weight loss meal

Chapter 10 Dishes

Chapter 10 Dishes (2)
[Nutritional effect] Fungus has the functions of clearing the lungs, detoxifying, invigorating qi and promoting blood circulation, and nourishing and benefiting the stomach.

The surface of high-quality fungus is black and smooth, and one side is gray. It feels dry to the touch, without graininess, and has no peculiar smell in the mouth.Inferior fungus looks thicker and heavier. It feels wet or grainy when touched, and tastes sweet or salty in the mouth (usually soaked in sugar or salt water).

Braised Chicken with Potatoes
Raw materials: 250 grams of potatoes, 500 grams of chicken

Seasoning: scallion, ginger slices, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, cooking oil in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces; butcher the chicken and chop into small pieces.

2. Put the oil in the pot and bring to a boil, add the chicken pieces to pull the oil, remove, then increase the oil temperature, add potatoes and fry until golden brown, remove.

3. Pour the oil into the pot and heat it up, add chicken nuggets, fried potatoes, cooking wine, add scallions, ginger slices, soy sauce, salt, water and boil, then turn to low heat and simmer until cooked.

[Nutritional effect] The rich dietary fiber of potatoes not only makes people feel full and reduces food intake, but also has the effect of laxative and laxative.Potatoes are low in calories and are an ideal food for weight loss.

Peeled potatoes should be stored in cold water, and adding a little vinegar to the water will keep the potatoes from discoloring.

Pumpkin Steamed Pork
Raw materials: 300 grams of pumpkin, 400 grams of pork

Seasoning: Cooking wine, soy sauce, sweet noodle sauce, monosodium glutamate, edible oil, chopped green onion, ginger powder in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Wash the pumpkin and peel off the outer skin, use a knife to open a small lid at the melon pedicle, and dig out the melon pulp.

2. Wash the pork, cut it into large thick slices, put it in a bowl, add cooking wine, soy sauce, sweet noodle sauce, cooking oil, monosodium glutamate, chopped green onion, minced ginger and mix well.

3. Put the mixed pork into the pumpkin, cover it, and steam it on high heat for 2 hours, then take it out.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is good for tonifying deficiency and nourishing the body, moistening the intestines and laxative, and beautifying the skin.

Pumpkin meat is sweet, and tender pumpkins do not need to be peeled. It is best to choose round pumpkins.

Barbecued pork with candied dates

Raw materials: 150 grams of barbecued pork, 150 grams of wax gourd

Seasoning: appropriate amount of candied dates, medlar, edible oil, salt, sugar, and water starch
Production process
1. Slice the barbecued pork, wash the candied dates, soak the medlar thoroughly, peel the wax gourd, and slice the seeds.

2. Add water to the pot. When the water boils, put wax gourd slices in, cook for a while on medium heat, remove and drain the water, place them in a bowl with barbecued pork, put candied dates and medlars in the middle, and steam in a steamer for 30 minutes Minutes, back into the dish.

3. Put oil in another pot, pour water, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil, thicken with starch, and pour over the char siew.

[Nutritional effect] Both candied dates and wolfberry have a good effect of nourishing yin and beautifying the skin, which is the best choice for beauty-loving women.

This dish is beet, so it is not suitable to add MSG when seasoning.

Stir-fried Duck Kidney with Green Pepper

Raw materials: 150 grams of green pepper, 100 grams of duck kidney

Seasoning: red pepper, ginger, garlic, cooking oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, sesame oil, and pepper
Production process
1. Slice the green pepper and red pepper separately; remove the old skin of the duck kidney and slice it; cut the ginger and garlic into pieces.

2. Add pepper and cooking wine to the duck kidney and marinate well.Heat the oil in the pan, add ginger slices, garlic slices, and chili flakes, and fry over medium heat until they are seven times mature.

3. Add duck kidney slices, add salt and monosodium glutamate and stir-fry until tasty, pour in sesame oil, take out of the pan and serve on a plate.

[Nutritional effect] Pepper can stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite and help digestion.Capsicum can prevent and treat scurvy, and has an auxiliary therapeutic effect on bleeding gums, anemia, and fragile blood vessels.

The duck kidney should not be fried too old, so as not to bite, it is advisable to use medium heat.

Roasted Eggplant with Minced Meat

Raw materials: 500 grams of eggplant, 100 grams of minced meat

Seasoning: soy sauce, cooking wine, green onion, ginger, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil, salt
Production process
1. Cut the eggplant into hob pieces, mince shallot and ginger.

2. Heat up the oil pan and add oil, add the minced meat and stir-fry until it turns white, set aside for use.

3. Heat the pan and put in the oil. When the oil is hot, add the eggplant, stir-fry until the eggplant turns from hard to soft, add minced meat, soy sauce, minced green onion, minced ginger, cooking wine and a small amount of water, cover the pot and simmer, put Add the right amount of monosodium glutamate and salt, and stir well to get out of the pan.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is good for clearing heat and cooling blood, dispelling wind and dredging collaterals, reducing fat and reducing pressure.

