weight loss meal

Chapter 9 Dishes

Chapter 9 Dishes (1)
Bitter Gourd Tendon
Ingredients: 300 grams of pork tendon, 400 grams of bitter gourd

Seasoning: appropriate amount of salt, onion, starch, pepper, and sesame oil
Production process
1. Wash the bitter gourd, remove the head and tail, cut into 3 sections and remove the seeds; chop the pork tendon and green onion into fine stuffing.

2. Add salt, sesame oil, starch, and pepper to the stuffing and mix well, then insert the adjusted meat stuffing into the bitter gourd.

3. Bring an appropriate amount of water to a boil, put the bitter gourd into the pot, add salt, and cook on low heat for about 25 minutes.

[Nutritional effect] The protein components and a large amount of vitamin C in bitter gourd can improve the immune function of the body, and the contained charantia glycosides and insulin-like substances have a good hypoglycemic effect.

Bitter gourd is cool in nature, and those with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat it.

Beef Stew with Winter Squash

Raw materials: 1000 grams of beef, 500 grams of wax gourd

Seasoning: onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Wash the beef, cut it into small pieces, put it in a boiling water pot and blanch it thoroughly, take it out and rinse it with clean water, take it out and drain the water; remove the skin, seeds and flesh of the wax gourd, wash it, and cut it into pieces.

2. Put the frying pan on high heat, put in the oil and heat it up, fry the shallots and ginger (patched) until fragrant, stir the beef cubes slightly, put them in a casserole, add some water to submerge, add cooking wine, and boil on high heat , Move to a small fire and simmer until the beef is [-]% rotten, add wax gourd pieces and continue to simmer until crispy, add salt and monosodium glutamate to taste.

[Nutritional effect] Wax gourd contains more vitamin C, high potassium salt content, and low sodium salt content.

The beef should be boiled thoroughly and rinsed to keep the soup clear.

Stir-fried Beef with Pineapple

Raw materials: 250 grams of beef, 300 grams of pineapple

Seasoning: appropriate amount of cooking wine, oyster sauce, ginger, starch, salt, pepper, and cooking oil
Production process
1. Wash the beef, slice it horizontally, add cooking oil, ginger, starch, pepper, and cooking wine, marinate for about 15 minutes, add some oil, mix well and set aside.

2. Clean the pineapple and cut it into small pieces, soak it in light salt water for a few minutes, then take it out and drain the water for later use.

3. Pour the oil into the frying pan and heat it up. Pour in the marinated beef, stir-fry a few times quickly, add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, add pineapple pieces, and stir-fry a few times.

[Nutritional effect] Pineapple has the functions of invigorating the stomach and eliminating food, nourishing the spleen and stopping diarrhea, clearing the stomach and quenching thirst.

The frying time of this dish should not exceed one and a half minutes, and the action must be fast. It is best to marinate the beef in one go beforehand.The beef should be fried for a short time, otherwise the beef will become old and tough after being fried for a long time, and it will not taste good.

Stir-Fried Beef with Cabbage

Raw materials: 250 grams of beef, 250 grams of cabbage heart

Seasoning: appropriate amount of vinegar, cooking wine, ginger, onion, starch, salt, and edible oil
Production process
1. Cut the cabbage open and cut into thin strips; wash the onion and ginger and chop into strips.

2. Wash and shred the beef, add salt, starch and vinegar to marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Take the oil pan, put the marinated beef and stir-fry a few times, add cooking wine, add shredded ginger, cover the pot and simmer for 2 minutes, add cabbage and stir-fry until raw, add green onion and salt to taste.

【Nutritional effect】Cabbage is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which has the nutritional effects of benefiting the stomach, nourishing the stomach and promoting body fluid, relieving restlessness and quenching thirst, diuresis and laxative.

The dish does not contain MSG and tastes delicious.

Celery Beef
Raw materials: 300 grams of tender beef, 150 grams of celery

Seasoning: Cooking wine, soy sauce, water starch, pepper, green onion, ginger slices, cooking oil, baking soda, salt
Production process
1. Cut celery into thin slices; cut beef into thin slices, put them in a bowl, add baking soda, soy sauce, pepper, water starch, cooking wine and water, soak for 10 minutes, add soy sauce, mix well, and marinate for 1 hour.

2. Add cooking oil to the pot and heat until it is [-]% hot. Add beef slices and stir with a spoon. When the beef turns white, pour it into a colander to drain the oil.

3. Leave a little oil in the pot and turn on the heat, add chopped green onion, ginger slices, soy sauce, and water to boil, thicken with starch, add beef slices, celery slices, and mix well.

[Nutritional effect] Celery is a high-fiber food, which will produce a lignin or intestinal fat substance after digestion in the body.Celery has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, eliminating diseases and strengthening the body.

