Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 144 The first line of life and death

Chapter 144

The appearance of Liu Li broke all their plans, and Li Yunxiong became nervous. If it was just Zhao Long and the others, he would have the confidence to deal with it, but when Liu Li came, he was really a little apprehensive.

Liu Li was someone close to Liang Zhentian, and no one knew whether Liang Zhentian was here or not.

Liang Zhentian is the most powerful of the three forces, and Liang Zhentian often sees the head but does not see the tail, giving people a sense of mystery.

Li Yunxiong's saying that he and Liang Zhentian are good friends is actually an excuse. He hoped that Liu Li would understand the overall situation and not interfere in this matter, but obviously Liu Li came prepared.

"Zhao Long, you should know who he is. If you don't let me go now, neither of us will be able to leave today." Li Yunxiong whispered.

Meng San's people also stood nervously in the distance. Although they brought people here today, they were still very different from Liu Li's people.

Zhao Long did not let go of Li Yunxiong, but looked at Liu Li coldly and said, "What do you want?"

Liu Li laughed happily, then looked at Zhao Long jokingly and said, "Zhao Long, do you still know me? When you spoiled my good deeds, did you ever think that you would end up today?"

"Get out of the way." Zhao Long said coldly.

For this kind of people, Zhao Long didn't want to spend too much time talking to them.

"Get out of the way? You said it lightly." Liu Li sneered and said, "Today, none of you can leave easily."

Through their conversation, Li Yunxiong could judge that Liu Li and Zhao Long had a feud. He stood there and shouted: "Liu Li, I promise you whatever you want,"

"Cheerful, I just like Boss Li's character."

After Liu Li finished speaking, he waved his hand. At this time, a person came up from behind. He was wearing glasses and looked gentle. He took a lot of documents in his hands, and then came forward and handed them to Zhao Long and Li Yunxiong.

"What you are holding is the contract, as long as you sign it, you can leave here." Liu Li said simply.

Li Yunxiong glanced at the above content, his face suddenly changed, and then he snorted coldly: "Liu Li, you are too dark, you actually want to take over all our business, you know, I traded my life for all of this." here."

Liu Li said triumphantly: "I'm trading your life now, if you don't sign, you will die here today."

"You..." Li Yunxiong gritted his teeth aggressively, he turned to look at Zhao Long and said, "Let me go first, we have a common enemy now."

Zhao Long had no expression on his face, and then kicked Li Yunxiong's leg joints, making him kneel there.

Seeing this, Meng San raised his knife and was about to charge forward. After all, Li Yunxiong was his elder brother, and he couldn't just watch his elder brother being humiliated in front of everyone.

Zhao Long didn't look at Meng San, but stuck the knife on Li Yunxiong's neck.

Meng San was so frightened that he stopped right there, and then shouted: "Zhao Long, are you a bastard? Now Liu Li and the others are our common enemies."

Zhao Long ignored him, but glanced at the contract, which said that Zhao Long should transfer the Xingyun Bar.

"Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude." Zhao Long looked at Liu Li indifferently, with no fear on his face.

Liu Li, including everyone around him, didn't understand where Zhao Long got his confidence, and why he still had the courage to say such things in the face of the overwhelming siege of the crowd.

After everyone was stunned for three seconds, finally Liu Li couldn't hold back his laughter. He looked Zhao Long up and down and said, "Zhao Long, I know you are good at it, but look at you now, can you still fight? I stand here, what can you do to me?"

Zhao Long's body was still dripping with blood, and a large area had accumulated under his feet standing there. If he didn't go to the hospital, his life might be in danger.

Luo Cheng stepped forward anxiously and said, "I don't know what grievances Brother Long has with you. You let us go now. No matter what conditions you want, we will agree."

Luo Cheng was really scared, he was really worried that Zhao Long would collapse suddenly.

At this time, Wu Yong stepped forward with a knife and shouted boldly: "Boy, I will open the way in front, and you will take care of Brother Long in the back. We will fight out, and at worst we will die here together."

Wu Yong's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and it could be seen that he really planned to follow Zhao Long.

Looking at Wu Yong in front of him, Zhao Long was somewhat touched, as if he had returned to the scene where his brothers were fighting each other, he smiled and patted Wu Yong on the shoulder, motioning him to lean back.

At this moment, Zhao Long's hand was already on the dagger at the side of his leg.

When he was in prison, the old man told him not to use a dagger in front of everyone unless it was absolutely necessary, but judging by the current situation, it was already a last resort.

Capture the thief first, capture the king first, as long as Liu Li is under control, everything else will be fine.

Wu Yong gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Long, although I haven't been with you for long, I have always admired you, and this is even more true now. Since we can't escape, then we will die here together, wouldn't it be nice."

"Get out of the way, I'll come." Zhao Long said simply.

Now that his body is close to its limit, he must reduce energy consumption as much as possible so that he can defeat the enemy with one move.

"No." Wu Yong pushed Zhao Long's hand away and said, "I have to play forward. Now my body is much better than yours."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Luo Cheng and said, "Don't worry about anything for a while, just bring Brother Long to rush."

Luo Cheng was also very moved, then nodded and said: "You can rest assured."

The people around were very speechless, now Zhao Long and the others were remnants and defeated, and their numbers were not a little smaller than the opponent's, so it was impossible to rush out.

Liu Li shook his head helplessly and said: "Your spirit is very touching, but I have to say one thing, you are ignorant, do you think you can escape?"

After Liu Li finished speaking, 20 people quickly stood in front of Wu Yong, forming a human wall.

"Come on, let me see, how did you break through?" Liu Li said with a look of contempt.

Wu Yong yelled and was about to go forward when Zhao Long grabbed his shoulder and dragged him back, while Zhao Long rushed forward fiercely.

He is exhausted now, and there are so many opponents, there is only one chance for him to sneak attack, he must seize this opportunity, and then control Liu Li.

Zhao Long's hand had already grasped the dagger on his leg, with the Purple Blood Blade in his hand, Zhao Long had unprecedented pride.

Although Zhao Long has the Purple Blood Blade, he has only seen its power once, that is, when he was in prison, the old man easily broke the prison cage with the Purple Blood Blade.

It can be said that the purple blood blade is extremely sharp, cutting iron like mud, he doesn't know what material the purple blood blade is made of, he only knows that in front of the purple blood blade, everything is just a decoration.

Just as Zhao Long was rushing forward, Li Yunxiong behind him violently broke free from Kai Luocheng's shackles, and then rushed towards Meng San and the others rolling and crawling.

At this moment, Luo Cheng didn't have time to pay attention to him, and then rushed forward with the machete following Zhao Long's pace.

"Brother Long, I'll accompany you." Luo Cheng shouted...

(End of this chapter)

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