Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 169: Kowtow and beg for mercy

Chapter 169: Kowtow and beg for mercy
"I don't want anything, the casino is all yours, I'm leaving now." Chang Gaoyi finally couldn't help shouting.

Zhao Long's eyes are very deep, looking into it is like a bottomless pit, he doesn't know what he is thinking at all.Chang Gaoyi was terrified, he was really afraid that Zhao Long would suddenly shoot him down.

He would rather not have anything, and he doesn't want his balls to be crippled, that would be a lifetime thing.

Chang Gaoyi turned around to leave, when Zhao Long suddenly grabbed his arm.

Chang Gaoyi was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he knelt directly on the ground.

"Brother, I know I was wrong. I don't want a cent from underground casinos. I won't hang out in this city anymore. Please let me go." Chang Gaoyi begged for mercy in fright.

The people around were speechless. They usually looked at Chang Gaoyi as a tough man, but unexpectedly, facing Zhao Long, he was as frightened as a dog.

The other people standing around were also secretly glad that they didn't follow Chang Gaoyi, otherwise they couldn't afford to lose this person.

"Just know, leave this city, if you let me know that you joined some other organization, no matter what method you use, I will abolish you." Zhao Long patted Chang Gaoyi's head and said.

Chang Gaoyi quickly nodded and said: "I know, brother, this place is not suitable for me, I'd better go back to the countryside."

Seeing Chang Gaoyi's serious look, Zhao Long nodded and said, "Let's go."

These words were the best words Chang Gaoyi had heard in his life. He couldn't care about anything else, so he stood up and ran away.

The others stood there without daring to move, and they didn't dare to leave without Zhao Long's permission.

"Let's go too, live a good life after you go back, don't come out to mess around anymore." Zhao Long looked at those people indifferently and said.

Those people nodded quickly and left the bar.

Seeing them leave, Wu Yong was a little sad. After all, these people were all his former brothers who followed him.

Seeing this, Luo Cheng laughed and said, "Don't act like a woman, these people are not worth dating, otherwise, they will sell you out sooner or later."

"I know, you don't need to tell me." Wu Yong said angrily, and after he finished speaking, he came to Zhao Long and said, "Brother Long, now we have a small number of people, and the underground casino can't operate."

Zhao Long thought for a while and said, "Close the casino, I think it's in a good location, so let's open an underground supermarket."


Both Luo Cheng and Wu Yong called out in unison, and Luo Cheng even stepped forward and said, "Brother Long, we're just a mess, should we be so formal?"

Wu Yong also coughed dryly and said, "We are all big bosses, and we don't know anything about opening a supermarket and doing business."

"You can learn if you don't know, take your time, and..." Zhao Long turned to look at Luo Cheng and said, "We will all be businessmen in the future, don't talk about the messy society."

Luo Cheng quickly nodded and said, "Understood Brother Long, we are all profiteers."

Everyone: "..."

For about half an hour, they were happily cleaning the bar when the door was suddenly pushed open, and a group of people walked in.

I saw this group of people in uniform black suits, with burly figures and stiff facial expressions. It was obvious at a glance that they were all trained people.

"Brother Long, come down quickly, someone is coming." Luo Cheng shouted nervously, because he felt the murderous aura on the other party.

Wu Yong was also a little nervous and quickly called up his staff, and the others were also flustered.

Only then did they feel the gap. The invisible oppression on the opponent made Wu Yong and the others a little breathless.

"I'm looking for Zhao Long, where is he?" The leader was a tall man with a pockmarked face, and he felt uncomfortable just by looking at it.

At this moment, Zhao Long came down from upstairs, seeing these people, Zhao Long frowned first, because he felt a sense of oppression from these people.

Intuition told him that these people must have killed people, and more than one life.

"You are Zhao Long?" He looked up at Zhao Long with a pockmarked face.

Although the other party has oppressive courage, Zhao Long is not afraid at all. This feeling of oppression is nothing compared to the murderous aura of the prison old man.

In prison, when Zhao Long saw the old man for the first time, he was so frightened that he almost knelt on the ground.

"What do you want from me?" Zhao Long said calmly.

Seeing Zhao Long like this, pockmarked man was a little surprised, he stepped forward to Zhao Long and said, "Do you know who I am?"

"You should be called Mazi." Zhao Long said casually.

"Brother Long, so you know him." Luo Cheng said.

Wu Yong turned his head to look at Luo Cheng, motioning him not to interrupt, he could see that Zhao Long didn't know the person in front of him at all.

"My name is Guo Yuxiang, and I'm the deputy security captain of the Liang Family Group. I heard that you are not happy with Mr. Liang of our company?" Guo Yuxiang looked at Zhao Long coldly and said.

When Zhao Long heard this, he immediately understood that these people were called by Liang Zhenyu.Seeing that these people were all unusually cold and tall, he couldn't help thinking to himself: "Perhaps these people are the factors of instability that Jiang Yikun said."

"It's a little unpleasant, he provoked me." Zhao Long said indifferently.

After hearing this, Guo Yuxiang smiled suddenly, then shook his head and said, "Yes, he has provoked you. I came here today mainly to meet you, and to inform you that in three days, you will go to the headquarters of the Liang Family Group Kowtow to admit your mistake, take the initiative to admit your mistake, maybe Mr. Liang will not blame you when he is happy, or else..."

Guo Yuxiang took a step forward and whispered, "You will die a miserable death."

Although Guo Yuxiang's voice was very small, everyone around could hear it.

Luo Cheng stared forward and said, "Who are you scaring? Everyone is a gangster. You think you'll be nb in a black suit. What kind of clothes do you put on? I can't bear to see you like this, pulling your face every day." , like who owes you money..."

Luo Cheng wanted to say more, but Zhao Long glared at him to signal him to shut up.

"We are businessmen and we don't want to cause trouble. What does Liang Zhenyu think about this?" Zhao Long asked.

Seeing Zhao Long showing weakness, Guo Yuxiang thought that Zhao Long was giving in, so he laughed angrily and said, "Don't pretend to be with me, what kind of businessman are you, don't think I don't know you, just came out of prison, learned a little I thought I was invincible in the world.”

Guo Yuxiang thought for a while and continued: "As for how Mr. Liang will deal with you, it depends on your attitude. If you admit your sincerity, maybe he will only break your leg. If you are arrogant and domineering, then I dare not said."

"Understood." Zhao Long said calmly.

Seeing that Zhao Long was unmoved, Guo Yuxiang frowned. Unexpectedly, Zhao Long was so calm, he snorted softly and said, "Okay, then we will see you at the Liang Family Group at eight o'clock in the morning in three days. If you don't go then, Mr. Liang will be angry."

After Guo Yuxiang finished speaking, he smiled contemptuously, turned around and left.

"Tell Liang Zhenyu, let him think clearly, is he really going to do this?" Zhao Long called out from behind.

Guo Yuxiang didn't look back, just waved his hands and walked outside.

He had just come outside when he saw a well-dressed, slender, beautiful woman walking into the bar...

(End of this chapter)

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