Douluo Golden List: I can't stand my identity anymore!

Chapter 277 Ma Hongjun Enters the Stage

Chapter 277 Ma Hongjun Enters the Stage

"This little girl, what are you doing? No matter how much you want to win, there is no need to do this, right?

No, the two sides must be separated, the special soul skills given by Jinbang are too overbearing, if Tai Long is given a second, the Lizhi Clan will definitely turn against him in the future. "

Ling Yun frowned slightly, and without any further hesitation, he immediately released the blue silver grass, causing the blue silver grass to wrap around Xiao Wu's and Tai Long's waists, bringing them into the air.

Xiao Wu felt that the blue silver grass was wrapped around her abdomen, she turned her head to look at Ling Yun's serious eyes, and immediately lowered her head.

She also knew that she had gone too far, so she didn't dare to meet Ling Yun's eyes.

Ling Yun looked at Qin Ming and said something lightly.

"Okay, Teacher Qin, let's declare a draw in this round."

"A tie? Why, why? It's clear that Xiao Wu has already gained the upper hand just now.

And I can tell that the little girl used a combo-type soul skill just now, if I use all of them in place, I will definitely lose. "

Tai Long snorted, spat out a few more mouthfuls of blood, and looked at Ling Yun with a puzzled face, wondering why Ling Yun wanted Qin Ming to declare a draw.

Ling Yun nodded lightly, brought Xiao Wu back to the dragon's back, gently flicked her head on her smooth forehead, and continued to explain without blaming her immediately.

"I know that just now she used the special soul skill bestowed by Jinbang, if that move is fully utilized, I'm afraid that even if you don't die, you will be disabled for life.

No matter what, this is just a competition among classmates, not a life-and-death struggle, but Xiao Wu used this trick, so even though she won, she actually lost. "

Ling Yun's explanation made both Tai Long and Qin Ming suddenly realize.

Tai Long also nodded, and looked at Ling Yun with conviction in his eyes. After coughing a few times, he nodded and clasped his fists at Ling Yun.

"Young master, wise!"

Ling Yun raised his eyebrows. It seems that Tai Tan and Tai Nuo have already told him that "Tang San" is the young master of the Lizhi Clan. It seems that it is impossible for him to conflict with himself like in the original book.

Qin Ming looked at the deans and saw that they all nodded in agreement, so he raised his hand and announced to everyone.

"In this game, I declare a draw. In view of Xiao Wu's outstanding performance, she is the first player in this round to advance to the next round."

When Xiao Wu heard Qin Ming announce her decision to advance, she had a joyful smile on her face, but she was pulled into Ling Yun's arms, lying on his knees, and gave her little butt a light meal. shoot.

"You bad girl, I told you not to use that move casually, you still dare to use it indiscriminately, if you kill Tai Long with a combo, it will ruin the big brother's event.

Besides, Tai Long's soul power is 16 levels higher than yours, and his own martial soul can be regarded as restraining you, even if you lose, it doesn't matter, why did you use that trick? "

Xiao Wu saw that Ling Yun wanted to teach her a lesson, but she was reluctant to do something heavy, so she covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

"I just want to win him and give my brother face. Even if his spirit power is higher than mine, I don't want to lose."

Regarding Xiao Wu's explanation, Ling Yun was also a little helpless, sometimes this girl would not change so easily when she was convinced of a certain thing.

"Okay, okay, whatever you want, but my brother still said that, you must use that trick casually in the future, it is your strongest hole card.

If someone else studies it thoroughly in the future and develops a new move for you, you won't even have time to cry, even if it is a special soul skill given by Jinbang, it may not have a nemesis. "

Ling Yun let go of Xiao Wu, his eyes fixed on the ring, and now there were two inner courtyard students on the ring.

Due to Xiao Wu's excellent performance in the leapfrog challenge, the atmosphere of the entire playground has been mobilized at this moment.

Especially the one hundred students from Yuexuan, they all looked at Xiao Wu with splendor in their eyes.

From time to time, their eyes would turn to Ling Yun again. After all, Xiao Wu was able to knock down Tai Long beyond level 16, but she never dared to fight him.

This fully shows that Ling Yun is even more extraordinary, but just now Ling Yun released the Blue Silver Grass to save Tai Long.

It made them more and more curious, could it be that the Blue Silver Grass is still some bullshit Wuhun?

Generally speaking, Blue Silver Grass is recognized as a trash, so how could it be a great martial spirit?Evil, too evil.

Ling Yun didn't care about the strange eyes of these people, and watched the progress of the game with interest.

In the next junior competition, the bright spots were much less, which made Ling Yun yawn in boredom.

It wasn't until a six-year-old fat kid with red hair and a rebellious face stepped onto the ring that Ling Yun just sat up.

This six-year-old fat kid with red hair and short hair is Ma Hongjun.

His first opponent was an inner academy, about ten years old.

Seeing that his opponent was a six-year-old child, Ma Hongjun's opponent had a strange look on his face.

After taking a few glances at Ma Hongjun, he fixed his eyes on Ling Yun and Xiao Wu who were on the backs of the three sacred dragons, and asked Ma Hongjun tentatively.

"Hey, kid, you are also Vice President Yu's direct disciple, right?"

Ma Hongjun was obviously taken aback by the other party's question, then he shook his head repeatedly.

"No, I'm not a direct disciple of Vice President Yu."

The opponent secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't the BT taught by Vice President Yu, otherwise, he might not even be able to win a game.

While he was secretly rejoicing, Ma Hongjun replied seriously.

"I am the direct disciple of Dean Flender, not Vice-President Yu."

"Pfft..." Ma Hongjun's opponent was almost choked to death by the salt soda, and countless muddy horses were jumping around in his heart.

In his opinion, although Dean Fred is not as powerful as Vice Dean Yu, he is still a strong soul saint.

Can a direct disciple of a soul sage level powerhouse be weak?Obviously impossible.

Ma Hongjun's opponent restrained his contempt this time, after all, the mistakes of the past are the lessons of the past.

He felt that if he lost to this six-year-old child, his place in the inner court might not be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, he immediately released his martial soul, which is a spear with a pointed spear, and the yellow soul ring emits a dense light.

His soul power is about level sixteen. In the inner courtyard, whether it is high or low, this level did not arouse everyone's interest.

Ma Hongjun also shouted at this moment: "Phoenix possessed!"

Hearing his low shout, most of the students present were in an uproar, the phoenix type martial soul is the most powerful type among the beast martial souls.

Not only can it make the host have the ability to fly, but it can also give the host a powerful attack with fire attributes.

Compared to the flames of the Raging Fox, the power of the Phoenix Flame is not less than that of the Raging Fox.

The contestant who owned the Fiery Fox just now showed off his power in front of everyone, let alone the flame of the Phoenix Martial Soul!

(End of this chapter)

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