Chapter 200

After Li Yunxiong finished speaking, he glanced at Meng San and motioned for him to come with him.

Meng San also clenched his fist and gritted his teeth: "Okay, brother, we will fight him today."

Li Yunxiong nodded vigorously. At this moment, he was a little moved. At the critical moment, Meng San was standing by his side, while the others were just floating clouds.

At this moment, Li Yunxiong was full of pride, he hadn't done anything for a long time, today he wanted to exercise his muscles in front of everyone, so that the people around him could see that Li Yunxiong was not in vain.

"Fuck him." Li Yunxiong yelled, and then he took the knife and prepared to strike.

At this moment, he suddenly received a strong force on his buttocks, and he lost his balance and fell forward, lying directly under Zhao Long's feet.

This sudden change caught Li Yunxiong by surprise, and he fell very hard, his nose hit the ground, a dog ate shit, and the knife rolled down in the distance.

Everyone: "..."

Zhao Long was also a little confused, what is the situation, how could Meng San kick Li Yunxiong suddenly from behind.

Look at Meng San again, at this time he has already run to the second floor.

Li Yunxiong touched his nose, it was covered with blood, and now he couldn't care about his own image, he just sat on the ground and looked at Meng Sandao viciously: "What do you want to do?"

Meng San's face was grim, and then he sneered: "Li Yunxiong, I have endured you for a long time, your fucking is sb, your brother is ten thousand times stronger than you, if you did what I said then, Zhao Long is already lying in the coffin Come on, you are weak and incompetent, indecisive, following you, I am blind."

Meng San stood upstairs and expressed all the unhappiness in his heart. He followed Li Yunxiong as a last resort, but he still refused to accept it.

Li Yunzhang was killed by Liu Hu three years ago, and Zhao Long served Liu Hu in prison for three years.At that time, Meng San proposed to kill Liu Hu and his group first.

But Li Yunxiong not only failed to kill Liu Hu, but also secretly cooperated with Liu Hu, and reached a lot of consensus.

Although these activities were carried out secretly and Meng San was not told, but Meng San was not a fool, he still knew about it.

All these unhappiness finally broke out today.

"Meng San, you are courting death." Li Yunxiong said while wiping the blood.

Meng San laughed, then pointed at Li Yunxiong and said, "I want to die? Hmph, I will leave this city from now on and never come back again, and you, Li Yunxiong, probably won't be able to leave."

After Meng San finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Long and said, "Zhao Long, you are also a bastard. If I can come back one day, I will chop you up first."

Zhao Long's eyes turned cold, and a dagger appeared in his hand. He couldn't just let Meng San go so easily.

Meng San was very vigilant, when he saw that Zhao Long's eyes were wrong, he turned over and ran towards the window without saying a word, and then jumped down without hesitation.

Seeing this, Zhao Long shook his head helplessly. Meng San is also considered a talent. Seeing that the situation was wrong, he ran away first.

Zhao Long didn't chase after him. After all, Meng San was just a small person and couldn't make much trouble. His goal was Li Yunxiong.

Li Yunxiong sat on the ground and saw Meng San running away, he shouted angrily: "What are you waiting for, chase me quickly, and bring this traitor back to me."

But no one around him paid attention to him, they just stood there in a daze and didn't move.

Only then did Li Yunxiong remember that there was Zhao Long standing behind him.

Zhao Long didn't speak, but looked indifferently at Li Yunxiong who was sitting on the ground.

The air seemed to be stagnant, and no one moved or made a sound, they just waited quietly.

In the end, Li Yunxiong couldn't bear it anymore, he quickly squatted up and rolled forward, preparing to escape from Zhao Long's attack range.

It's just that Zhao Long stepped on his head as soon as he turned over.

"Are you convinced now?" Zhao Long looked down at Li Yunxiong and said.

Li Yunxiong is different from Liu Hu, Zhao Long can let Liu Hu go because of his previous affection, but he will never let Li Yunxiong go.

"Zhao Long, this is a sneak attack. Let me stand up and let's have a good fight." Li Yunxiong shouted.

Li Yunxiong is not a person who does not know good and bad, he knows that he is not Zhao Long's opponent, now he just hopes to stand up and run away like Meng San.

There is no shame in running away, as long as he can save his life, he still has a chance to make a comeback.

But Zhao Long didn't give him a chance, instead he stepped hard on Li Yunxiong's head.

"I gave you a chance before, but you didn't grasp it well. You can't blame others for that." After Zhao Long finished speaking, he bent down and picked up a knife from the ground.

The Zixueren had been put away by Zhao Long long ago, and it was a last resort to take it out just now, and it is impossible for people like Li Yunxiong to know the Zixueren.

Looking at the knife in Zhao Long's hand, the people around felt chills, they knew Zhao Long's methods.

"Wait a minute, Zhao Long, I'm convinced. Don't you want money? I have money, and I've prepared it for you. Don't hurt me."

At this moment, Li Yunxiong finally broke down. He would never have imagined that one day he would be trampled down by others, and it would be someone he despised before.

"Where is the money?" Zhao Long asked without emotion.

Zhao Long didn't feel much about money, but now he needed money, otherwise he wouldn't have attacked Li Yunxiong so soon.

"The money is upstairs. There is 60 cash. If you want, you can take it at any time." Li Yunxiong said tremblingly.

"Since the money is already prepared, why didn't you take it out earlier." Zhao Long said angrily, and then kicked Li Yunxiong fiercely in the face again.

Li Yunxiong's mouth full of teeth was directly kicked off, and his mouth was full of blood, but he didn't dare to quibble.Then he begged for mercy: "Brother Long, it's my fault, just let me go today."

Zhao Long let go of his feet, then squatted down and chuckled lightly: "Li Yunxiong, you have done all kinds of bad things all your life, never thought that you will end up today, right? I want your hand today as a punishment for you. If you dare to provoke me again, I will kill you."

After Zhao Long finished speaking, he raised his knife to cut it down.

At this moment, Li Yunxiong pissed in fright.

People become more timid as they live. In the past, Li Yunxiong was also an all-powerful figure. He used to fight with a knife and fight with others, but now he is used to being pampered, and the previous pride no longer exists.


Just when Zhao Long was about to cut it down, someone suddenly shouted outside.

It was a woman's voice, and the voice was mellow and pleasant, but it was mixed with an undeniable domineering, as if ordering Zhao Long.

The people around all looked outside after hearing the yelling. They were very puzzled, what kind of woman dared to appear here.

Zhao Long was also somewhat familiar with this voice, he didn't look back, but the knife in his hand froze for a moment, and then continued to cut down quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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