Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 183 Security System

Chapter 183 Security System
Meng San yelled angrily, he couldn't care about anything else, then lifted a chair and threw it at Zhao Long.

Seeing this, Zhao Long snorted coldly, and then kicked directly on the chair. Meng San was kicked out with the chair, and knocked over the table behind him.

Other people around wanted to step forward, but Li Yunxiong stopped them.

Now that they don't have all the staff, it may not be that simple to keep Zhao Long, and they will also smash their bar, and he must suffer heavy losses.

Meng San coughed and got up, he wanted to continue to compete with Zhao Long, but was stopped by Li Yunxiong.

Zhao Long clapped his hands and said, "Okay, that's all for today. Remember to prepare the money tonight. If I'm free, I'll come and get it."

After Zhao Long finished speaking, he swaggered towards the outside, still humming a little song, looking completely at ease.

Meng San's heart ached, he came to Li Yunxiong with a mournful face and said, "Brother, I feel so useless, we can't pamper him like this."

With a gloomy face, Li Yunxiong nodded and said: "The business is closed today, we must call up our staff, and we have to take action tonight."

After Li Yunxiong finished speaking, he strode upstairs.

Just now I wanted to ease the relationship with Zhao Long. After all, Zhao Long is famous now. If we cooperate with Zhao Long, there may be unexpected gains.

As a result, Zhao Long didn't appreciate it at all, and even humiliated him. If it gets out, his reputation will be greatly reduced.

"Zhao Long, if you dare to come at night, I will let you come and go." Li Yunxiong gritted his teeth.

Zhao Long walked out leisurely, feeling very comfortable with the warmth of the sun on his body.At this time, he felt comfortable all over his body, and felt very comfortable in his heart. It turned out that this was his real self.

Looking up at the sky, Zhao Long couldn't help laughing, and said to himself: "It seems that I, Zhao Long, am destined to take this path."

At this moment, Zhao Long's cell phone rang suddenly, it was a text message, Zhao Long instinctively thought it was from Liao Shufen.

Because no one has sent a text message to Zhao Long except her.

Zhao Long took it out and looked at it casually, and saw Jiang Yikun's name on it, and the text message only had one sentence, see you at the old place, right now.

Zhao Long glanced at it, then shook his head helplessly, making it so mysterious, it seemed like an affair.

Helpless, he took a taxi and headed towards the stadium.

The security guards here already knew Zhao Long, and when they saw Zhao Long walking in, they didn't stop him.

Coming to the top of the building, Jiang Yikun still looked into the distance with his hands behind his back in the same posture.

"Why are you looking for me in such a hurry?" Zhao Long said happily.

"Your recent activities have been very frequent and have attracted the attention of many people. You have to be careful." Jiang Yikun said in a low voice.

Zhao Long chuckled lightly and said, "I started messing around with the society five years ago, and I know better than you how dangerous the society is."

Jiang Yikun turned his head to look at Zhao Long seriously and said, "It's different now. You used to be just a little gangster with little-known name, but now you are the black boss who is well-known in the whole district, and you have done so many things recently, and someone has already started to take aim at you." .”

Zhao Long waved his hands indifferently and said: "It's not as serious as you said, the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, it really can't be done, isn't there you?"

"You have to rely on yourself for some things, and I can't help you." Jiang Yikun said truthfully.

Zhao Long smiled faintly and didn't speak, he was just talking. From the beginning, he never thought of relying on Jiang Yikun.

"I called you here today to remind you of another matter." Jiang Yikun said seriously: "Do you know the boss of Qiongtian Villa?"

"You fell in love with him?" Zhao Long said unscrupulously.

Jiang Yikun frowned, and now he suddenly found that Zhao Long had changed a little, he had changed a lot, and he was much more cheerful.

"I'm not kidding you, did she look for you?" Jiang Yikun said seriously.

Seeing Jiang Yikun's seriousness, Zhao Long came to the side of the building, looked into the distance quietly and said, "That's right, she looked for me, and I even touched her chest."

Jiang Yikun: "..., are you serious? I'm telling you something serious now."

"I'm also telling you something serious. I did touch her chest. It's quite soft and comfortable. If I have a chance, I'd like to touch it a few more times." Zhao Long said casually.

Jiang Yikun knew that Zhao Long was angry with him, instead of being angry, he nodded with a chuckle and said, "I'm talking about her today. She is not as simple as she appears on the surface. You must not be used by her."

Zhao Long was not surprised, but said calmly: "A woman can support such a big villa, even a fool knows that she is not easy."

"I'm not talking about this. According to our information, she has a direct relationship with the gang of good people in the society, and she has been wooing the forces in the society. I don't know what the purpose is. According to our investigation, she has successfully wooed Li Yunxiong , Liang Zhentian and others."

Zhao Long still didn't respond. She knew that Qiong Yao was not simple. If a woman supported the villa alone, no one would believe her if she didn't have some means.

And Zhao Long made trouble in Qiongtian Villa that day, Zhao Long felt it.

"If she looks for you again, I want you to sneak into their organization, wait for an opportunity to get close to them, and see what their purpose is?" Jiang Yikun said.

Zhao Long turned his head to look at Jiang Yikun, then shook his head with a smile and said, "Aren't you worried that I won't be able to get out after I go in?"

Jiang Yikun shook his head and said, "I believe in your ability, you won't die so easily, you have other missions."

"Cut." Zhao Long snorted softly, then strode downstairs.

Now that Zhao Long has chosen this path, even if Jiang Yikun doesn't remind him, Zhao Long will go to find out the truth.

Jiang Yikun did not stop Zhao Long, but quietly watched Zhao Long go down, he always felt that Zhao Long today was a little different from before.

Zhao Long came downstairs, then took a taxi and drove towards the bar.

Now the underground plaza is being built, which requires a lot of money, and the money earned by the bar alone is far from enough.

When Zhao Long was lying on the back quietly thinking about how to raise money, Luo Cheng called.

"Brother Long, there is something wrong with the company." Luo Cheng said somewhat flustered.

"Don't worry and talk slowly, what's the matter?" Zhao Long reminded, and at the same time he said to the driver: "Go to the headquarters of Lanling Group immediately."

"Wu Chengjian was beaten by you and was hospitalized. He is currently receiving treatment, and the company's security guards have not come to work. Now the company's security system is in a state of paralysis." Luo Chengdao.

"All the security guards have left?" Zhao Long asked in surprise.

Wu Chengjian has completely mastered the security system of Lanling Group by himself, which is enough to show that he has certain abilities.

"It's not that they all left, there is one person who stays here, and it's the vice-captain Liang Wei." Luo Chengdao...

(End of this chapter)

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