When roasting eggplant, it should be wrapped with gorgon juice, and the heat should be controlled well to avoid the phenomenon of burning outside and hard inside.

Stir-fried chicken sting

Raw materials: 150 grams of clean chicken breast, 250 grams of jellyfish head

Seasoning: egg white, coriander, shredded ginger, salt, shredded green onion, vinegar, shredded red pepper, cooking wine, chicken broth, pepper, sesame oil, cooking oil, and starch
Production process
1. Remove the fascia and shred the chicken breast, put it in a bowl, add egg white, a little salt and starch, mix well and slash; cut the jellyfish head into thin strips, wash it with clean water, and blanch it in hot water.

2. Put chicken broth, salt, vinegar, cooking wine, pepper, and starch in the bowl to make juice.

3. Put oil in the frying pan, heat it to [-]% heat on high heat, add shredded green onion and shredded ginger to fry the fragrance, immediately add shredded chicken and fry until cooked, add shredded jellyfish head, shredded red pepper, coriander segments and a bowl Gorgon juice, quickly turned upside down, poured with sesame oil, put on a plate and serve.

[Nutritional effect] Jellyfish is also known as jellyfish. The mouth and wrist are commonly called jellyfish head, and the umbrella is called jellyfish skin.

This dish is fried in a unique way, without lubricating oil, and it can be cooked at one time.Heat the oil on a high heat, and the cooking time should be short to keep the raw materials fresh and tender. Although there is seasoning sauce, it should not be served with soup after serving.

Taro Beef Casserole

Ingredients: 150 grams of beef (hind leg), 150 grams of taro, 30 grams of dried shiitake mushrooms

Seasoning: milk, starch, onion, garlic, cooking wine, ginger, cooking oil, pepper, water starch, salt
Production process
1. Slice the beef, add pepper, starch, and cooking wine, mix well, and marinate for 2 hours.

2. Soak the shiitake mushrooms until soft, remove the stalks, slice the taro, ginger and garlic, and cut the shallots into small pieces.

3. Heat the oil pan to [-]% heat, add taro, fry until it changes color, then remove, then add beef, fry until floating, remove and drain.

4. Leave the oil in the wok and heat it up, add ginger and garlic to saute until fragrant, add salt, cooking wine, water, and taro, cook the taro until slightly rotten, add beef, shiitake mushrooms, and green onions and cook for a while, add water starch to thicken, and pour milk Bring to a boil, pour the whole pot into a casserole, move to the stove, and cook for a few minutes on medium heat.

[Nutritional effect] Taro has the functions of laxative, detoxification, swelling and pain relief.

Taro must be cooked well when cooking, otherwise the mucus in it will irritate the throat.

Shredded Chicken Fairy Tofu
Ingredients: 30 grams of chicken, 120 grams of immortal tofu

Seasoning: medlar, edible oil, ginger, salt, garlic, coriander, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, sesame oil
Production process
1. Shred chicken, soak medlar thoroughly, peel and dice ginger, dice garlic, wash and dice coriander.

2. Boil water in a pot. When the water boils, add shredded chicken and fairy tofu, cook until the chicken is just cooked, remove and wash.

3. Add shredded chicken, fairy tofu, medlar, ginger, garlic, and coriander in a bowl, add cooking oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, and sesame oil, mix well, let stand for 5 minutes, and serve immediately.

[Nutritional effect] Nutritious tofu with shredded chicken and wolfberry is good for nourishing yin and blood.

You should buy white fairy tofu, and the chicken should not be overcooked.

Braised Pork with Green Carrots

Raw materials: 500 grams of pork, 250 grams of carrots, 250 grams of green radishes

Seasoning: appropriate amount of ginger and salt
Production process
1. Cut carrots and green radishes into pieces with a hob.

2. Cut the pork.

3. Put carrot cubes, green radish cubes, pork, and ginger in a clay pot, cook for two hours, turn off the heat and season with salt.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is good for invigorating the spleen and eliminating food, nourishing the liver and improving eyesight, clearing heat and detoxifying.

Green radish is rich in nutrients needed by the human body. It has a high amylase content, dense meat, light green color, watery taste, sweet and slightly spicy. It is a famous raw food variety, known as "fruit radish".

Sauteed Bacon with Celery and Lily

Ingredients: 150 grams of bacon, 100 grams each of celery and lily

Seasoning: minced garlic, ginger slices, carrots, salt, water starch, cooking oil in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Sliced ​​bacon; sliced ​​celery with ribs removed; peeled and washed lilies, and boiled them in boiling water; sliced ​​carrots.

