Chapter 278 Mastering Air Control

It's just that different from what everyone present thought, Ma Hongjun after being possessed by the phoenix is ​​not as majestic as everyone imagined.

Fuchsia light gushed out from his body, and the short hair suddenly became gathered towards the center and became a Mohawk style hairstyle.

Purple-red light shot out through his body, releasing intense heat, and a circle of yellow soul rings rose under his feet.

Long feathers protrude from the exposed puffy arms, and the hands are in the shape of claws. As described in the original book, it does not look like a phoenix at all, but more like a fat hen.

"Pfft..." With a sound, Xiao Wu covered her mouth and laughed lightly: "Hahaha, is there such a fat phoenix? This is clearly a native chicken."

All the students in the audience covered their mouths and snickered, or burst into laughter. Obviously, in their eyes, Ma Hongjun's image at this moment was indeed just a local chicken.

Ma Hongjun's opponent also laughed out loud.

"Haha, fat man, this is the phoenix you mentioned? Are you sure it's not a native chicken? Are you afraid that you can't beat me and want to make me disappear alive?

Your move is really amazing, as long as I am laughed to death, you can easily win the game, absolutely, absolutely amazing! "

Ma Hongjun's face turned blue for a while, then turned pale for a while, and at this moment he was furious.

"Laugh at your sister, this is Phoenix, this is Phoenix!"

An exasperated Ma Hongjun raised his hands, and the first soul ring on his body suddenly lit up.

"The first soul skill, Phoenix Firewire!"

He opened his mouth immediately, and a thin purple-red flame sprayed towards the opponent.

The flames didn't spread out like the flames spouted by the firefox, but condensed into a jet of fire.

The intense heat condensed in the flames made Ma Hongjun's opponent instantly change his face. Immediately, he stuck the fire-pointed spear into the ground, and his whole body rose into the air with the help of force, narrowly dodging the jet of fire.

Seeing that his opponent dodged the Phoenix Fire Line's attack, Ma Hongjun raised his head, and swept the Phoenix Fire Line towards the leg of the opponent who rose into the air.

The opponent could feel that the temperature condensed by Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Firewire was terrifyingly high.

If he was hit by the phoenix fire wire, his pants would be set on fire in a short time, and his whole clothes might even be burned.

In order to avoid burning his clothes and causing him to run naked, the opponent's yellow soul ring also lit up.

"The first soul skill, Baihong Piercing the Sun!"

The opponent used his strength to jump aside, drew out his long spear, and stabbed directly at Ma Hongjun who was spraying the phoenix line of fire.

Unexpectedly, Ma Hongjun flapped his hands and soared into the sky, unexpectedly using this to avoid the opponent's first soul ability, and flew into the sky.

Ma Hongjun was condescending, and used Phoenix Firewire to attack his opponent.

Although Ma Hongjun didn't fly high because of the fact that the Phoenix Fire Line only has a five-meter attack range.

But as Ling Yun said clearly in his previous life, whoever controls the air will control the initiative on the battlefield.

Taking advantage of his flying advantage, Ma Hongjun basically ignored the opponent's first soul ability attack.

The opponent's first soul skill is a single-body attack with a range of up to two meters. If the opponent is on the ground, with his agile body skills, he can still beat it.

But Ma Hongjun flew into the sky shamelessly, using the Phoenix Fire Wire to unilaterally crush his opponent.

This made the opponent feel aggrieved, obviously the little fat man couldn't beat him, but he couldn't hit him.

This made him dodge the attack of Ma Hongjun's Phoenix line of fire in embarrassment, cursing and grinning constantly.

"Fatty man, if you have the ability, get out of here and hide in the air, what kind of hero are you?
Come down for me, believe it or not, I can cripple you with one shot, *****"

Beautiful words were continuously spoken from the opponent's mouth, but Ma Hongjun didn't put his words in his ears at all.

"Let you call me a native chicken. If I don't turn you into a roast chicken today, I won't believe in horses..."

Ma Hongjun sprayed the phoenix flames, while cursing his opponent back, directly setting his opponent's clothes on fire.

"Wow, it's on fire, it's so hot, fat man, can you fucking talk about martial arts..."

Ma Hongjun's opponent saw that his clothes were set on fire, so he hurriedly took off the set clothes, revealing his clean arms, so as not to keep the fire from spreading.

But just after tearing off part of it, his pants were set on fire again, which made the opponent's mentality collapse a bit.

It's impossible to just take off your pants and run naked for the game, right?Do I really want to lose face?

He was so cruel that he actually pulled the fire-pointed gun from the ground, and glared at Ma Hongjun with his eyes.

Ma Hongjun's right eyelid twitched involuntarily, he realized that the other party might throw a pointed gun at him in a desperate attempt.

If he was stabbed by a fire-pointed gun, he would be injured at least, or even die at worst, so he didn't dare to gamble, so he quickly waved his hands and rose up into the air.

At this moment, his opponent threw the pointed spear in his hand and flew towards Ma Hongjun, which made Ma Hongjun quickly dodge in the sky.

The fire-pointed spear passed by the wings formed by Ma Hongjun's hands. Although he dodged the vital part, it still left a wound on his arm.

The severe pain made Ma Hongjun couldn't help being furious: "Bastard, you want my master's life, and I will fight with you."

Regardless of the pain in his arm, Ma Hongjun opened his mouth again, spraying dense phoenix fire towards his opponent.

The opponent's pants were set on fire again, and his hair and eyebrows were all burned bald by the high temperature of the Phoenix fire.

The opponent knew that if the burning continued, being burned to death would be a minor matter, and if the whole body was burned naked in front of all the girls in the school, I am afraid that the right to choose a spouse in the future will be completely lost.

For his own future happiness, he made a decision and raised his right hand to Qin Ming.

"Teacher, I, I admit defeat."

After finishing speaking, he walked off the ring in a hurry and ran towards the pool in the far corner of the playground.

Many places on his trousers were burned, and it would be a shame to burn the trousers.

Under the strange eyes of everyone, he jumped into the pool and put out the fire on his pants.

Ma Hongjun also fell to the ground at this time, clutching his arm that was cut open by the flaming spear, blood was continuously flowing from the wound.

Liu Erlong immediately ran up to the ring and checked it out.

"Fortunately, the wound is not too deep. Let Jiang Zhu come over to treat it and bandage the wound. It should not affect the continued fighting."

After finishing speaking, she beckoned to Jiang Zhu and asked her to go to the ring to help Ma Hongjun heal his wounds.

When Jiang Zhu heard Liu Erlong's order, she immediately ran onto the ring, released the Healing Power Martial Soul, and released the soul skill Healing Halo on Ma Hongjun.

(End of this chapter)

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