Sneak out of the mansion
After returning to the Prince's Mansion.

Qian Renxue's originally smiling face returned to a calm and humble demeanor.

Now she has fully integrated into the role of Xue Qinghe that she pretended to be, with a hint of domineering and royal aura in her elegance.

Holding Ling Yun in her arms, she slowly got off the carriage, and several servants at the gate of the Prince's mansion knelt respectfully on one knee.

"Welcome His Highness the Prince back home."

Qian Renxue nodded slightly, with a gentle smile on her face.

"I've been away from the mansion for a few days, can anyone come to visit me?"

One of the servants, who looked more clever, responded respectfully.

"Return to His Royal Highness, the lord of the Qibao Liuli Sect visited the mansion yesterday and wanted to ask if you have returned to the mansion."

"Oh? I see. I will go to see the teacher in person tomorrow."

Qian Renxue nodded, she glanced at the coachman and the carriage, and gave instructions to the servants in majestic words.

"It's late at night today, and it's not safe to go out of the city. You take him to find a side room in the mansion to live in, treat him with food and drink, and let him leave tomorrow morning."

The coachman was not an ordinary person, but was disguised by a soul sage-level powerhouse from the Wuhun Hall.

This was entirely because Qian Daoliu was afraid that arranging an ordinary driver would cause his granddaughter's secret to be revealed.

Therefore, only feel free to arrange escorts for those who are loyal to the Wuhun Palace.

Once this soul sage is discovered by a strong person in Tiandou City, he will swallow the poison and commit suicide.

As cruel as it is, this is reality.

After saying "obey", a servant walked towards the mansion with the soul saint disguised as a groom.

Qian Renxue caressed Ling Yun affectionately, and walked towards the mansion, completely ignoring the weird look in the servant's eyes.

The next morning, Qian Renxue got up to take a shower, saying that she was busy going to the morning court.

Originally, Ling Yun thought that he could go to Tiandou Palace with her for a stroll.

Unexpectedly, she was unwilling to take him to Tiandou Palace.

Because morning court is a serious matter, if you bring a pet to the palace for morning court.

After being discovered, it will definitely attract a lot of criticism, and the pet's life may also be lost.

Ling Yun is naturally happy to hear this.

Although he can learn a lot by following this chick, it also restricts his freedom.

It's really boring to stay in the prince's mansion, but who is Ling Yun, this prince's mansion still wants to trap him?
As long as Qian Renxue leaves the mansion, the two Title Douluo who secretly protect her will also leave.

Ling Yun will find an opportunity to sneak out of the Prince's mansion, find a suitable target to devour, and then wander around the Tiandouhuang City as the opponent.

At that time, in the entire Heaven Dou Imperial City, he can go wherever he wants and whoever he wants to find.

As long as you sneak back to the prince's mansion at night, you'll be fine, so why not do it?

Anyone who has ever had a pet knows that, such as pet cats and pet dogs, they don't like to stay at home and like to run around.

Some will run from the east end of the village to the west end of the village, and may even run to the next village. This is a normal phenomenon.

Generally speaking, during the period when the pet disappears.

No matter what they do, they will not attract the attention of the owner.

After Qian Renxue kissed Ling Yun, she said affectionately: "See you tonight." After that, she hurried out the door.

Ling Yun was taken away by a maid in the Prince's Mansion, who said she wanted to feed him.

This maid was specially arranged by Qian Renxue yesterday to take care of Ling Yun's diet and daily life.

The maidservant is 30 years old, her appearance belongs to the upper-middle class, her facial features are correct, and her skin is good.

If it is put into the previous life according to the standard of ten, she belongs to about eight points, which is a good beauty.

And there is no hundreds of thousands of gifts, extra houses, and extra cars that you can never even think about marrying.

But compared with Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue's mother and daughter, they paled in comparison.

Similar to the identities of many people in the Prince's residence, this maid is also the person arranged by Wuhundian to take care of Qian Renxue.

The strength is probably at the level of a 47th-level soul master. The martial soul is a guqin, which belongs to a typical auxiliary system. Its strength is not strong, but it can help people ease their mood.

Ling Yun felt very shameless about the days when clothes came to stretch out his hands and rice came to open his mouth.

But this is Qian Renxue's kindness after all, not to mention, he is just a pet now.

Since someone is willing to take care of themselves, why not do it.

Being held in the arms of such a beautiful maid and fed breakfast, Ling Yun showed a look of enjoyment.

Emma, ​​it smells so good.

However, the so-called gains and losses.

The beautiful maid was also like Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, she looked as cute as Ling Yun's ferret.

He didn't have the slightest ability to resist at all, and while feeding him, he kept hitting him and mopping up wildly.

After having a full breakfast, the maid wanted to continue mopping up.

Ling Yun, who was hot all over, couldn't bear it any longer.

"Okay, okay, I'm full, I'm going out for a walk."

Ling Yun immediately broke free from her arms with righteous words, and fled directly towards the door.

A real man was born between the heaven and the earth, he should stand upright, how can he live in the arms of a beautiful woman for a long time, and be a pet of a woman!

No, absolutely not, unless that person is a beauty like Qian Renxue!

The maid did not expect that Ling Yun would suddenly break free from her embrace.

And like an arrow that left the string, it rushed towards the outside of the mansion.

For a while, she didn't react.

When she realized that Ling Yun had disappeared, she hurried to report to the housekeeper.

After the butler knew about it, he had nothing to do about it.

He had heard from "His Royal Highness" yesterday that this ferret possessed intelligence no less than that of human beings.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince specifically instructed that no matter what the ferret wants to go out to do that day, don't worry about it, as long as he can come back at night.

After escaping from the prince's mansion, Ling Yun took the form of a sky ferret and walked on the street with steps that his relatives did not recognize.

He is dressed in white hair and snow, and his small and exquisite figure is matched with his unrecognizable steps, which makes him look cute.

If he appeared on the streets of Tiandou Imperial City in the form of the Dark Devilgod Tiger now, it would definitely cause some commotion, even panic.

But now he looks like a cute ferret with a life span of no more than 2000 years.

Not only will it not cause riots, but it will also attract the attention of many women on the street.

As long as it is a woman, no matter if it is a child or a girl, no woman is immune to his cute behavior.

Of course, this was also deliberately done by Ling Yun, who has 10 years of soul power to accompany him.

As a man of high art and courage, he is not afraid of anyone daring to catch him.

Or to put it another way, he is eager to be targeted by people now, and the more people come to catch him, the better.

In this way, he can find as many suitable devouring targets as possible.

Once he has chosen a suitable target, he will choose to be caught by them obediently.

It's just that when the time comes, it will be unknown who is the prey and who is the hunter...

(End of this chapter)

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