Female President's Personal Guard

Chapter 201 Solemnly Invite

Chapter 201 Solemnly Invite

Zhao Long was not familiar with this voice, but he was not unfamiliar either.

He knew that Qiong Yao, the owner of Qiongtian Villa, was here.

It's already one o'clock in the morning, and it's a bit abnormal for Qiong Yao to appear here.

Zhao Long didn't pay attention to her, but raised his knife and chopped off Li Yunxiong's wrist.

Li Yunxiong was so frightened that his legs became weak and he lost control of his bladder and bowels. It was hard to imagine that a well-known big brother would be so frightened in the face of such a scene.

"Zhao Long, stop, we are all one family." Qiong Yao said anxiously.

Just when Zhao Long's knife landed on Li Yunxiong's wrist, he stopped. He turned around suspiciously, and just saw Qiong Yao's exquisite face.

Behind Qiong Yao were four big men in black. I saw these four people had serious and indifferent expressions. Standing there gave people a great pressure. It was obvious that these four people had practiced before.

There was a man standing among the four, his face was disheveled, his clothes were disheveled, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell that this man was actually Meng San.

Meng San jumped out of the window. He thought he could escape smoothly, but unexpectedly, he was caught by Qiong Yao.

Zhao Long smiled coldly and said, "What do you mean? A family? Are you and him a family?"

Seeing Zhao Long's mercy, Qiong Yao breathed a sigh of relief, then took a step forward and said, "To tell you the truth, Li Yunxiong is also one of us, and if you join us in the future, we will all be one family."

Qiong Yao spoke sincerely, as if she already regarded Zhao Long as a family.

Zhao Long shook his head and said with a smile: "When did I say I wanted to join you? Don't wishful thinking anymore. I'm used to being free, and I won't join any organization from now on."

Qiong Yao was not in a hurry to persuade Zhao Long, but smiled and said, "Not wanting to join now doesn't mean not wanting to join in the future. Li Yunxiong is mine, can you let him go today?"

"No, I keep my word. Since I said I want his hand, I will definitely take it. I'm sorry."

After Zhao Long finished speaking, he raised his knife again.

"you dare."

At the critical moment, Qiong Yao suddenly yelled.

After hearing this, Zhao Long laughed a few times, then raised his knife and cut off Li Yunxiong's hand without hesitation.

Li Yunxiong let out a scream, then passed out directly, his hand rolled to the ground and was still twitching continuously.

Zhao Long finished chopping, then left the knife on the ground casually, turned to look at Qiong Yao and said, "What did you just say?"

Qiong Yao's face turned from pale to black, and finally turned rosy, which shows that she had a great ideological struggle in her heart.

She took a deep breath, then shook her head and sighed: "Actually, you don't have to do this. We can discuss anything."

"Really, I still like to do things in my own way." After Zhao Long finished speaking, he walked outside calmly.

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, one of them suddenly burst into laughter, which startled everyone. In the middle of the night, everyone was on tenterhooks, but now their hairs stood on end.

Qiong Yao was no exception, she was so frightened that she trembled all over, and then she turned to look at Meng San.

I saw Meng San laughing crazily like crazy, then pointed at Li Yunxiong and said: "I've said it all, he will end up like this sooner or later, if he had listened to me earlier, Zhao Long would have died long ago, It’s not possible to get to the current situation.”

Qiong Yao frowned, then glanced at Zhao Long and said, "What do you want to do with this person?"

Zhao Long said indifferently: "Little man, you can deal with it as you want, it has nothing to do with me."

After he finished speaking, he shouted to the surroundings: "I repeat, this street is managed by me, Zhao Long. If anyone wants to take over this bar, they can submit 100 million yuan to me every month. If they can't, don't blame me." Zhao Long is welcome. If no one takes over, from now on this bar will belong to me, Zhao Long, and everything in the bar will be mine. If anyone dares to move, I will chop off his hand."

After Zhao Long finished speaking, he walked outside leisurely, surrounded by many former Li Yunxiong people, they just stood there stupidly and no one dared to move.

Just when Zhao Long was about to go out, Qiong Yao suddenly turned around and looked at Zhao Long and said, "You don't want to know why I appear here?"

Zhao Long waved his hand to indicate that he didn't want to know the reason at all, and then walked out of the bar directly.

It was already late at night, and the breeze was blowing slowly, bringing a burst of coolness, and it was very comfortable to blow on the body.

At this time Qiong Yao chased up from behind, and then stood side by side with Zhao Long and said: "Zhao Long, I don't want to hide it from you, have you heard of the Good People Gang?"

Zhao Long shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it, what do you want to say?"

At this moment, there was a shrill scream from the bar. The cry was from Meng San. Obviously, Qiong Yao should ask someone to abolish him.

"I want to invite you to join." Qiong Yao said seriously.

"Not interested." Zhao Long flatly refused.

After he finished speaking, he walked into the distance.He wants to take a taxi to the headquarters of Lanling Group, he must ensure Lan Xin's safety.

"Zhao Long, listen to me." Qiong Yao caught up and said, "After joining the organization, we will not restrict your freedom, but will give you a lot of benefits. The situation is severe now, and it is not what it used to be. If you continue to be as aggressive as before , will enter the game sooner or later."

Zhao Long knew what Qiong Yao meant, he just chuckled lightly and said: "It's not like I haven't gone in before, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Seeing that Zhao Long was still alive, Qiong Yao stomped her feet angrily and said, "Zhao Long, let me tell you clearly, if you don't join us, we will kill you sooner or later."

After hearing this, Zhao Long's eyes turned cold, then he turned around and stared at Qiong Yao blankly, saying, "Is Li Yunxiong one of your members? Is Liu Hu one of your members? How did they end up? Have you done anything for them? "

Qiong Yao was also a little anxious, she said angrily: "The reason why Liu Hu was abolished is because we value you more and we want to support you to the top. As for Li Yunxiong, I was indeed negligent, I thought you would not come today gone."

Zhao Long smiled heartily, then shook his head and said, "Let me see your strength first. If you let me, Zhao Long, at least have the strength to convince me, if it's just an empty word, let me Zhao Long Working hard for you, that's impossible, goodbye."

After Zhao Long finished speaking, he ignored her again. At this moment, a taxi drove over, and Zhao Long got in the car and left.

Qiong Yao stood behind and silently watched the taxi go away, with a cold light in her eyes, she muttered: "Zhao Long, I will subdue you, just wait and see."

Zhao Long sat in the car and closed his eyes quietly. Through the conversation just now, he could tell that Qiong Yao was also a member of the Good People Gang.

Today is the first time that Qiong Yao has invited him solemnly. Although Zhao Long also wants to see what is going on with this gang of good people, he must restrain himself and cannot join so easily. Otherwise, Qiong Yao will definitely not believe him...

(End of this chapter)

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