Chapter 145
Luo Cheng followed closely behind Zhao Long. He had already made up his mind that no matter what happened to Zhao Long, he would stay with him, even if he died here.

Luo Cheng has followed many people since he came to the society, but Zhao Long is the one he admires the most and the one he wants to follow all his life.

"Be careful, both of you." Seeing this, Wu Yong also yelled and rushed forward.

Liu Li stood behind and snorted coldly. He had seen someone who was not afraid of death, but he had never seen someone who wanted death like this.

"Give it to me, don't show mercy." Liu Li shouted.

The 20 people in front of them received the order, and then raised their machetes and charged towards Zhao Long and the others.

"Stop it, stop it all, keep people under the knife."

Just when the two groups of people were about to make a move, there was a sudden shout from outside, the voice was urgent and mixed with anger.

Liu Li's people froze when they heard the voice, they knew who was coming.

As soon as the voice fell, a burly man with a bald head rushed in. This man was none other than Wang Qiang, known as the bald headed man.

After Wang Qiang ran in, he was out of breath. Seeing them all stop there, he breathed a sigh of relief and finally caught up.

What surprised him was that there was a bloody figure beside Liu Li. This person's eyes were firm and sharp, and he didn't see who this person was for a while.

And Liu Li was so frightened that he almost peed. He only heard Wang Qiang's cry just now, but he didn't pay attention. Zhao Long had already passed through the crowd and came in front of him.

And at the moment Zhao Long stuck his neck, he felt the approach of death.

Not only Liu Li, but the people around them all opened their mouths in shock. They didn't see how Zhao Long passed through the crowd and why he suddenly appeared behind the crowd.

In the crowd, some people's machetes suddenly broke in two for some reason, as if they were cut in the middle by something sharp.

"You are Zhao Long?" Wang Qiang said with his mouth half open in disbelief.

Zhao Long ignored him, but looked at Liu Li and said, "Can we leave here?"

Liu Li was completely convinced, he was so frightened that he stood there not daring to move, for fear that Zhao Long would crush his throat.

Wang Qiang stood there to see the situation clearly, and then took a deep breath. He was still worried that Liu Li would abolish Zhao Long and the others, but now it seemed that his worry was unnecessary.

"Liu Li, you are really ashamed. You brought so many people here and you were subdued. Let alone my brother in the future." Wang Qiang said sarcastically.

Liu Li gave Wang Qiang a hard look, but he didn't say anything, for fear of making Zhao Long unhappy.

At this time, Li Yunxiong had already returned to his camp.

"What happened just now, why did he hold Liu Li hostage?" Li Yunxiong asked very puzzled.

For a moment just now, he didn't have time to see the situation on the scene, and now Zhao Long has taken the initiative.

Meng San also shook his head with a bitter face, "I didn't see clearly, I don't know how he got there."

It's not just that they didn't see it clearly, even Luo Cheng and Wu Yong could see it a bit vaguely. They only felt that Zhao Long's speed was very fast, and at that moment, there seemed to be a handful of purple red things in Zhao Long's hand, But now that kind of thing is gone.

But no matter what, it was Zhao Long who took the initiative.

Luo Cheng raised his head and said swaggeringly: "Stay back, you big fools stand behind, you bunch of useless."

After he finished speaking, he and Wu Yong came to Zhao Long's side.

At this time, Zhao Long was already at the end of his strength, but the current situation was critical, so he could only grit his teeth and persevere.

"My brothers are all around, even if you kill me, you won't be able to get out." Liu Li gritted his teeth.

"Really, then try." Zhao Long's eyes turned cold, and then he grabbed Liu Li's neck forcefully with his hands.

Liu Li only felt a pain, his breathing became difficult, and his neck bones also made a rattling sound, as if Zhao Long might crush his neck at any time if he exerted himself too hard.


But at this moment, Zhao Long spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time he let go of Liu Li.

"Brother Long." Luo Cheng quickly supported Zhao Long, while Wu Yong stuck a knife in Liu Li's neck.

"Zhao Long, you are injured, let me see, you go to the hospital first, and don't worry about the affairs here." Wang Qiang stepped forward two steps.

It's just that he hasn't approached Zhao Long and the others yet, Zhao Long pointed at him with a knife and said, "Don't come here."

After all, both Wang Qiang and Liu Li worked for Liang Zhentian. At the critical moment, no one was sure whether Wang Qiang had other thoughts.

Wang Qiang stood there stunned, then looked at Liu Li and said, "Liu Li, you violated Brother Tian's wishes. Brother Tian said that no matter what, you can't hurt Zhao Long."

Liu Li looked at Wang Qiang with some resentment and said, "It's all now, so don't make it up anymore. I asked Brother Tian, ​​and he never said such things at all. You made up everything."

Wang Qiang was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then coughed: "Although Brother Tian didn't say it directly, I can feel that that's what he meant."

"Stop talking about these useless things. Now that you ask Zhao Long and the others to let me go, I can still spare their lives." Liu Li said.

"This..." Wang Qiang thought for a while and said, "Zhao Long, can you see if this works? Let Wang Qiang go first, and then I will let them make way for you to leave."

Zhao Long didn't speak, Wu Yong snorted coldly and said forward: "You said it lightly, what if I let him go, what if you don't admit it?"

"Don't worry, I, Wang Qiang, always keep my word. Besides, my brothers are all around me, so they will still listen to me." Wang Qiang said confidently.

"Really?" Wu Yong asked suspiciously.

Wu Yong has been on the road for so many years, and he can still see some basic human relationships.When Wang Qiang first came here, he felt that this Wang Qiang took good care of Zhao Long, and maybe he could really leave here with him.

Wu Yong turned his head and glanced at Zhao Long, only to see that Zhao Long's face was pale and bloodless, he could barely stand here, it was impossible to fight.

Zhao Long reluctantly nodded his head. Although he didn't quite believe that this would be possible, he had to do so.

Wu Yong nodded and said, "Okay, I'll let Liu Li go now, and you will be responsible for our safe departure."

Wang Qiang immediately agreed: "No problem, I, Wang Qiang, have been on the road for so many years, and what I talk about is integrity. What's more, I admire Zhao Long very much, and I don't want him to be here."

After Wang Qiang finished speaking, he glanced at the people behind him and said, "Get out of the way, let them go."

Wang Qiang's words were still very effective, those people gave way one after another, signaling Zhao Long and the others to leave.

Seeing this, Wu Yong took the knife away from Liu Li's neck. At this point, they could only trust Wang Qiang once.

At this time, Li Yunxiong suddenly shouted: "Liu Li, if you let Zhao Long go today, you will regret it sooner or later. You have seen it just now. With Zhao Long's ability, who can stop him? Now is the time to abolish him." best chance."

(End of this chapter)

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