Chapter 51 Help 4
Qi Wei thought that she was more understanding of winks, and she sat up straight as soon as Ye Ming's words fell, and her movements were crisp and quick.

She sat obediently in her seat and stopped glancing around. After being reminded by Ye Ming, she suddenly realized that she is a young actor and she is not afraid of anything at ordinary times, but this one in front of her is a big star. When a paparazzi appears, his every move may be reported. Qi Luo couldn't help being afraid when he thought about it, wouldn't he be photographed before?
"Thank you", Qi Luo suddenly opened his mouth and looked at his back, and said seriously, as a star, and a star who is not very familiar with so much difference in status and status, it is very rare for Ye Ming to be willing to help him , I can only pray not to be discovered by the paparazzi, "You are a good person".

"..." These words were really simple and rude. Ye Ming, who hadn't heard such words for a long time, couldn't help feeling funny. His mood improved a lot for no reason, and the smile couldn't stop spreading on his face. He couldn't help teasing. , "Then according to what you said, if I don't take you today, I won't be a good person?"

"Uh", Qi Wei was stunned, and it was difficult to answer Ye Ming's words for a while. If you praise you for being a good person, just accept it?What questions do you ask in return? You have the most questions.

She thought depressingly, of course it is impossible for her to express this emotion, let alone the two people's identities are different, as far as she is concerned, she is still sitting in his car and needs his help. The idea of ​​complaining is already quite unkind, and it is better to hide it.

"Hehehe, everything you said is good." She laughed twice and said, "But I'm really sorry just now. I didn't think carefully."

Ye Ming shrugged, knowing that she had misunderstood something, holding the steering wheel with both hands, and said casually, "It's just my whim to help you, and besides, as long as it doesn't disturb my normal life, I don't care what the media says, and even if it is I was photographed, it should be you..." He stopped here, turned his head and glanced at Qi Luo, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, it seemed to be saying that even if the report of the injury was probably not he.

Qi Luo thought for a while, and she was right. If their identities were put together, she must be the one who was hurt. She guessed that Ye Ming didn't say the next thing because of saving face. Even if it was photographed, the media probably She would also say that she seduced herself, and then dug out the eighteenth generation of her ancestors, but in that case, she would become popular. Well, it seems that she had nothing to dig up before, and the media probably couldn't find anything.

Want to make some news?You must think carefully when you go back, Qi Luo thought.

Ye Ming glanced at her from the rearview mirror, then turned his gaze to the front again, and continued to look at the road ahead, with a flat tone as if it was warm boiled water, and said lightly, "I didn't let you stick your head out just now. Hello, don’t you know that cars should never stick their heads out when driving on the road?”

This is his rare explanation.

"Oh", Qi Wei nodded as if she was being taught, she felt a little disapproving, because she was thinking before, so she was a little careless.

Qi Wei's inattention had no effect on Ye Ming, and he didn't bother to care if she listened to it, but continued, "I see that you and Ning Zecheng are old acquaintances?"

After Ye Ming's second question was asked, Qi Luo realized the previous question belatedly, and was stunned. Is he explaining to her?
(End of this chapter)

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