Celery is cool in nature and slippery in nature. People with deficiency of spleen and stomach and weak intestines should eat it with caution.

beef with peas
Raw materials: 600 grams of beef, 250 grams of peas

Seasoning: tomato sauce, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, pepper, cooking oil in proper amount
Production process
1. Wash the onion and cut into sections, wash and slice the ginger.

2. Wash the beef, cut it into small pieces, put it in a boiling water pot, and rinse it in clean water. Drain the water; wash the peas.

3. Put the frying pan on high heat, add oil and heat it up, add sliced ​​ginger and green onion and fry until fragrant, pour in beef cubes, add cooking wine and stir for a while, add tomato sauce, salt, add water to submerge, cover, boil, and then put the pot Move to a small fire and simmer until the beef is [-]% rotten. Pour in the peas and cook for a while, then sprinkle with pepper.

[Nutritional effect] Pea is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus and other nutrients, which can benefit the large intestine and reduce carbuncle.

The beef should be boiled thoroughly, rinsed, and stewed with low heat, followed by the peas.

Sweet Beef with Oyster Sauce
Ingredients: 250 grams of sweet beans, 200 grams of beef tenderloin

Seasoning: appropriate amount of oyster sauce, cooking oil, cooking wine, starch, salt, and light soy sauce
Production process
1. Wash the sweet beans to remove the old ribs, put them in boiling water, scald them, soak them in cold water, and let them cool down completely before draining them.

2. Slice the beef tenderloin, mix well with cooking oil, starch and cooking wine, marinate for 10 minutes; wash the green onion and cut into sections.

3. Pour oil into the frying pan. When the oil is [-]% hot, add the beef slices and stir-fry until they are half-cooked. Add sweet beans, add oyster sauce, light soy sauce and salt, and stir-fry until cooked.

[Nutrition and efficacy] Sweet beans contain richer and easier-to-digest protein than soybeans, which can repair the skin and lower blood cholesterol.

Immediately soak the sweet beans in cold water after blanching. This step cannot be omitted, otherwise the green color will not be maintained.

Tea Tree Mushroom Steamed Beef
Raw materials: 600 grams of beef, 30 grams of tea tree mushroom

Seasoning: salt, cooking wine, minced ginger, minced garlic, pepper, oyster sauce, water starch
Production process
1. Cut the beef into thin slices, add cooking wine, minced ginger, pepper, oyster sauce, and water starch and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Remove the stalks of tea tree mushrooms, soak them, wash them, put them on a plate, and sprinkle with a little salt.

3. Put the marinated beef on the tea tree mushroom, spread a layer of minced garlic on top, and steam in a cage for 15 minutes.

[Nutritional effect] Beef is rich in protein, and its amino acid composition is closer to the needs of the human body than pork, which can improve the body's disease resistance.

When steaming, use high heat to steam, and the time should not be too long, so that the steamed beef is tender and smooth.

Stir-Fried Pork with Broccoli
Raw materials: 200 grams of broccoli, 100 grams of lean meat

Seasoning: appropriate amount of ginger, garlic, cooking oil, salt, sugar, water starch, cooked chicken oil
Production process
1. Change broccoli into small flowers and wash, peel and slice ginger, slice lean meat and garlic.

2. Boil water in the pot, put in the broccoli after the water boils, cook over medium heat until half mature, pour it out and set aside.

3. Heat oil in another pan, put ginger slices and garlic slices into the pan, continue to add lean meat slices, stir-fry over medium heat until half mature, add broccoli, add salt and sugar, stir-fry until tasty, thicken with water starch, pour over Add cooked chicken oil, stir-fry evenly, take out the pan and put it on a plate.

[Nutritional effect] This dish can supplement vitamin K to make the complexion ruddy and fair.

Chew more times when eating, so that it is more conducive to the absorption of nutrients.

Roast Chicken Slices with Bamboo Shoots

Ingredients: 100 grams of bamboo shoots, 150 grams of chicken breast

Seasoning: Cooking wine, red pepper, ginger, green onion, cooking oil, salt, sugar, sesame oil, water starch in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Wash and slice the bamboo shoots, marinate the chicken breast with cooking wine, slice the red pepper, peel and slice the ginger, and cut the onion into sections.

2. Put oil in the pot, heat it up, add ginger slices, bamboo shoot slices, red pepper slices, fry over medium heat for a while, continue to add chicken slices, and fry until the chicken turns white.

3. Add scallions, add salt and sugar, stir-fry thoroughly, thicken with starch, stir-fry well, pour in sesame oil, take out of the pan and put on a plate.

[Nutritional effect] Bamboo shoots are low in fat, low in sugar, and rich in fiber. They can absorb a lot of oil to increase the taste. Obese people often eat bamboo shoots to reduce the absorption and accumulation of fat in the gastrointestinal mucosa, so as to achieve the goal of weight loss.

