Chapter 168
Chang Gaoyi could tell at a glance that these people were here to make trouble, but seeing how timid the people in the bar were, he quickly expressed his attitude.

A dozen or so people were relieved when they heard that Chang Gaoyi and Zhao Long were not together, and then swaggered in front of Zhao Long.

"Brother Long, his name is Zhang Dawei. He used to be very low-key when Liu Hu was here, but now he has recruited a group of brothers." Luo Cheng whispered in Zhao Long's ear.

Holding the steel pipe, Zhang Dawei looked at Zhao Long arrogantly and said, "You are Zhao Long, right? What do you mean, when did this street become yours? Who spread the news?"

Zhao Long's side and the five people from Wu Yong's side made a total of eight people, while Zhang Dawei brought more than a dozen, occupying an advantage in number.

"I let people spread it. I will manage this street from now on. You have two choices. First, join us and serve my orders from now on. Second, get out." Zhao Long said bluntly.

"Pfft, arrogant, really arrogant, just because of your people?" Zhang Dawei looked at Zhao Long with disdain and said: "Zhao Long, I have heard of you before, and I admire you very much, but now it is different from the past, your era has passed It's over, you'd better live your life honestly, don't come out and be ashamed."

"What did you say?" Wu Yong stared and was about to rush forward, but was stopped by Zhao Long.

Zhao Long smiled calmly and said: "I like to give people opportunities. If you get out now, I will pretend nothing happened. As long as you leave this street, don't blame me for being rude."

"Joke, your grandpa and I were scared by you, brothers, do it."

With a roar, Zhang Dawei first took the steel pipe and called Zhao Long. He was not afraid of the number of people, and if Zhao Long was taken down, he might own the bar.

Seeing that the other party made the first move, Zhao Long snorted coldly, then took a quick step forward and directly grabbed Zhang Dawei's wrist.

Zhao Long's speed was so fast that Zhang Dawei couldn't react at all.


Before the others rushed over, Zhang Dawei's wrist had already been broken by Zhao Long.

Zhang Dawei looked at his wrist in disbelief, then yelled and threw away the steel pipe. People who haven't experienced the feeling of being broken by someone can't feel it at all.

"Let go of me." Zhang Dawei yelled sadly.

"Since you are here, you should have expected such a result." Zhao Long's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed Zhang Dawei's other wrist.

Zhang Dawei was frightened, he stared anxiously and shouted: "How dare you..."

It's just that just after he finished speaking, Zhao Long directly disabled his other wrist, and then kicked Zhang Dawei's leg joint, making him kneel there.

"wcnm, I'm not finished with you." Zhang Dawei still shouted arrogantly.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Zhao Long snorted coldly, and then kicked Zhang Dawei's leg bones, and his legs were disabled.

Zhang Dawei only felt the pain was unbearable, his eyes were full of panic, and he had no energy to speak.

The people around were so shocked that they half-opened their mouths and couldn't speak. Zhao Long's speed was so fast that before they had time to react, Zhang Dawei's limbs were crippled.

The same is true for Luo Cheng and Wu Yong, they stood there stupidly, they didn't expect Zhao Long to strike so hard and mercilessly.

Zhao Long stepped on Zhang Dawei's chest, looked around and said, "Remember, my name is Zhao Long. From today onwards, I will manage this street. Anyone who dares to make trouble in my territory will end up just like him .”

After Zhao Long finished speaking, he kicked Zhang Dawei's balls.

The sound of egg breaking was heard, and then Zhang Dawei's crotch turned red, and he passed out directly in the dark. The moment he passed out, he regretted deeply, hating himself for coming here to provoke Zhao Long.

Zhao Long kicked Zhang Dawei in the lower abdomen and kicked Zhang Dawei out.

"Remember what I said, take him away." Zhao Long said indifferently.

Those people didn't dare to stay any longer, they threw down the steel pipes and ran away, and the two people behind dragged Zhang Dawei out the door.

The scene was very quiet, terrifyingly quiet, and everyone felt a little suffocated.

Especially Chang Gaoyi, the cold sweat was streaming down his cheeks but he didn't dare to wipe it off. The scene just now was too shocking, he couldn't describe his inner feelings.

In the end, Luo Changchang breathed a sigh of relief, then stood beside Zhao Long and said, "Brother Long, that kid's eggs were all broken just now, won't he die?"

Eggs are related to a man's lifelong sexual happiness. They are a man's lifeblood. Luo Cheng is really scared to death now that they are kicked to pieces.

"I can't die." Zhao Long said with certainty.

He kicked Zhang Dawei's eggs, and at the last moment he kicked Zhang Dawei, sealing the blood vessels under Zhang Dawei's body. As long as the opponent can be sent to the hospital in time, his life can still be saved.


At this time, Chang Gao Yi couldn't help swallowing, then turned around and prepared to leave quietly, he didn't want to try the feeling of breaking an egg.

"Wait, I told you to go just now, if you don't go, I'm afraid it's too late to go now." Zhao Long's voice sounded from behind.

Chang Gaoyi couldn't help shivering, he turned his head and looked at Zhao Long with a smile and said: "Brother Long, the underground casino is our lifeblood, we rely on it for food, can you give it to us? Now, you have a bar now, and you don't care about that."

Chang Gaoyi's attitude has undergone a 180-degree change. He used to think that Zhao Long was just a bastard who was easy to bully, but now it seems that Zhao Long is the devil, a person who can use up people at every turn.

Zhao Long didn't speak, but walked towards Chang Gaoyi step by step.

The people around Chang Gaoyi glanced at each other, and then stepped aside one after another.

Originally, they had no choice but to follow Chang Gaoyi. If it was just now, they would have dared to compete with Zhao Long, but now they have no courage.

At this time, Chang Gaoyi felt a little lonely, and only then did he realize that fighting depends not on the number of people, but on who is more ruthless and more vicious.

"I don't want all the casinos. Just give me 80.00% of my daily turnover. The rest is yours." Chang Gaoyi said nervously.

Facing Zhao Long's step-by-step approach, he was constantly retreating, and at the same time, the defense line in his heart was being defeated bit by bit.

"Fifty, we split half and half, I will help you manage, Zhao Long, these should be enough." Chang Gaoyi said in a panic.

Seeing that Zhao Long hadn't given up yet, Chang Gaoyi gritted his teeth, stretched out two fingers and said, "I only want 20.00%, and it can't be lower. You should give us a way to survive. We have followed Wu Yong for so many years, and we have no credit for it." It’s hard work, you can’t just kick us out.”

Chang Gaoyi was completely terrified. He has been on the road for so many years, and he has fought a lot, but this way of destroying people's balls every now and then makes people tremble...

(End of this chapter)

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