you should turn a blind eye to it as much as possible, but you can't blindly condone it. If he really committed a heinous crime, then we can't save him. The scale is still up to you. "

"What if he really killed someone?" Jiang Yikun asked.

There was a pause on the phone for a while, and finally said: "It's still the same sentence, you can decide for yourself, I believe in you, no matter what, I will support you."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yikun was a little confused, but also a little moved. He sighed and muttered: "Zhao Long, I hope you don't play too much, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

At this time, Zhao Long woke up from the pool with a jerk, and saw that the time was already eleven o'clock in the morning, and Liu Hu should have arrived by this time.

Walking out of the pool, putting on his clothes, Zhao Long came outside.Since He Yan has a crystal card, Liu Hu must also use a crystal card, which means that they are in the same region.

When he came outside, Zhao Long was a little puzzled, because the waiters outside seemed to have disappeared, and the surroundings were quiet.

And he found a feature, no matter where he goes, the camera will move with him.

Zhao Long understood that he was being watched now, but Zhao Long did not panic, since he had come here, there was no turning back.

Zhao Long looked for one pool after another, and he found that every pool was empty, as if it was not open today.

He walked through the first area and came to the empty field in the middle, ready to go to the second area to find it, when a woman appeared in front of him.

I saw this person wearing black silk clothes, with a good figure, and looking at Zhao Long leisurely with his arms folded. This person is Qiong Yao, the owner of Qiongtian Villa.

Although Qiong Yao is nearly 20 years old, she is as tender as a [-]-year-old girl, making her heart beat faster when she sees it.

"What are you looking for?" Qiong Yao asked.

"Looking for someone." Zhao Long said calmly.

Qiong Yao smiled and said: "Zhao Long, I have heard of you, I know you are very smart and handsome, I still advise you, get out of here now."

Zhao Long chuckled, then looked at Qiong Yao seriously and said, "Are you with them? Where is Liu Hu, call him out."

Qiong Yao smiled charmingly, then leaned on a pillar beside her and said: "I said just now, you are very smart, if you don't leave now, then it's not smart, it's stupid."

Zhao Long didn't want to waste any more words with her, so he strode forward.

"Stop." Qiong Yao stood up straight and shouted, "Zhao Long, I'm giving you a chance, you should grasp it well."

"Thank you, no need." After Zhao Long finished speaking, he walked towards the third district. When he passed by Qiong Yao, he smelled a faint fragrance, which made people feel very comfortable.

"I hope you can walk out alive today." Qiong Yao glanced at Zhao Long with some pity and said.

Zhao Long didn't stop and continued to walk forward, he was going to make a decision with Liu Hu today.

There is a large venue at the junction of the second district and the third district, surrounded by small wooden buildings, the decoration is very classical, and it blends in with the surrounding mountains, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Standing in the very center of the small square, Zhao Long had the illusion that the murderous aura around him was rushing towards him.

"Come out, I know you're here." Zhao Long yelled.

At this moment, two people appeared on the second floor, one of them was Liu Hu, and the other was He Yan.

When He Yan saw Zhao Long, her eyes flickered and she dared not look directly at Zhao Long.

Zhao Long understood that He Yan must have given Liu Hu's permission to give him the crystal card, and they deliberately set up a trap here, waiting for Zhao Long to throw himself into the trap.

As for the relationship between her and Zhao Long, Liu Hu definitely didn't know about it. Who could tolerate his girlfriend sleeping with other men?

Zhao Long did not expose it, but looked directly at Liu Hu and said, "Why? Why did you treat me like this? We used to be sworn brothers, and I went to jail for you?"

Zhao Long made up his mind to abolish Liu Hu today, but when he actually faced Liu Hu, he softened his heart a little. After all, they had sworn brothers before, and they knelt in front of Guan Erye and made an oath. Seeking to die in the same year, same month and same day, but today we have to meet each other with swords and swords.

"Why?" Liu Hu sneered and said, "If I have to say one reason, it is that you are too stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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