The closer the distance between the nodes of bamboo shoots, the more tender the bamboo shoots.

Pineapple Chicken
Raw materials: 300 grams of chicken thigh, 200 grams of pineapple

Seasoning: green pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine, starch, scallion, ginger, cooking oil, salt
Production process
1. Pat the chicken thighs loose, cut into cubes and marinate with soy sauce, cooking wine, starch and salt.

2. Put oil in a hot pan, and remove the chicken after oiling it.

3. Leave the base oil, stir-fry green onions and ginger, add pineapple pieces and green peppers, then pour the diced chicken into the stir-fry, and top with the sauce made with soy sauce, cooking wine and starch.

【Nutritional efficacy】Chicken breast is low in fat and rich in protein.Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and cellulose. The proteolytic enzymes contained in pineapple can decompose protein and help digestion.

Don't cook pineapple for too long to avoid sourness.

Chicken Slices with Bean Sprouts
Raw materials: 100 grams of chicken breast, 200 grams of pea sprouts

Seasoning: cooked winter bamboo shoots slices, egg white, cooking wine, water starch, soy sauce, sesame oil, cooking oil, mature vinegar, salt in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Remove the fascia of the chicken breast, cut into willow leaf-shaped pieces, soak in clean water, remove and drain, add salt, cooking wine, egg white, water starch and stir well, then add sesame oil and stir.

2. Heat up the frying pan, put in the cooking oil and heat it until it is [-]% hot, then put in the chicken slices oil, and when the chicken slices are milky white, pour into a colander to drain the oil.

3. Heat the wok again, add oil, add cooked winter bamboo shoots and pea sprouts and stir-fry, add cooking wine, soy sauce, thicken with water starch, then pour in chicken slices, cook with mature vinegar, and drizzle with sesame oil.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is good for tonifying deficiency and invigorating stomach, promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, moistening intestines and defecating.

High-protein, low-fat chicken breast should be boiled or steamed in order to eat more nutritious meat.

Baked Bone with Southern Milk Pear Juice

Raw materials: 500 grams of tender ribs, 200 grams of duck pears, 200 grams of southern milk

Seasoning: Plum sauce, cooking wine, garlic cloves, and salt
Production process
1. Cut the tender ribs into long strips, wash and dry them and put them in a container; peel and remove the core of the pears, put them into a grinder, add a few garlic cloves, grind them into a paste, and pour them into the container for the tender ribs .

2. Add an appropriate amount of crushed southern milk and juice, plum sauce, cooking wine, and salt, mix well, and marinate in the refrigerator for about 4 hours.

3. Put the tender ribs on the baking tray, preheat the oven to 175°C, and bake for about 20 minutes.

4. After preheating, turn the oven to the highest heat, and quickly roast the tender ribs for 4 minutes, turning them over once.

[Nutritional effect] Pears are rich in a variety of vitamins, which can lower blood pressure, moisten the lungs and clear the heart, and are very beneficial to people suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

If you don't have pears, you can use some orange juice instead.

Lemon Tea Spice Ribs
Raw materials: 500 grams of ribs, 80 grams of lemon

Seasoning: black tea bag, ginger, salt, edible oil, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, starch in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Wash the pork ribs, cut into pieces, add salt, cooking oil, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, and starch to marinate for half an hour; peel and shred the lemon, squeeze out the lemon juice for later use; soak the black tea bag in boiling water; peel and shred the ginger.

2. Pour oil into the pot, put in the marinated pork ribs and stir-fry, and serve them when they are seven mature.

3. Leave oil in the pot, put ginger and lemon to sauté until fragrant, then pour in ribs, add black tea, boil and season, turn to medium heat and simmer to taste, then high heat to collect juice, finally sprinkle lemon juice, mix well and put on a plate.

[Nutritional effect] Lemon is one of the most medicinal fruits in the world. It is rich in vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid, high in potassium and low in sodium, etc., which is very beneficial for reducing body fat.

Black tea can remove fat, and using it instead of water can reduce the greasy in the soup and increase the unique taste at the same time.

Braised Beef Brisket with Potatoes

Raw materials: 150 grams of beef brisket, 200 grams of potatoes

Seasoning: Ginger, minced garlic, cooking wine, two soups, salt, aniseed, soy sauce, pepper, water starch, cooking oil in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Scrape and peel the potatoes, wash and cut into pieces; boil the beef brisket and chop into pieces.

2. Pour the oil into the pan, wait until the oil is [-]% hot, add the potatoes and fry until they are cooked, take them out, and drain the oil.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, fry the ginger, minced garlic, and beef brisket thoroughly, add cooking wine, two soups, salt, and aniseed ingredients to taste, use soy sauce to color, cover and cook until it is almost mature, add potatoes and stew, thicken with water starch , add pepper and mix well and serve.

