Chapter 279
After the effect of the healing aura of Jiangzhu, the blood of Ma Hongjun's wound opened by the fire-pointed gun quickly stopped, and the wound also recovered to a good degree.

However, Jiang Zhu's soul power had also bottomed out, so Ma Hongjun's wounds were not completely healed.

The hostess came to the stage to announce the news of Ma Hongjun's victory, and announced that his next opponent was also from the Inner Academy.

This inner courtyard student is 11 years old, his strength has reached level 19, and his martial spirit is Iron Backed Saber Mantis.

The Iron Back Saber Mantis belongs to the insect-like beast martial soul. Its defense ability is quite strong, its attack ability is not bad, and it can also fly.

So this time Ma Hongjun had a hard time. Originally, because he was too young, his strength was 8 levels lower than his opponent's.

Now even his greatest reliance, the ability to fly, was canceled out by the opponent, so Ma Hongjun was quickly defeated.

However, Ma Hongjun didn't seem to be discouraged, but walked off the ring carelessly.

From time to time, he enthusiastically waved to many female students who were looking at him, smiling as lewdly as he wanted.

Ling Yun couldn't help but his face became weird, he thought of the evil fire problem brought by Ma Hongjun's martial soul, and muttered to himself.

"Ma Hongjun is only 6 years old now, so he shouldn't have grown that fast, right? It's impossible for him to be so mad that he needs a beautiful woman to help him relieve his anger at the age of 6, right?"

Xiao Wu next to Ling Yun had such a keen sense of hearing that he immediately listened to his words.

But she couldn't understand what Ling Yun's words meant, she tilted her head and looked at Ling Yun with innocent and romantic eyes.

"Brother, what do you mean by purging fire? Do you need the help of a beautiful woman?"

Ling Yun looked at Xiao Wu's innocent face, the corners of his mouth twitched, he raised his hand to her forehead, and his brain collapsed again.

"Xiao Nizi, you are still young, you should not know things, you better not know."

"Hmph, brother smelly, take this opportunity to flick my head again, if I flick it again, I will become stupid.

If you don't tell me, I will ask Dean Erlong later, she must know..."

After Ling Yun refused to answer the question, and was rewarded with a slap in the face, Xiao Wu puffed up her cheeks angrily.

For this silly girl like Xiao Wu, Ling Yun is also helpless, he can only try to dispel his dissatisfaction.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ming on the ring announced that the next contestant would be Ling Yun disguised as "Tang San".

Ling Yun could only shrug his shoulders, raised his hand to touch Xiao Wu's lovely rabbit ears.

"Brother is going down to compete, you sit on the dragon."

I saw Ling Yun jumping down from the dragon's back, not as stable as Mount Tai as everyone present imagined, and not as gracefully as a banished fairy.

"Bang..." With a sound, Ling Yun appeared in large characters and fell on the ring.

The whole arena couldn't help but tremble, and the deafening dull sound kept reverberating throughout the Shrek Academy playground.

Everyone under the ring, you look at me, I look at you, and look at each other.

What's happening here?Didn't it mean that this guy is Vice President Yu's most proud student?Didn't it mean that he was the leader of the academy's juniors?

Why did he appear in such a mess?
After the deadly silence of the audience, finally someone couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, idiot, brother is a big idiot, if you jump down like this, you will be damned if you don't fall flat...haha..."

As expected, Xiao Wu had a heart-to-heart connection with Ling Yun, and immediately realized his intentions, so she covered her belly and laughed heartily without caring about her appearance.

Following her silver bell-like laughter, many students present couldn't help but look at Ling Yun's distressed look.

Even Ling Yun's current opponent, that is, the 11-year-old inner court student with 19th-level soul power, also leaned forward and backward with a smile.

Ling Yun pretended to have a painful face, covered his small face with his hands, and said to the inner courtyard student pretending to be out of breath.

"What are you laughing at, don't you deserve a beating? This is just pretending, sir, to enliven the atmosphere of the audience. What's so funny?

If you laugh again, believe it or not, the young master will throw you under the ring without giving you any face? "

Ling Yun's "anxious" words made everyone present laugh even more.

Originally, many people thought that he was Vice President Yu's favorite student, and that the existence that even Xiao Wu didn't dare to compete with him should be very powerful.

But now, Ling Yun's actions have lowered him by at least three or four levels in everyone's minds, from a super genius to a stupid and cute fool.

Ling Yun's opponent at the moment has completely let go of him. With such a weak chicken, he feels that he has no interest in fighting at all.

Liu Erlong who was sitting at the podium quickly stood up, wanting to go up to see Ling Yun's injuries at the moment.

In her opinion, Ling Yun jumped off such a high dragon's back and fell to the ground. No matter how powerful his potential was, it would definitely hurt his bones.

The current Ling Yun is an existence at the level of the gold master of the entire Shrek Academy, and there are Clear Sky Douluo and Clear Sky School behind him.

If the disciples of Haotianzong were finished in Shrek Academy, it might not be long before the whole Shrek Academy would suffer.

In addition, Ling Yun's identity is the puppet Yu Xiaogang's disciple at this moment, so she is more anxious than anyone else at this moment.

Just as she was about to rush to the ring, she was stopped by Dugu Bo not far away.

"You don't need to go up, that kid can handle falls better than you imagined, not to mention falling from a height of tens of meters, even if you fall from a height of hundreds of meters, it's fine."

"What, what, how is it possible?" Liu Erlong didn't believe Dugu Bo's words at all.

Dugu Bo pointed to the ring, and continued lazily.

"Look for yourself, he's up now."

I saw that Ling Yun rubbed his face with his hands, then stood up from the ground, as if nothing happened.

As if he jumped down and fell just now, it didn't cause any harm to him at all, this made Liu Erlong a little dumbfounded.

Everyone present couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking at Ling Yun like looking at a freak, full of disbelief.

Ling Yun's opponent also looked suspicious. He had jumped tens of meters, but if he hit the ring like this, he would lose an arm and a leg even if he didn't die, but why is this guy fine?

Ling Yun really likes to see his opponents dumbfounded and unbelievable. In order to achieve a better shock, Ling Yun instantly released "Tang San"'s Blue Silver Grass martial spirit.

"Under Tang San, a 16th-level soul master of the control system, Wuhun Blue Silver Grass"

A pitch-black soul ring rose around his body, as deep as a black hole.

At the moment, everyone who was surprised at the scene opened their mouths wide and rubbed their eyes with their hands.

Martial Soul is Blue Silver Grass?The first soul ring or the ten thousand year soul ring?

(End of this chapter)

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