Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 137 Brothers Betray

Chapter 137 Brothers Betray
The aura that Zhao Long erupted in an instant made everyone dare not approach, even Liu Hu who was standing upstairs took a step back in fright.

He didn't understand why Zhao Long's skills had improved so much after three years in prison.

In the past, Liu Hu and Zhao Long were brothers, and he knew Zhao Long's skills very well. Although he could fight, he was not so terrifying.

There were only a dozen people standing downstairs, and they were all overwhelmed by Zhao Long's aura, and they dared not go forward at all.

"Yang Tianchao, Wu Yong, what are you still doing in a daze, come on." Liu Hu shouted from above.

Now Zhao Long's abdomen and legs were injured, and his whole body was stained red with blood, but Zhao Long seemed to be beaten with chicken blood, showing no sign of fatigue.

Wu Yong said embarrassingly: "Brother Hu, it's not that I don't want to go up. Look at Zhao Long's current appearance, he is completely a Super Saiyan. If we go up, we are courting death."

Yang Tianchao hesitated for a moment, then nodded in the same way: "Brother Hu, let me see, let's teach him another day."

Liu Hu was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He had been preparing for today for too long, and now Yang Tianchao actually said that another day, he had the urge to kill someone.

"If you are still my Liu Hu's brothers, you can abolish him now. Whoever dares to work hard, don't blame me for turning your face and denying him afterwards." Liu Hu gritted his teeth.

Now that the critical period has come, Liu Hu is really worried that everything they have prepared will go to waste.

The people below were all frowning, Zhao Long looked like a murderer, they didn't dare to get close, but Liu Hu's order had to be carried out, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Zhao Long pointed at the surroundings with an iron rod, his face was stained with blood, and he looked very cold.

"I repeat again, today I must abolish Liu Hu. Whoever dares to stop me will be abolished first."

Zhao Long finished speaking coldly, then walked towards the stairs with his stick in hand.

When the two guards at the stairs saw Zhao Long approaching, they ran away in fright, they didn't want to touch this bad luck.

"Brothers, come on, what are you waiting for?" Yang Tianchao shouted with a knife.

Although the people around were eager to move, no one dared to step forward.

Wu Yong turned his head and looked at Yang Tianchao with contempt, and said, "If you don't go up yourself, let the brothers go up, what's your heart? I don't like you the most. Brothers, don't listen to him."

The people around began to hesitate, they looked at Liu Hu upstairs, then at Zhao Long, and finally everyone stood beside Wu Yong unconsciously.

Wu Yong felt an indescribable pleasure in his heart, as long as he persuaded him a little more, these people would be his subordinates in the future.As for Liu Hu, he is useless without a brother, it is better to let Zhao Long abolish Liu Hu today, so as to save trouble in the future.

"Do you want to rebel?" Liu Hu shouted from above.

Yang Tianchao also stared and said, "Wu Yong, what do you want to do? At a critical moment, we should all speak together."

"What am I doing? Hmph!" Wu Yong had made up his mind, he simply gritted his teeth and stood up, "I'm going to betray you today, what's wrong? Who can do anything to me?"

After his words came out, even Zhao Long was stunned, and everyone focused on Wu Yong.

Wu Yong stood up without hesitation and said, "Since the matter has come to this point, let me just say it straight, Liu Hu, I have long since disliked you."

Liu Hu was trembling with anger, he gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Wu Yong, you are courting death."

"Haha..." Wu Yong smiled crazily, looked at Liu Hu sharply and said, "I'm looking for death? Okay, you come to kill me, it's up to you?"

Seeing Wu Yong like this, Liu Hu knew it was irreversible, his mind was running fast, the plan for now was to stabilize Wu Yong first, and after today, he would deal with them.

"Yongzi, I usually treat you kindly and hand over the underground casino to you. Why do you do this? As long as you want, I can also hand over other business to you." Liu Hu said emotionally.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Wu Yong waved his hand and said: "Liu Hu, put away your tricks, it's useless to me. You gave me an underground casino, but you took away 80.00% of the casino's profits Now, you let me drink soup. As for your character, I can't even compliment you."

Wu Yong turned his head and glanced at Zhao Long and said, "Zhao Long used to be your life and death brother, and even went to jail for you, but today, you actually want to put him to death. I don't know how to be a wolf like you." followed."

"You..." Liu Hu was so angry that he almost lost his breath. He took a deep breath, then nodded and said, "Okay, Wu Yong, you did a good job."

"Of course I did well." There was a cold light in Wu Yong's eyes, he glanced around and snorted coldly: "As long as you don't obey me today, I will abolish him."

After he finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and called out, "Come in."

In less than 2 minutes, twelve people rushed in with machetes in their hands. I saw that these people were all tall and tall. Although there were only a dozen of them, they gave people a sense of oppression.

These twelve people were carefully selected by Wu Yong for the present.

"Liu Hu, what do you think of my brothers?" Wu Yong said in a good mood.

He was just preparing for these people, but he didn't expect to really use them. In this way, he still needs to thank Zhao Long.If Zhao Long hadn't defeated Liu Hu's main force, he really wouldn't have dared to show it.

"You, have you been prepared?" Liu Hu gritted his teeth and said.

"Of course, otherwise how can I take your place today." Wu Yong snorted coldly and said, "Liu Hu, don't make it so pitiful, you and I are the same people, you let Yang Tianchao monitor you every day Me, check and balance my development, you think I don't know."

Yang Tianchao snorted coldly, and shouted: "That's right, Brother Hu just told me to keep an eye on you. He already knew that you wanted to rebel, and it was as expected."

Wu Yong glanced at Yang Tianchao, sneered with contempt and said, "Brothers, keep an eye on that yellow hair for a while, we can't let him escape."


Yang Tianchao gritted his teeth, but there was no fear on his face, and he looked completely righteous, which surprised Zhao Long a little.

Zhao Long raised his head and glanced at Liu Hu, and found that Liu Hu was the same. Although he was a little anxious, he didn't show any panic.

He knew Liu Hu very well, and it stands to reason that things have developed to this point, Liu Hu should be terrified, but he still has a backup?

Thinking of this, Zhao Long was startled, and then he walked upstairs with his stick, no matter what, let's abolish Liu Hu first.

Wu Yong saw Zhao Long move from below, and he shouted excitedly: "Zhao Long, I still want to thank you today, as long as you abolish Liu Hu, I am willing to make sworn brothers with you, and from now on, we will be happy and happy. Be happy, no one can control us."

Liu Hu looked around, only He Yan and Sun Zhenyao were left.

Sun Zhenyao wore gold-rimmed glasses, and he just stood there quietly without saying a word, with a very calm expression on his face, as if this matter had nothing to do with him...

(End of this chapter)

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