Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 184 Hospital Visit

Chapter 184 Hospital Visit
Liang Wei did not go as expected by Zhao Long. He is a person who knows how to repay kindness. He has received Lan Xin's kindness before, and he is dedicated to repaying his kindness. Therefore, no matter how Lan Xin treats him now, he will not leave.

"You two keep an eye on it, I'll be there soon." Zhao Long said very seriously.

Just as Zhao Long hung up the phone, Tan Jingru called.

"Zhao Long, Luo Cheng told you, right now, the company's security system is paralyzed, I would like to ask you for a favor." Tan Jingru said nervously.

"Don't worry, I'll be at your company soon." Zhao Long said.

Tan Jingru didn't expect Zhao Long's speed to be as fast as yours, so she said, "Okay, I'll wait for you in the office."

Arriving at the downstairs of Lanling Group, Luo Cheng was already waiting downstairs. Seeing Zhao Long coming, he hurried forward and said, "Brother Long, what should we do?"

"Where's Liang Wei?" Zhao Long asked.

"He is guarding the reference room. It is said that it is the company's secret place, and ordinary people cannot approach it." Luo Cheng said.

Just when Zhao Long was about to enter the door, two people came in front of him. Both of them were dressed in formal attire, and they looked like immortals. The man in front was even more charming and charming. heart with her secretary.

Zhao Long had something to do and didn't pay attention, so he had to go to Tan Jingru to discuss countermeasures.

"Brother Long, look..." Luo Cheng touched Zhao Long and said.

Zhao Long looked up, just in time to see Lan Xin looking towards him, both of them froze for a moment.

Lan Xin just nodded to Zhao Long without saying a word, then continued to walk outside, looking anxious.

Zhao Long wanted to say something comforting, but he didn't know where to start.

Lan Xin just walked a few steps, she seemed to think of something suddenly, then turned her head and said: "Zhao Long, I have something to do, can you go with me?"

Zhao Long stopped, thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, wait a moment."

Zhao Long pulled Luo Cheng aside, and said seriously: "You guard here, and don't let suspicious people enter. If you really can't, call Wu Yong over."

Luo Cheng nodded confidently and said, "Don't worry, Brother Long, I still don't believe it, who dares to make trouble here in a fair manner."

Zhao Long patted him on the shoulder and walked out of the company.At this time, Lan Xin was already waiting for Zhao Long by the car.

"You drive and take us to the hospital." Lan Xin said.

Zhao Long hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.He had already guessed that now Lan Xin must be looking for Wu Chengjian when she goes to the hospital.

"I'm sorry, I was too reckless." Zhao Long took the initiative to admit his mistake.

If Zhao Long hadn't injured Wu Chengjian, the company's security system would not have been paralyzed, resulting in such a passive situation.

Lan Xin smiled wryly, then shook her head and said, "It has nothing to do with you. Someone reminded me before, but I didn't care. I was too negligent. You just let him reveal his true colors too early."

Now Lan Xin has begun to believe Tan Jingru's words, Wu Chengjian is not as good as she imagined before, and now she asks Zhao Long to find him together, just to embolden herself.

I don't know why, when I went to see Wu Chengjian this time, Lan Xin always felt a little flustered.

Zhao Long drove to the First Hospital, then followed Lan Xin and walked forward.

The hospital is a part of Lanling Group, and Lan Xin comes here every day, so she is very familiar with the hospital, but coming here has never been so nervous as it is today.

Wu Chengjian was placed in a key ward of the hospital. The wards here are all luxury suites, and the people living here are either rich or expensive. Lan Xin arranged Wu Chengjian here, which also showed Lan Xin's importance to Wu Chengjian.

There were many people outside the first hospital, and when they saw Lan Xin and the others approaching, they all had bright eyes and were full of wolfishness.

"They are all the company's security guards." Lan Xin frowned and said in a low voice.

Zhao Long just snorted coldly and didn't speak. It can also be seen from these people that these people are not kind.The reason why Wu Chengjian brought them to the company was probably waiting for today.

When I came to the ward on the third floor, I saw about ten people standing in the corridor. They didn't show the slightest awe when they saw Lan Xin, but their eyes shone brightly.

Lan Xin was a little nervous, she was really afraid that these people would harm her.

"Don't worry." Zhao Long patted Lan Xin on the shoulder and said.

Lan Xin took a deep breath, then nodded and said, "Thank you, you can wait outside first."

Wu Chengjian was injured by Zhao Long, she didn't want Wu Chengjian to see Zhao Long, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

Zhao Long also knew Lan Xin's thoughts, then nodded and said: "I'll wait outside, just call if you need anything."

Lan Xin nodded quickly, and walked in with the secretary.

At this time, Wu Chengjian was lying on the hospital bed safely, and there were four people standing beside him.

When the four people saw Lan Xin walking in, they all gave a 'shh' to signal Lan Xin not to speak, now Wu Chengjian was sleeping.

Lan Xin frowned, then stepped forward to take a look at Wu Chengjian, only to see that Wu Chengjian was sleeping soundly, accompanied by a slight snoring sound.

Although the other party acted very similarly, Lan Xin could tell at a glance that Wu Chengjian was pretending to be asleep.

"You guys go out first, I want to talk to Captain Wu about something." Lan Xin looked at the four standing there and said.

These four people are also the bodyguards of Lanling Group, they didn't pay attention to Lan Xin's words, and one of them said a little angrily: "Mr. Lan, the people in our security team are diligent and hardworking for the safety of the company. The captain of the team was beaten, so what should you do?"

"That is, for the sake of the company, we guard it day and night. Without us, the company would have been in chaos."

"Mr. Lan, our salary is only three thousand five thousand, which is not enough at all. If Captain Wu hadn't been pulling us to do it, we would have resigned a long time ago."

The four of them looked at Lan Xin full of hostility, which made Lan Xin a little nervous. If they made things difficult for her here, even Zhao Long might not be able to do anything about it.

"Don't worry, I came here today to discuss this matter with Captain Wu, the company still needs you." Lan Xin said seriously.

"Don't talk about these useless things. We have already discussed it. I want to resign."

"That's right, we're all going to resign."

Faced with this situation, Lan Xin was also a little helpless. Although the company's profitability was not good and it was laying off workers on a large scale, she didn't plan to take the security department seriously, for the sake of the company's safety.

Now they are going to resign collectively, Lan Xin is a little nervous, she forced a smile and said: "Don't worry, the company is discussing to raise your wages."

"Ahem... what are you all arguing about here?"

At this moment, Wu Chengjian woke up. He opened his eyes, looking very weak. When he saw Lan Xin, he was startled first, and then struggled to stand up.

"Mr. Lan, why are you here? You didn't wake me up." Wu Chengjian said...

(End of this chapter)

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