Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 132 In Distress

Chapter 132 In Distress
Liu Hu's eyes were full of disdain, and he looked at Zhao Long as if he was looking at a slut.

"Zhao Long, should I say you are a sb, or a sb, I have been using you from the beginning to the end, and you haven't noticed it. Do you think I really want to befriend you? A joke, just because you still want to be with you I worship my brother, let's dream." Liu Hu said unscrupulously.

Zhao Long took a deep breath and nodded. Liu Hu said so, but he felt a lot more relaxed, at least he didn't feel guilty.

Zhao Long himself knew that he was really stupid before, so stupid that he couldn't understand Liu Hu's true face at all. At that time, he only knew about love and hatred, and he only knew how to do things for his brothers.

"Since you said that, then I have nothing to say." After Zhao Long finished speaking, he took off his shirt, touched his pants unconsciously, his eyes hesitated, but he let go.

On the side of his leg, there is a purple dagger. The dagger is five centimeters wide and thirty centimeters long. I planned to bring it, but I thought it might be dangerous today, so I brought it.

Liu Hu stood on it and laughed loudly, then pointed at Zhao Long and shook his head, "Zhao Long, you are too naive, since I dare to stand here, do you think I am not prepared?"

After Liu Hu finished speaking, many people suddenly appeared from the surroundings. These people were uniformly dressed in black and baggy and armed with machetes in their hands.

The surrounding area was filled with darkness, and there were at least 40 people.

On the second floor, Deng Wanli, Yang Tianchao, Sun Zhenyao, and Wu Yong appeared next to Liu Hu, and they all looked at Zhao Long with mocking eyes.

"Zhao Long, you don't know yet. I arranged all of this. From the day Yang Tianchao came to Xingyun Bar and told you about Wang Zicheng, I knew there would be such a day. I thought you would be in Wu Yong But you were smart and didn't choose there. But then I asked He Yan to ask you out."

Liu Hu said, then stroked He Yan's head caressingly, and said, "In the end, you really got tricked. Do you think my He Yan has one heart with you?"

He Yan stood there laughing with her, she was really worried that Zhao Long would tell the story of the two having sex.

Liu Hu laughed happily, he had waited too long for this day, ever since the day he became sworn brother with Zhao Long, he had been on guard against Zhao Long, worried that Zhao Long would take his place.

When Zhao Long offered to go to prison, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still worried. Until today, he can finally feel relieved.

He wanted to see Zhao Long's terrified look, he wanted to see Zhao Long kneeling in front of him begging for mercy, but he was disappointed because Zhao Long's face was calm and fearless.

"Zhao Long, now I will give you a chance. As long as you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy, I can give you a happy life, and let you spend your whole life in a wheelchair just like your good brother Wang Zicheng." Liu Hu excitedly road.

The people around also laughed, Wu Yong stepped forward and shouted: "Zhao Long, I admire you very much, as long as you are willing to follow me, I can take you away now."

Deng Wanli turned his head and snorted coldly, "Wu Yong, what do you mean?"

Yang Tianchao also glared at Wu Yong, no matter what, they will abolish Zhao Long today.

"Haha, Zhao Long, what's the matter? Have you thought it over? Don't look at them all looking at me coldly. I don't care about them. As long as you say a word, I will take you away." Wu Yong said straightforwardly.


As soon as he finished speaking, Deng Wanli directly pulled out a knife, the meaning was obvious, as long as Wu Yong bravely took Zhao Long away, he would kill Wu Yong first.

Wu Yong glanced at Deng Wanli disdainfully, and said with a cold snort, "Why, are you not convinced?"

"I will convince you? A joke." Deng Wanli said coldly.

Although Deng Wanli was only Liu Hu's bodyguard, he had a high status in the organization, and he was usually on an equal footing with Yang Tianchao and the others.

And what Wu Yong usually dislikes most is people like Deng Wanli and Yang Tianchao, and he has never taken them seriously. No matter when, he has never been afraid of these two people.

"Okay, how about we practice first." Wu Yong rolled up his sleeves and said.

"Practice, practice. Whoever loses will kneel on the ground and call grandpa." Deng Wanli said with staring eyes.


Liu Hu suddenly yelled, and then said coldly: "You two treat me like air?"

Both Deng Wanli and Wu Yong snorted coldly, and then stood back to their original positions. Although they were arrogant, they were still very afraid of Liu Hu.

"Brother Hu, what are you going to do with him?" He Yan asked, holding Liu Hu's arm.

He Yan and Zhao Long had a romantic relationship, and they each wanted what they needed, but after the relationship, He Yan found that she had fallen deeply in love with Zhao Long.

Zhao Long's thick shoulders, standard figure, and the key is that tough little Zhao Long, which fascinated him so much that he couldn't extricate himself, and would fall asleep thinking about Zhao Long every night.

Now that Zhao Long is facing life and death, she really hopes that Zhao Long can get out alive, as long as it doesn't affect the activities below, everything will be fine.

"What? Distressed?" Liu Hu touched He Yan's chin and said.

He Yan smiled softly, then patted Liu Hu on the chest and said: "No way, he belongs to you, how could you feel sorry for others, I am afraid that people outside will say that you are too cruel, and you are so cruel to your own brothers. "

"He's not my brother, my brothers are all standing here." Liu Hu looked around and laughed.

He Yan didn't say much, because she had a ghost in her heart, and she was afraid that if she said too much, it would arouse Liu Hu's suspicion.

"Brother, I have long disliked Zhao Long. Since Zhao Long is dead anyway, why don't you let me practice my hands." Deng Wanli rubbed his hands together.

Zhao Long's ability to fight is well-known and recognized in the Dao. If Zhao Long can be defeated here, his status in the Dao will definitely be higher.

Wu Yong snorted coldly and said, "Deng Wanli, everyone knows what you are planning. Now that Zhao Long is surrounded, first of all he has a psychological disadvantage, and he knows that he has no way to escape. It must be because of his heart." As dead ashes, wouldn't it be an advantage for you to fight him at this time."

"Go if you want, do you dare?" Deng Wanli sneered.

Deng Wanli did have plans in this regard. Now that Zhao Long was surrounded, his mind must have been messed up, and his skills would definitely be affected.

"You think I dare not?" Wu Yong snorted coldly, "I am waiting for Zhao Long's choice. If he chooses to follow me, I will take him away."

Wu Yong naturally has his own plans. Although Zhao Long's era has passed, it has been glorious after all. As long as he takes Zhao Long in, his influence on the Tao will instantly expand.

Wu Yong was able to accept someone who even Liu Hu couldn't accept, which shows that he is more capable than Liu Hu.

Although he also knew that Liu Hu would not agree, but he couldn't care so much at this time.Everyone wants to be the boss, and Wu Yong is no exception.

Don't look at him usually careless, in fact, he has plans in his heart, and he has long intended to rebel against Liu Hu...

(End of this chapter)

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