[Nutritional effect] Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, which has the nutritional effect of promoting intestinal peristalsis, maintaining intestinal water, and preventing constipation.

Beef brisket is the soft muscle in the belly of the beef and near the ribs, and the brisket of fresh yellow cattle is better.

Angelica Beef Brisket
Main ingredients: 750 grams of beef brisket, 25 grams each of angelica and shiitake mushrooms, 150 grams of net winter bamboo shoots

Seasoning: chicken broth, garlic, ginger, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, pepper, water starch, sesame oil, cooking oil in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Mince the garlic, mince the ginger, remove the stalks of the shiitake mushrooms and wash them, cook the winter bamboo shoots and cut into pieces, slice the angelica and wrap them with gauze.

2. Wash the beef brisket, cut it into pieces, put it in a pot of boiling water, remove it, and wash it.

3. Heat the frying pan, heat the oil, fry the garlic and ginger until fragrant, add beef brisket, winter bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, cooking wine, soy sauce, and chicken broth and bring to a boil. Simmer over high heat until crispy, add water starch to thicken the sauce, pour in sesame oil, salt, and pepper.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is good for nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation, moistening the intestines and laxative.

Beef brisket should be washed thoroughly with boiling water first, and must be stewed with low heat.

Black-bone Chicken Braised Duck Feet

Raw materials: 800 grams of black-bone chicken, 400 grams of duck feet

Seasoning: Ginger, garlic, onion, tangerine peel, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking oil, salt
Production process
1. Slaughter the black-bone chicken, clean the internal organs and chop them into pieces for later use; slice the ginger; spare.

2. Put oil in a pan, saute ginger and garlic until fragrant, add black-bone chicken and sauté until fragrant, add duck feet, add appropriate amount of soy sauce, oyster sauce, tangerine peel, green onion and water and simmer until tasty, season with salt, and collect the juice.

[Nutrition and efficacy] Duck feet are rich in jelly, low in sugar and fat, and have a harmonious taste.

Do not use a pressure cooker when stewing black-bone chicken. It is best to use a casserole to simmer slowly.

Goosefoot Wing Casserole
Raw materials: 500 grams of goose palm wings

Seasoning: Zhuhou sauce, cooking oil, tangerine peel, cooking wine, garlic, and salt
Production process
1. Wash goose palm wings, roll them in boiling water, pick up and soak in clean water to cool.

2. Smash the garlic and soak the tangerine peel until soft.

3. Heat up a clay pot, add oil, add minced garlic and Zhuhou sauce to fry, add cooking wine, pour two soup bowls of water, add tangerine peel to taste, add goose palm wings and marinate until cooked, add salt to taste and serve Can.

[Nutrition and efficacy] Goose meat is rich in nutrients, high in unsaturated fatty acids, soft in texture, and easily digested and absorbed by the human body.

Cook this dish over low heat and the meat will be more flavorful.

Chicken Stew with Potatoes

Raw materials: 1000 grams of chicken, 500 grams of potatoes

Seasoning: coriander, cooking wine, soy sauce, scallion, ginger slices, salt, monosodium glutamate, aniseed, cooking oil, tangerine peel
Production process
1. Chop the chicken into pieces, blanch in boiling water, remove and wash.

2. Peel and wash the potatoes, cut them into hob pieces, deep-fry them in [-]% hot oil until golden brown, and take them out.

3. Put the frying pan on the fire, add oil, pour in the chicken pieces and stir-fry for coloring, add all the ingredients and bring to a boil, turn to low heat and simmer until the chicken is cooked. Add the potatoes and stew until the meat is rotten and the potatoes are more cooked, take out of the pan, put in a bowl, sprinkle with coriander and serve.

[Nutritional effect] Potatoes are a food for lowering blood pressure. They have a high content of lysine and are easily absorbed and utilized by the human body. They do not contain fat and can effectively control the total amount of fat intake in people's daily diet.

Peeled potatoes should not be thick, the thinner the better, because potato skins are rich in nutrients.

Black Fungus Mixed with Chicken Slices
Ingredients: 200 grams of chicken slices, 150 grams of fungus (after soaking in water)

Seasoning: red pepper, lemon juice, ginger juice, sesame oil, salt, mature vinegar
Production process
1. Wash the chicken slices, boil them and soak them in ice water until they are completely cool; wash and slice the red peppers.

2. Wash the fungus, tear it apart, cook it in boiling water and put it in ice water to cool thoroughly.

3. Put the chicken slices, fungus and red pepper into the container, pour in vinegar, salt, sesame oil, lemon juice and ginger juice, mix well and serve.

(End of this chapter)

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