2. Put base oil in the frying pan, add minced garlic and sliced ​​ginger to the pan, add bacon and stir-fry for about 1 minute.

3. Put the celery, lily, etc. in the pot and stir fry together, add salt and water starch to thicken.

[Nutrition and efficacy] Celery contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

When purchasing celery, the color should be bright green, the petiole should be thick, the stem should be slightly rounded, and the inside should be slightly concave.This kind of celery is of high quality, so you can buy it with confidence.

Steamed Squab with American Ginseng
Raw materials: 600 grams of squab, 500 grams of pork

Seasoning: appropriate amount of American ginseng, ginger, cooking wine, salt, pepper, and sesame oil
Production process
1. Slaughter the pigeons, clean them, blanch them in boiling water, and take them out for later use; cut American ginseng into small pieces; wash and slice ginger.

2. Wash the pork, pound it into mince with the back of a knife, take a steaming bowl, add squab, American ginseng slices, minced pork, ginger slices, salt, clear soup, cooking wine and sesame oil.

3. Put it into the cage and steam it over medium heat for 1 hour, take it out when the pigeon meat is soft, and add pepper to taste before eating.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is good for nourishing qi and blood, nourishing the stomach, promoting digestion, and protecting the liver and kidney.

The steaming time can be appropriately extended according to the size of the squab, so that the contained nutrients can be fully dissolved and easily absorbed by the human body.

Angelica Steamed Quail

Raw materials: 800 grams of quail

Seasoning: angelica, edible oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, ginger, red dates, green onions, water starch
Production process
1. Kill the quail, wash it, and cut it into pieces; soak the red dates; slice the ginger; cut the green onion into sections.

2. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well with water starch.

3. Spread the well-mixed ingredients on a plate, put them in a steamer and steam for about 10 minutes.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is good for promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, moistening the intestines and laxative, and promoting digestion.

Quail cannot be eaten with pork.

Steamed Red Bean Carp

Raw materials: 500 grams of carp, 50 grams of red beans

Seasoning: appropriate amount of ginger, green onion, tangerine peel, grass fruit, salt, coriander, cooking wine, and chicken broth
Production process
1. Remove the viscera, gills and scales of carp, wash them; shred green onion and mince ginger.

2. Wash the red bean, tangerine peel, and grass fruit and put them into the belly of the fish. Put the fish into a soup bowl, add salt, minced ginger, cooking wine, and chicken broth.

3. Put the soup bowl into the cage drawer, steam for 1 hour, take out the cage and add shredded green onion and coriander to serve.

[Nutritional efficacy] This dish is good for lowering cholesterol, preventing arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

There is a white tendon on both sides of the belly of the carp, which is the same as a thin line. Removing them can remove the fishy smell.

Braised Carp with Red Bean
Raw materials: 250 grams of carp, 80 grams of red beans

Seasoning: appropriate amount of ginger and salt
Production process
1. Wash the red bean and soak for half an hour; wash the ginger and cut it into thin slices.

2. Scrape carp scales to remove gills, guts, and wash.

3. Heat the oil in the pot, fry the carp until golden brown, add appropriate amount of water, add red beans and ginger slices, boil on high heat, simmer on low heat for 1 hour, add salt to taste.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is rich in protein, vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, etc., and has the effect of laxative and diuretic.

There is another kind of red and black beans in traditional Chinese medicine, which is acacia produced in Guangdong. It is characterized by half red and half black. Please pay attention to the identification and do not misuse it.

Watercress crucian carp
Main ingredients: 1 live crucian carp (about 600 grams), 300 ml broth
Seasoning: garlic, onion, ginger, cooking wine, starch, bean paste, cooking oil, soy sauce, vinegar, and salt
Production process
1. Wash the crucian carp, cut two knives on each side of the fish body (the depth is close to the fish bone), rub with cooking wine and salt for a while.

2. Put the frying pan on high heat, heat the oil until [-]% hot, fry the fish for a while and remove.

3. Leave the oil in the pot, put the bean paste, ginger, and garlic and fry until the oil turns red, put the crucian carp and broth, move to a small fire, add soy sauce and salt, heat the fish, and put it in a plate.

4. Put the original pot on the fire, thicken it with starch, pour vinegar, sprinkle chopped green onion, and pour it on the fish. Serve.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is good for nourishing qi and invigorating the spleen, promoting water and reducing swelling, clearing away heat and reducing toxin, clearing viscera and lowering milk, regulating qi and dispelling stagnation, promoting clearness and reducing turbidity.

Fresh crucian carp or mandarin fish must be used as raw materials.When cooking, the marinade should be thick, so that the fish is evenly dipped in the marinade and tasty.

Stewed Carp with Radish

Raw materials: 600 grams of carp, 500 grams of white radish

Seasoning: ginger, onion, garlic, soy sauce, pepper, cooking wine, cooking oil, salt, sesame oil
Production process
1. Slaughter the carp, wash it, and marinate it with salt, cooking wine, soy sauce and pepper.

