Douluo Golden List: I can't stand my identity anymore!

Chapter 142 "Good Father" Image

Chapter 142 "Good Father" Image

When Tang San and Tang Hao in the dark were in a daze, Ling Yun vaguely felt that there was a restlessness in the dark.

So Ling Yun can be sure that Tang Hao should not have left.

It was better for him to accept his son as a adopted son in front of Tang Hao.

To Tang Hao, it didn't hurt much, but it was extremely insulting.

But if Ling Yun succeeded in adopting Tang San as his adoptive son, Tang Hao would definitely be more at ease in entrusting Tang San to him to teach.

After all, the last three sects have always been connected with each other, and for a certain period of time, it can be said that they are even more intimate.

Because of this, the previous three sects had the confidence to compete with Wuhundian.

It's just that now, the Clear Sky School has retired, leaving only the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Clan and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School in the world.

Even if it's just because of the friendship between Shang Sanzong, Tang Hao is sure enough that the "Master" will never treat his son badly.

Now "Master" intends to accept Tang San as his adopted son, and in the future he will definitely give everything to his "adopted son".

Soon, the obscure fluctuations in the darkness dissipated, Ling Yun secretly smiled inwardly, looking down at Tang San who was still in a daze.

"Why, don't you want to? I don't want to, and I don't force it. I thought I was alone for half my life.

Now that I am old, I can adopt a adopted son and teach him all I have learned all my life. It seems that I am just thinking too much. "

Ling Yun looked dejected, with sadness in his eyes.

Tang San's eyes were rolling, as if he was considering the pros and cons of becoming the adopted son of the "Master".

About half a minute later, Tang San knelt down on his knees again, speaking reverently.

"Boy Tang San, kowtow to meet foster father."

Ling Yun was about to burst out laughing, but tears filled his face.

"Good boy, come on, get up quickly, get up quickly, foster father will take you to the Academic Affairs Office to report."

In order to make himself look more excited, he deliberately used his slime ability to secrete a lot of water from his palms, making himself look like he was sweating from excitement.

With Tang San's keen senses, he must be able to detect it.

This is a psychological tactic to let him understand that Ling Yun did not intentionally take advantage of him.

Arriving at the Academic Affairs Office, Ling Yun passed Tang San's certificate to Director Su who was in charge of the registration, just like in the original book.

"Master, why are you here, rare guest, please sit down."

Director Su was all smiles, but it was different from the original book.

In the original book, his smile was a dismissive smile, and he felt that the master was a deceitful person, a complete waste material.

But today's Director Su, after witnessing the "Master" punch a 41-level teacher against the wall with his own eyes, how could he dare to ridicule him?

The teachers in those colleges have long agreed that the master has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger all along.

On the surface, it looks like a level 29 waste, but in fact he is indeed an unfathomable master.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a dream to punch a level 29 Soul Sect against the wall with a level 41 strength?
Generally speaking, even if a level 41 soul master is standing up and let a level 29 great soul master fight, the defense may not be able to break through.

It can be seen that the "master" is not an ordinary person at all.

Ling Yun glanced at Director Su indifferently.

"No, please help me register quickly. He is my new adoptive son. I hope you don't discriminate against him, otherwise you will understand the consequences."

"No, no, how is it possible? Su has always treated all students equally."

Teacher Su quickly shook his head like a rattle drum, expressing his attitude as a teacher with righteous words.

After helping Tang San register for the admission procedures, Ling Yun directly threw a bag of money from his bosom as Tang San's tuition and miscellaneous expenses.

After all, Tang San is now his adopted son in name, even if Ling Yun is just pretending, he still pretends to be a little bit.

"This is my adopted son's tuition and miscellaneous fees for five years. It will be paid in one go. You can count it yourself."

Ling Yun's sudden action made Teacher Su and Tang San stunned.

Originally as a work-study student, Tang San didn't need to pay tuition and miscellaneous fees.

You only need to help the college clean up every day, you can offset the tuition and miscellaneous fees, and you can also get some extra pocket money.

But Ling Yun was so generous that he paid off Tang San's five years of tuition and miscellaneous fees all at once.

This is obviously not what they expected.

"Big, Master, isn't he a work-study student? No, he doesn't need tuition and miscellaneous fees..." Teacher Su said hesitantly.

Ling Yun glanced at him lightly, and replied domineeringly.

"Why does my adopted son need to work as a student..."

Just this simple sentence directly made Ling Yun's image in Tang San's heart infinitely elevated, and he was extremely moved.

If it weren't for him knowing that his father was the drunkard dad in the family.

I'm afraid he will still think that he is the illegitimate son of the "Master".

He looked at Ling Yun seriously, and said solemnly.

"Father, I appreciate your kindness, but it is assumed that I borrowed the money from you, and I will definitely repay you in full in the future. Father has taught me before..."

Before Tang San could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Ling Yun.

"Little San, you don't need to tell Weifu so much. As a student, the most important thing for you is to study, understand?"

The "good father" image that Ling Yun showed at this moment made Tang Hao, who was watching all this from the dark, feel ashamed.

Even he, Tang San's biological father, couldn't achieve the image of a good father that "Master" is now.

Ever since the death of his wife, Ah Yin, he has been decadent, getting drunk every day, he is simply a waste, a scum.

If it wasn't for Tang San's strangely sensible and precocious, perhaps not only this son, but even him would have starved to death already.

While Tang Hao was ashamed, he was quite moved. Now the "Master" has cared so much for Tang San.

If Tang San showed his Clear Sky Hammer spirit, when the "Master" knew that he was the son of an old friend, wouldn't he treat him more sincerely?

Tang Hao had completely relaxed his vigilance about handing Tang San over to the "master" to teach, and left Nuoding Elementary Soul Master Academy.

Ling Yun vaguely felt that Tang Hao had gone away, and there was an evil smile that ordinary people couldn't see from the corner of his mouth.

Tang Hao is relieved, he can do it anytime.

But just in case, Ling Yun felt that he had better be careful, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After dealing with Tang San's admission procedures, he personally led Tang San towards Qishe.

On the way to Qishe, unexpectedly ran into Xiao Wu.

After she saw Ling Yun, she bounced up to Ling Yun and shouted affectionately.

"elder brother……"

Ling Yun twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, how could this girl be here.

Didn't I ask her to report in class?Why do you have the leisure to stroll here now?

Seeing Ling Yun holding a kid who was about her age, Xiao Wu asked curiously.

"Brother, who is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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