Chapter 102
The streets of Tiandou Imperial City were full of traffic, and people of all kinds walked on the streets.

From time to time, there are carriages of nobles or merchants speeding on the wide street.

Ling Yun's unrecognizable pace quickly attracted the attention of many passers-by on the road.

Even as time went by, many lovers and couples gathered around him.

For many men, Ling Yun is just a pet like a cat or a dog, and there is nothing to be curious about at all.

But after those women saw Ling Yun's cuteness, they couldn't move at all.

As more and more people gather, the road section becomes more congested.

After seeing the malicious and cute Ling Yun, many women.

The more they watched it, the more they liked it, and the more they liked it, the more they watched it, and discussions arose.

"Wow, it's so cute, I really want to take it back and raise it..."

"I don't know what kind of soul beast this little white guy is, but he looks so cute. I really want to have one..."

"Husband, hubby, can you help me catch him? As long as you successfully catch it, I will reward you well at night."


It is said that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. After hearing that his wife will give him a reward, a burly man immediately rushed towards Ling Yun.

Ling Yun looked up and down at the burly man. This guy looked mediocre and looked to be in his thirties.

The breath of soul power on his body is only level 34, and he is just a commoner. I am afraid that his martial soul aptitude is not good.

He doesn't have anything worth swallowing by Ling Yun.

So of course Ling Yun couldn't follow this guy, and when this burly man rushed towards him, he immediately ran away.

Although he pretended to be a 2000-year soul beast, his actual strength was indeed at the 10-year level.

Within the center of the less than five-meter circle surrounded by the crowd, Ling Yun dodged left and right.

Ten minutes later, the burly man didn't even touch his hair, and sat himself on the ground panting for breath.

The appearance of the burly man made his wife feel ashamed and complained unhappily.

"What a waste, you can't even catch a pet, what do you think you can do besides eat?
Forget it, forget it, I can’t rely on you for anything, just let me catch it myself, useless things..."

Listening to the woman insulting the burly man viciously.

Many onlookers gloated and laughed at the burly man's overreach.

With that little strength, you still want to catch the 2000-year-old ferret?

His wife's insults and everyone's cynicism made the burly man's face bruise and purple. This time he was quite ashamed.

Especially when the wife scolded the man mercilessly, which made the burly man feel even more embarrassed.

But as his wife said, he really has no ability, and the martial soul is also a useless martial soul, with only second-level innate soul power.

He is in his thirties, but his soul power is only level 34.

If there is no miracle, he may not be able to break through to level [-] in his life.

For this reason, he was often ridiculed since he was a child.

Even his wife's strength is much stronger than him, which is also the most embarrassing thing for him.

Looking at such a burly man, Ling Yun lowered his head in frustration.

Ling Yun suspected that if he continued to be scolded by his wife, the man would probably want to die.

Especially that woman is still cursing and swearing, it is too noisy.

The woman instantly released her martial soul. The soul beast was a dog-like soul beast. Ling Yun didn't even know what it was called.

White, yellow, yellow, and purple four soul rings, indicating that this woman has the strength of the soul sect.

It does seem to be much stronger than her husband, but not much stronger.

Soul power is only level 41, which is nothing to Ling Yun.

After the woman released her martial spirit, the onlookers stepped back a few meters to give her enough room to play.

The dog spirit beast behind her raised its head to the sky and roared, and the second spirit ring lit up.

"Second Soul Skill, Chasing the Wind!!!"

Hearing the name of the soul skill, Ling Yun knew that this soul skill should be related to speed.

Her speed increased suddenly, and she rushed towards Ling Yun.

The corners of Ling Yun's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a hint of disdain.

This woman reprimanded her husband in front of so many people, and didn't give her husband any face at all.

Ling Yun felt that it was necessary to seek justice for that man.

Doesn't this guy think he's awesome?

All right, then teach her a lesson.

Facing the woman who was about to pounce on him, Ling Yun didn't hesitate any longer.

The small and exquisite body jumped on the ground, jumping directly from the ground.

Seeing this, the woman quickly stretched out her hand to grab Ling Yun, trying to capture him in one fell swoop while his body was in the air.

But will Ling Yun make her wish come true?Ling Yun's small body passed directly through the woman's grip, heading towards her abdomen.

Has Rabbit Dengying seen it, Ling Yun said that it was all scum.

Ling Yun kicked the ferret, directly kicking the woman's abdomen.

He kicked the woman ten meters away, and finally kicked the woman into the crowd.

And knocked over a bunch of people by the way, like bowling.

The woman didn't expect at all that this seemingly harmless little guy who could only act cute would have such great strength, and directly kicked himself ten meters away.

She let out a muffled grunt, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth. Her husband ran up to her with a face, trying to help her up.

But after being kicked by Ling Yun, this woman still wants to get up normally?At least half a year in bed
Just kidding, Lingyun's body is a veritable 10-year-old soul beast.

If Ling Yun hadn't restrained his strength, I'm afraid this girl's life would have been lost.

Everyone also showed horror when they saw a 41-level Soul Sect being kicked ten meters away by this seemingly harmless little fellow.

What international joke?This little guy is so awesome?
Most of the people who originally had unruly intentions towards Ling Yun couldn't help but weigh the pros and cons, and didn't dare to act rashly again.

After all, this little guy easily beat a level 41 soul sect in seconds.

Maybe he can easily defeat the soul king of level [-] in seconds.

For a while, the whole scene became a lot quieter.

No one wanted to be severely punished for arresting Ling Yun.

However, these people were also very curious as to who was able to capture this cute-looking soul beast, so no one left.

Just when the scene fell into silence.

Suddenly there was the gallop of a carriage, followed by cursing.

"Get out of the way, everyone out of the way! This is Prince Xue Beng's car, get out of here!!!
If Prince Xue Beng blames him, can you troublemakers afford it? "

Hearing that Prince Xue Beng's carriage was going to pass by, all the onlookers gave way wisely.

Prince Xue Beng is notoriously domineering and domineering, if he is annoyed, it would be lighting a lantern in the toilet!

(End of this chapter)

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