2. Put the marinated carp into a hot oil pan and fry thoroughly.Wash the white radish, cut into thick slices, cut the onion into sections, shred the ginger, and slice the garlic.

3. Take a stew pot, put the white radish slices into the bottom of the pot, and put the carp on the white radish slices.

4. Put the frying pan on high heat, add cooking oil and heat it up, sauté the scallions, ginger and garlic until fragrant, add broth and salt and bring to a boil.

5. Pour into the stew pot, put the stew pot on high heat and boil, then switch to low heat and simmer until the carp is fully cooked, and then drizzle with sesame oil.

[Nutritional effect] This dish lowers qi and eliminates indigestion, removes phlegm and moistens lungs, detoxifies and promotes body fluids, harmonizes the middle to relieve cough, and facilitates defecation.White radish contains mustard oil, amylase and crude fiber, which can promote digestion, accelerate gastrointestinal motility, relieve cough and reduce phlegm.

Because radish produces more gas, it is not good for ulcer disease, so such patients should not eat it.

Fried Fish Floss with Celery

Raw materials: 150 grams of dace, 15 grams of celery

Seasoning: appropriate amount of ginger, starch, edible oil, and salt
Production process
1. Add salt and a little water to minced dace meat and stir it into gelatin.

2. Heat oil in a pan, fry the isinglass into fish cakes.

3. The fish cakes are slightly cold and cut into strips as wide as the little finger.

4. Remove the leaves of celery and cut into short sections.

5. Add fried ginger slices in oil, add celery and fish floss and stir well.

6. Add salt and stir well, thicken with starch and put on a plate.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is good for calming the liver and clearing heat, dispelling wind and dampness, eliminating troubles and reducing swelling, cooling blood to stop bleeding, detoxifying and promoting lungs, invigorating the stomach and promoting blood, clearing the intestines and defecating, moistening the lungs and relieving cough.

The leaves and stems of celery contain volatile substances, which are uniquely aromatic and can enhance people's appetite.

Scrambled Tofu with Broccoli
Ingredients: 500 grams of tofu, 300 grams of broccoli

Seasoning: 10 grams of red pepper, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of pepper, 5 ml of water starch, appropriate amount of cooking oil
Production process
1. Cut broccoli into small florets, blanch in boiling water for a while, remove and drain; cut tofu into cubes; cut red pepper into sections.

2. Pour the cooking oil into the pan and heat it up, add the tofu and fry it on a low heat until it is slightly yellow, then scoop it up.

3. Saute the ginger slices with the remaining oil in the pan, add the red pepper and stir-fry, then pour in the broccoli and tofu in turn, and stir-fry a few times.

4. Season with salt and pepper, and finally thicken with starch.

[Nutritional efficacy] The vitamin C content of broccoli is extremely high, which is beneficial to human growth and development and improves human immune function. It is suitable for teenagers, children and malnourished people to eat.

After the broccoli is scalded, it should be rinsed with cold boiled water.

Pan-fried Pomfret
Ingredients: Pomfret 750g

Seasoning: minced garlic, minced ginger, chopped green onion, cooking wine, fried sauce, pepper, sesame oil, cooking oil
Production process
1. Wash the pomfret, pull 4 knives diagonally on each side, marinate with soy sauce and ginger cooking wine for about 10 minutes.

2. Blend 250ml of decoction juice, sesame oil, and pepper to make gorgon juice.

3. Heat the frying pan over medium heat, put cooking oil in the pan and pour it back into the oil basin, add pomfret, add oil while frying, fry until both sides are golden brown, then fry for about 10 minutes until cooked, remove Served in a plate, pour the oil back into the oil basin.

4. Put the frying pan back on the fire, add minced garlic, chopped green onion, and minced ginger, and fry until fragrant. Cook with cooking wine, thicken the second-rate gravy with gravy, add sesame oil and mix well, pour over the fish and serve.

[Nutritional effect] Pomfret is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and has the nutritional effect of lowering cholesterol. It is a good fish food for people with hyperlipidemia and high cholesterol.

Pomfret should not be fried in animal oil, and should not be eaten with mutton.The caviar in the abdomen is poisonous and can cause dysentery.

Braised crucian carp
Raw materials: 2 crucian carp (about 300 grams)
Seasoning: broth, ginger, ham, cooked bamboo shoots, milk, green onions, bean sprouts, mushrooms, cooking wine, salt
Production process
1. Wash crucian carp and bean seedlings separately, slice mushrooms and bamboo shoots, cut ham into fine pieces, cut green onion into pieces and sections, grind ginger into juice and chop into coarse pieces, pour the milk into a cup for later use.

2. Put crucian carp in hot water and boil for 4 to 5 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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