Chapter 50 Help 3
"No, no." Because she was afraid that he would misunderstand, she quickly waved her hands to clarify something, but she didn't know where to start, and he didn't say what she had misunderstood. "I just", she coughed, He said with some embarrassment, "There is no car on the road now, I can't go home, can I trouble you to take me for a ride, just one ride", Qi Wei looked at him, blinking his eyes with deep anticipation.

Pretend to be pitiful or something, Qi Wei can think of his current appearance in his mind, no matter how he thinks, no matter how wretched he feels, he can't help but tremble. Sure enough, he still feels that it is unreliable, but for his own sake, no matter how unreliable, he has to be tough Hold on with your scalp.

It's shameful for an old girl to be cute, but in order not to sleep on the street, she worked hard! !
The corner of Ye Ming's mouth twitched, and he looked at her, "Get in the car."

"Okay", when Ye Ming let go, Qi Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled brightly. This smile is different from the smile that was deliberately flattering before, but the joy and satisfaction from the heart, as if for Qi Wei was a little surprised at being so easily satisfied, Ye Ming's eyes flickered, and he was stunned for a moment.

In fact, at the beginning, he still had some doubts about the purity of Qi Ruo's desire to rub the car. Although he took the initiative to press the whistle, it can be seen that he is used to all kinds of temptations in the entertainment industry, and Qi Luo asked so neatly again, what he thought It's normal to be complicated, it's not because he's narcissistic, after all, he's seen someone get up for various reasons before, but after seeing Qi Ruo's smile, he feels relieved, no matter what she will be like in the future, at least for this moment She didn't have any other ideas.

As if he was afraid that he would regret it, Qi Ruo hurried over and opened the rear door. When Ye Ming came back to his senses again, Qi Ruo was already sitting in the back seat.

Ye Ming's eyes twitched, but he didn't say anything, "Where are you going?" He looked at Qi Wei in the rearview mirror and asked.

"Limin Road", Qi Wei said with a smile, in a very good mood.

The car was very quiet, Qi Wei was lying on the edge of the car window, looking at the surrounding night scene, humming a popular ditty, her current mood, how should I put it, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a life from a desperate situation. I thought there was no hope, but I didn't expect to meet someone willing to help.

Qi Luo thought for a while, and her eyes drifted towards Ye Ming unconsciously. To be honest, she never thought that Ye Ming would help her. A good impression, plus Qi Wei thought that with Ye Ming's identity, a little guy like himself would naturally not be able to catch his eyes, and it was indeed the case.

"Are you happy?" Ye Ming asked suddenly, breaking the calm. Although the words were questions, his tone was firm.

Suddenly hearing Ye Ming's voice, Qi Wei, who was humming the tune, froze for a moment, and her voice stopped abruptly. She never thought that Ye Ming would take the initiative to talk to her. She was nervous and forgot to answer for a while. Ye Ming Since he said that sentence, he didn't open his mouth again, and the already quiet car fell into extreme silence, with a faint tendency to develop into embarrassment.

"Cough cough", after a while Qi Luo came to her senses, and coughed with half-clenched fists on her lips, she clearly felt that the stagnant air flow slowly came alive as soon as her voice came out, "Of course I’m so happy, I thought I could only choose between walking home and sleeping on the street, but I didn’t expect that there was a third choice, it’s like a light in a dark room, sending charcoal in the snow.” .

The corner of Ye Ming's mouth was bent, looked at her, suddenly remembered something, frowned slightly, and said, "You'd better not show your head outside."

(End of this chapter)

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