Chapter 136
Yang Tianchao knew Zhao Long's skills. Although Zhao Long looked a little embarrassed now, Yang Tianchao knew that he was definitely not Zhao Long's opponent.

Even if there is self-knowledge, then I don't bother to go down and lose face.

Therefore, he wanted to apply to Liu Hu to see if he could not go on.

But now Liu Hu is angry, no matter what method he uses, he will take Zhao Long down.

"You won't listen to me?" Liu Hu said with a cold look at Yang Tianchao.

Yang Tianchao quickly shook his head and said, "Brother Hu, don't get me wrong, I will carry out all your orders unconditionally, and I will go down now."

After Yang Tianchao finished speaking, he walked downstairs. When he passed by Wu Yong, he snorted coldly and said, "If you don't go down, why do you want to disobey Brother Hu's order?"

Wu Yong glanced at Yang Tianchao and said, "Brother Hu wants you to go down by yourself, and I will do it when you are disabled by Zhao Long."

"You go down too, the two of you quickly deal with Zhao Long." Liu Hu said coldly.

Yang Tianchao smiled gloatingly, then strode downstairs.

Seeing that Liu Hu was resolute, Wu Yong didn't say much, and then walked down behind Yang Tianchao.

Seeing that Yang Tianchao and Wu Yong both came forward, the younger brothers below consciously stepped aside.

When they came downstairs, both Yang Tianchao and Wu Yong couldn't help frowning.I didn't feel much when I was upstairs, but standing below, there was a strong smell of blood that made my stomach sick.

Yang Tianchao and Wu Yong didn't dare to be careless, they stood in front of Zhao Long and stood guard at the back.

Zhao Long glanced at Wu Yong first and said, "You also want to fight with me?"

"Brother Hu asked me to do it, and there is nothing I can do about it, but don't worry, I won't sneak up on you like them. You can just use all your energy to deal with Yang Tianchao." Wu Yong said leisurely.

"You..." Yang Tianchao gritted his teeth angrily, he looked at Wu Yong viciously and said, "Which side are you on, Brother Hu is watching from above."

Wu Yong didn't care about this, he folded his arms and looked up at the sky, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

Zhao Long didn't care about these things, since Wu Yong stood on the opposite side of him, he was his enemy, so he walked towards Wu Yong first.

Seeing Zhao Long walking towards him, Wu Yong took two steps back and said, "Zhao Long, don't you understand what I said? Are you stupid?"

Zhao Long ignored him, but continued to walk towards him.

Wu Yong was careless on the surface, but in fact he was very sinister in his heart, so Zhao Long would not believe his words.

Seeing this, Yang Tianchao laughed and said, "This is called self-inflicted evil."

Wu Yong was too lazy to talk, and then kept backing away. After watching the battle just now, Wu Yong knew that he was definitely not Zhao Long's opponent.

"Hey, Zhao Long, are you crazy?" Wu Yong couldn't care less about this anymore, he ran around the field without any intention of fighting Zhao Long at all.

Zhao Long was speechless, he didn't want to waste time here, and then he raised his knife and prepared to go upstairs.

"Stop, are you ignoring me?" Yang Tianchao shouted while holding a knife.

Zhao Long gave him a contemptuous look, and then continued to walk up.

Yang Tianchao was so angry that he had the urge to vomit blood, he took a knife and slashed directly at Zhao Long from behind.

What Zhao Long was waiting for was now, he turned around quickly, and then slashed at Yang Tianchao with the same knife.Yang Tianchao knew that Zhao Long's speed was very fast, he quickly took two steps back to avoid Zhao Long's attack.

Liu Hu watched carefully upstairs, he knew that Wu Yong and Yang Tianchao didn't try their best, but just muddled things.

"Listen everyone, let's go together and kill Zhao Long." Liu Hu couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to solve the matter as soon as possible.

"Yes, let's go together. Now Zhao Long is at the end of his strength, so don't be afraid." Yang Tianchao stood below and shouted.

The people around were infected by Yang Tianchao's words, and then they raised their knives and slashed at Zhao Long.

"Stop, show mercy..."

Just when the war was about to break out, there was a loud cry from a distance, and the voice sounded like a boy.

Everyone turned their heads to look outside, only to see a handsome young man running over with a big iron rod on his shoulder.

The young man was tired and out of breath. Seeing everyone looking at him, he smiled and said, "Fortunately, I caught up with him. Keep someone under the sword. I have something to tell Brother Long, so please let me go first."

Everyone was very confused. They didn't know where this young man came from, but they all unconsciously made way for him.

"Why are you here, go back!" Zhao Long said coldly.

This person was Luo Cheng. Ever since the police went to the bar to look for Zhao Long, he knew that Zhao Long must have come here, so he took an iron rod and came to look for Zhao Long.

"Brother Long, I won't go back. You are in trouble now. How could I escape? I came here to help you today." Luo Cheng held up the iron rod and shouted to the surroundings: "Grandchildren, you, Grandpa Luo Cheng Here we go, now we can start."

Everyone was so angry that they almost vomited blood. After arguing for a long time, this kid came to die.

"Give it to me." Yang Tianchao shouted.

"Wait." At this time Luo Cheng yelled again, then turned to look at Zhao Long and said, "Brother Long, I think it's better to hand over the iron rod to you, this place is not suitable for me."

Luo Cheng handed the iron rod into Zhao Long's hands, then turned around and said with a smile: "I'm sorry to bother you, I want to leave here."

Everyone: "..."

"go to hell."

One of them was so angry that he slashed at Luo Cheng with a knife.

It's just that the man's knife hadn't touched Luo Cheng, when an iron rod hit the man's shoulder directly, making the sound of bones breaking.

"You go out, I'll deal with them." Zhao Long roared, and then rushed forward with an iron rod in hand, while Luo Cheng followed behind Zhao Long.

The two armies are facing each other, weapons are very important, now Zhao Long is holding a big iron rod, which is very thick, it is the nemesis of the blade, and the iron rod is very long, occupying a great advantage.

Zhao Long strode forward, and kept waving the iron rod. Because of the great force, the person hit by him fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

In less than two minutes, five people were already knocked down by iron bars, and at this time Zhao Long had already led Luo Cheng to the periphery.

"Stand here and watch." Zhao Long finished speaking, and then rushed towards the crowd with his stick.

Zhao Long went into a no-man's land with one stick, and the people around him were so frightened that they ran away, Wu Yong and Yang Tianchao stood far away and dared not go forward.

Just when Zhao Long was about to get close to the stairs, a dagger flew in and directly stuck in his leg.

Zhao Long suffered from pain in his leg, staggered and almost fell.

When the people around saw the opportunity coming, they took advantage of it and rushed forward.


Zhao Long gritted his teeth, then swung his stick and hit them directly on the legs, instantly five of them fell to the ground.

"Come on, who dares to stop me?" Zhao Long's eyes were bloodshot, he gritted his teeth, and was extremely crazy.

Seeing Zhao Long like this, the two people in front threw down their knives and ran away. They often fight, but they have never seen such a fight.

Wu Yong and Yang Tianchao also took two steps back unconsciously, for fear that Zhao Long would target them...

(End of this chapter)

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