Douluo Golden List: I can't stand my identity anymore!

Chapter 143 Want to eat spicy rabbit head?

Chapter 143 Want to eat spicy rabbit head?
Ling Yun didn't want Xiao Wu to meet Tang San all the time, but he didn't expect to meet Tang San directly after completing the enrollment procedures for Tang San.

He tried his best to restrain his unhappiness, and said to Xiao Wu.

"This child is my adopted son. I think he is well-behaved and sensible even though his family conditions are not very good.

Feeling fond of him, I adopted him as a foster son, and now I am sending him to the dormitory. "

He immediately turned his head and introduced Xiao Wu to Tang San.

"Xiao San, this is my father's younger sister... her name is Xiao Wu."

Xiao Wu looked at Tang San curiously, and Tang San also looked curiously at the little girl in front of her, the scene fell silent for a while.

Finally, the little dancer walked up to Tang San boldly, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Little San, right? Since you are my brother's adopted son, I will be your aunt from now on.

In the future, if anyone bullies you in the academy, tell aunt, and aunt will help you vent your anger. If you dare to bully my nephew, aunt will never forgive them. "

Tang San's expression suddenly became weird, the girl in front of him was only five or six years old.

I'm afraid she was younger than him, but she became his aunt directly, which made him very confused.

Seeing Tang San's silent appearance, Xiao Wu's pretty face immediately turned serious, with an expression of displeasure.

"Why, look down on Aunt Xiaowu? You won't even call out?"

Seeing Xiao Wu's displeased appearance, Tang San felt panicked for no reason, as if he didn't want to see Xiao Wu angry.

He hurriedly said impatiently: "Xiao, Auntie Xiaowu, don't be angry, can't I just yell?"

Tang San didn't know why, after he called out "Aunt Xiaowu", he had a vague feeling that he was about to lose something.

He didn't know what he would lose, which made him feel very depressed.

Xiao Wu nodded in satisfaction, and said to Tang San carelessly.

"My dear nephew, my aunt doesn't have anything for you either."

She wiped the 24 bright moonlit nights on her abdomen, and took out a bag of golden soul coins from it.

"Here are fifty gold soul coins, as a gift from Auntie, Auntie hopes that you can understand the truth of not revealing your wealth.

Make good use of the money your aunt gave you, and don't develop the habit of spending money lavishly..."

"Eh..." Ling Yun twitched the corners of his mouth, this was what he told Xiao Wu before.

Unexpectedly, this girl was actually used to teach Tang San, which made Ling Yun a little speechless.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu in front of him and handed him a bag of money, still a full fifty gold soul coins, this was the first time he had seen such a large amount.

For a moment, he didn't know whether he should reach out to pick it up, and subconsciously looked at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun nodded without thinking: "Next, this is a gift from your Aunt Xiaowu to meet you. You should understand the inescapable truth given by the elders, right?"

Only then Tang San nodded, and took the bag of golden soul coins from Xiao Wu.

At this moment, Tang San already clearly felt that he had permanently lost that precious item he didn't want to lose.

He wondered why he felt this way.

But he was not in the mood to think about these things, the politeness from the bottom of his heart made him bow deeply to Xiao Wu.

"Thank you, Auntie Xiaowu."

Xiao Wu also nodded in satisfaction. Although she felt vaguely that she had lost something, she didn't care.

She just thought it was because she was not willing to part with those fifty gold soul coins.

Xiao Wu came to Ling Yun's side, held his hand, and babbled about the interesting things she encountered in the classroom this morning.

And Tang San followed them in the direction of Qishe.

After sending Tang San to the dormitory, Ling Yun told him a few times, and said that he would send a bed sheet.

Afterwards, Ling Yun took Xiao Wu and left Qishe.

On the way back to the staff dormitory, Xiao Wu seemed to be talking to Ling Yun, but also seemed to be talking to herself.

"There are a lot of people in Qishe, and it looks crowded. Fortunately, I live with my brother, and I don't live in the dormitory with them.
Otherwise, there are so many boys, and I'm the only girl, so I won't suffer a lot? "

When Ling Yun heard Xiao Wu's words, he immediately grinned.

"Hey, you little girl also knows the difference between men and women? Shouldn't a 10-year-old rogue rabbit like you play hooligans when he catches someone who is more handsome?"

"Brother stinky, how can you laugh at your sister like this." Xiao Wu stomped her feet angrily.

"Where am I being a hooligan? I've always been a hooligan only to my brother, okay? I'm a reserved girl."

When Xiao Wu said the word "reserved", seeing Ling Yun's playful eyes, even her own confidence weakened a lot.

She rolled her bright eyes and quickly changed the subject.

"Brother, why did you suddenly accept a adopted son? He is not handsome, and his qualifications don't seem to be very good."

"Not so good? Nizi, don't underestimate that child."

A faint smile appeared on Ling Yun's face.

"Don't think that you are powerful because you are born full of soul power, he is also born with full soul power.

You are born full of soul power because you were originally a 10-year soul beast and recultivated to become an adult, but he is not. "

"Is he also innately full of soul power?" Xiao Wu showed an unbelievable look, obviously not believing Ling Yun's words.

"Of course, can my brother still lie to you?" Ling Yun asked with a serious expression.

"Also, let me tell you, he has twin martial souls, and the potential of both martial souls is infinite."

Seeing Ling Yun commenting on Tang San like this, Xiao Wu was also surprised.

Suddenly she thought of something, with a wicked smile on her face, she asked jokingly.

"Brother, I always feel that you don't want to be drunk, you don't want to accept him.

When I have a chance in the future, I will kill him in one gulp, ouch..."

She opened her mouth wide to take a bite, and the playfulness in her eyes became more obvious.

Ling Yun immediately gave her a brain break and reprimanded her.

"Silly girl, even if you know some things, don't tell them, lest the walls have ears.

I heard that there is a dish in the human world called spicy rabbit head, do you want my brother to take you to the cafeteria to try it? "

Spicy rabbit head?Could it be that brother is going to kill the rabbit to silence his mouth?

"Gu..." Xiao Wu shrank her neck, swallowed her saliva, and said pitifully.

"Forget it, brother, can't I be wrong? He is so cute, how can you eat him?"

Seeing Xiao Wu's cute appearance, Ling Yun smiled badly, and raised his hand to touch her head.

"Silly girl, my brother didn't say to eat you, he just asked you to go to the cafeteria to try it. Besides, why would my brother be willing to eat you?"

Ling Yun's smirk made Xiao Wu feel apprehensive.

She swears that she will never talk nonsense in the future, because her brother is a vicious and brutal Dark Devilgod Tiger.

Maybe one day I really made her into a spicy rabbit head, so she died unjustly?
(End of this chapter)

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