Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 143 The meeting of the wind and clouds

Chapter 143 The meeting of the wind and clouds
The thing Sun Zhenyao was most afraid of happened. He was so frightened that he quickly took two steps back, looked at Meng San with a ferocious expression, and said, "You don't keep your promise."

Meng San looked at Sun Zhenyao jokingly and said, "We did tell you to go, but we didn't tell you how to get out. Now you kneel on the ground like a dog barking three times, and then crawl out."

"You are too deceitful." Sun Zhenyao gritted his teeth.

"Learning or not, this is your only chance to go out. If you don't grasp it well, then stay here." Meng San raised his head and said, "I can't guarantee that you will lose your arms and legs in a while."

Sun Zhenyao was in a dilemma now, he turned his head and glanced at Wu Yong, only to see that Wu Yong was supporting Zhao Long without looking at him.

"Haha, Zhao Long, have you seen it? This is his true face. He is like this, and this person named Wu Yong is also the same. Don't look at him supporting you now. After a while, he will give you behind his back. Knife." Li Yunxiong said excitedly.

"cnm, are you endless, did I let you talk?" Luo Cheng slapped Li Yunxiong fiercely, and then held the knife tighter.

Li Yunxiong didn't dare to say another word, and then stood there obediently.

"Li Yunxiong, if you let me go, I will never hold you accountable." Sun Zhenyao almost begged.

Li Yunxiong snorted coldly, he raised his head without saying a word.

But Meng San took a step forward and said: "It's useless for you to beg anyone now, do what I say to save you from death, or you will be disabled."

How can I say that Sun Zhenyao is also a respectable person, if he climbs out from here today, he will never even think about living in this city in the future.

After thinking about it again and again, Sun Zhenyao finally came back and stood beside Zhao Long and said, "Brother Long, I thought about it, I'd better stay by your side."

Everyone was a little speechless about Sun Zhenyao's thick skin, even Wu Yong said with disdain: "Four Eyes, do you want to be shameless, at worst, you will die, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Sun Zhenyao didn't blush, he just stood there as a matter of course.

"Brother Long, tell me what to do." Wu Yong supported Zhao Long and said.

He could feel that Zhao Long's health was very poor, and he was bleeding continuously. If he didn't go to the hospital, he might bleed to death.

Zhao Long knew his physical condition. Although he lost a lot of blood, he could still hold on for a while. He unconsciously touched the dagger on the side of his leg.

As long as it was there, it would not be a problem for Zhao Long to break out, but it would be difficult to take Luo Cheng away with him.

"Let us go." Zhao Long glanced at Li Yunxiong and said.

"You let me go first, as long as you let me go, I will let them get out of the way." Li Yunxiong said.

"Are you kidding me?" Zhao Long took the knife from Luo Cheng's hand, and then slashed at Li Yunxiong's shoulder with great force, bleeding profusely.

Li Yunxiong gritted his teeth and snorted, he was really afraid that Zhao Long would fight him desperately.

"Okay, I'll let you go." Finally Li Yunxiong compromised.

He glanced at Meng San, and then shouted, "Let them go."

Meng San was not reconciled, today was a good opportunity to get rid of Zhao Long and the others, how could they just let them go.

"Brother, we are letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and there will be no such chance in the future." Meng San shouted.

"You want to kill me?" Li Yunxiong said angrily, "I'm more important than they are, let him go quickly."

Meng San had no choice but to get out of the way. Although he often had opinions on Li Yunxiong, he still listened to Li Yunxiong at critical moments.

Holding an iron rod in one hand and a knife stuck in Li Yunxiong's neck in the other, Zhao Long walked slowly outside.

Sun Zhenyao had been following Zhao Long all the time, and he suddenly felt that it was the safest to follow Zhao Long.

Just when they were about to pass Meng San, Sun Zhenyao touched Wu Yong and signaled him that they could leave now.

In Sun Zhenyao's view, Wu Yong, like him, did not follow Zhao Long sincerely, but just a way to escape.

Wu Yong naturally knew what he meant, he snorted coldly and said: "Four Eyes, if you want to go, go by yourself, I have made up my mind, I will follow Brother Long from now on, no matter whether today is life or death, I will never change."

Seeing that Wu Yong had already made up his mind, Sun Zhenyao couldn't care less about it, and then ran outside. As long as he left here, everything would be fine.

"Hmph, a dog is a dog, no matter what time he can't change his **** nature." Li Yunxiong said contemptuously.

Zhao Long didn't pay attention to Sun Zhenyao, he didn't take this person seriously at all, no matter whether he left or not, it had nothing to do with Zhao Long, even if he was hacked to death by Meng San, Zhao Long would not take a second look.

Of course, Meng San also ignored Sun Zhenyao, his target was Zhao Long, and Sun Zhenyao ran away, but he just cursed and didn't chase after him.

Zhao Long and the others walked towards the door slowly, while Meng San and the others kept following behind. Whenever there was a chance, they would immediately rush to kill Zhao Long.

Just when they arrived at the first district, they found that Sun Zhenyao ran back from the outside again, with a terrified face, and stood beside Zhao Long.

Everyone was very puzzled. They didn't know why Sun Zhenyao had already escaped and why he would come back.It is impossible to say that he cares about Zhao Long's safety.

"Why are you back again? Have you been condemned psychologically?" Luo Cheng said contemptuously.

"Outside, there are a lot of people coming outside." Sun Zhenyao was anxious and incoherent.

But everyone still understood what he said, not only Wu Yong was shocked, but even Li Yunxiong was stunned.

At this moment, many people came from outside, it was so dark that it was impossible to tell how many there were, and there were still many people outside who did not come in.

"It's you." Li Yunxiong frowned.

I saw that the leader was a medium-sized person with small eyes and a wretched face. It was Liu Li.A well-known figure under Liang Zhentian's subordinates.

Zhao Long also knew this person. At that time, Liu Li and a younger brother planned to put Tan Jingru to sleep, but he happened to find out and rescued him.

Since then, Liu Li has always hated Zhao Long. If it weren't for the obstruction of the bald Wang Qiang, he would have brought people to smash Zhao Long's bar.

"Today is really lively, it seems that I came at the right time." Liu Li said excitedly.

He glanced at Zhao Long, and when he saw the blood all over Zhao Long's body, he knew that there had been a big battle here, and today he came here to reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

"Liu Li, your eldest brother and I are friends, and everything is under my control now, and I hope you don't interfere." Li Yunxiong said.


Liu Li couldn't help laughing, he pointed at Li Yunxiong and said, "Are you kidding me, everything is under your control, why can't I see, what is the knife on your neck for? Just kidding ?”

Li Yunxiong couldn't help but blushed, he glanced at Zhao Long, and then said in a low voice: "You'd better let me go now, or none of us will want to leave."

(End of this chapter)

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