weight loss meal

Chapter 8 Congee Category

Chapter 8 Congee Category (3)
2. Take a clay pot, pour an appropriate amount of water, put it on the stove, boil it over medium heat, add millet and rice, and cook for about 30 minutes on low heat.

3. Add chrysanthemum, medlar, salt and sugar, continue to cook for 10 minutes until cooked and ready to eat.

[Nutritional effect] Chrysanthemum is cool in nature, sweet and bitter in taste, and has the effects of clearing away heat and expelling wind, improving eyesight and detoxifying.In addition, chrysanthemum can not only inhibit the permeability of capillaries, exert a good anti-inflammatory effect, but also enhance physical fitness and prolong life.

For dried chrysanthemums, you should choose medicinal chrysanthemums that you usually drink in tea, which are available in general pharmacies.

white fungus and scallion porridge
Raw materials: 50 grams of rice, 10 grams of scallion, 30 grams of white fungus

Seasoning: Edible oil, salt in proper amount
Production process
1. Wash and soak white fungus and scallion respectively, chop and set aside; wash and soak rice for 30 minutes.

2. Pour enough water into the pot, add rice, white fungus and scallion.

3. Bring to a boil on high heat first, then turn to low heat and cook into porridge, season with salt and cooking oil.

[Nutritional effect] Allium scallion is pungent in taste and warm in nature, has the effects of dredging yang and dispelling stagnation, invigorating the stomach and eliminating food.

Use with caution in patients with Qi deficiency without stagnation, weak stomach and poor appetite, and intolerance to garlic.People with excess heat, yin deficiency and internal heat, and qi deficiency and infirm should not eat more.

Leek Sea Cucumber Porridge

Raw materials: 60 grams each of leek and sea cucumber, 100 grams of rice

Seasoning: appropriate amount of salt
Production process
1. Wash and chop leeks; soak sea cucumbers for a while, wash and cut into cubes; wash rice, soak for 30 minutes and set aside.

2. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add leeks, sea cucumbers, and rice to cook porridge.

3. When the porridge is ready, add salt to taste.

[Nutrition and efficacy] Leek contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, B vitamins, vitamin C, volatile oil and sulfide, among which propylene sulfide has a spicy taste and can promote appetite.

Wet sea cucumbers are easy to deteriorate and are not worth the price, so it is better to buy dry sea cucumbers.

Dried Kidney Vegetable Porridge

Raw material: 100 grams of rice

Seasoning: appropriate amount of aged kidney, dried vegetables, salt, cooking oil
Production process
1. Wash the rice and soak for 30 minutes; wash the dried vegetables and soak for a while; soak the old kidney in hot water and cut into several pieces.

2. Boil a sufficient amount of water, add rice, dried vegetables, and aged kidney and cook until smooth.

3. Before turning off the heat, season with salt and pour in a little cooking oil.

[Nutritional effect] Dried vegetables are generally made of rapeseed, mustard greens, cabbage, etc., which basically retain the B vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins contained in the vegetables, and the cellulose content will increase, which helps to strengthen the gastrointestinal tract. Peristalsis, promote digestion.

Chen kidney is cured duck kidney, which is a unique food in Guangdong.

Mussel and Preserved Egg Porridge

Raw materials: 100 grams of rice, 30 grams of mussels, 20 grams of preserved eggs

Seasoning: Edible oil, salt in proper amount
Production process
1. Wash the rice, marinate it with a little oil and salt for more than 30 minutes; peel the preserved eggs, chop them and set aside; wash the mussels, soak them in boiling water and set aside.

2. Bring enough water to a boil, add rice (with pickled rice oil and salt) and boil.

3. Add mussels and cook for 20 minutes. Before the porridge is ready, add preserved eggs and cook for a while, add salt to taste.

[Nutritional efficacy] The protein content of mussels is as high as 59%, and contains 8 kinds of essential amino acids for human body.In addition, it is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, B vitamins and other nutrients. Moderate consumption can promote metabolism and supplement the nutritional supply of the brain and body activities.

Mussels are not vegetables, but dried products of mussels, a marine mollusk.Because its nutritional value is higher than that of ordinary shellfish, fish and shrimp, it has the reputation of "eggs in the sea".

Vegetable and preserved egg porridge

Raw materials: 50 grams of green vegetables, 150 grams of rice, 50 grams of preserved eggs Seasoning: appropriate amount of ginger, salt and monosodium glutamate
Production process
1. Wash the vegetables and cut into strips, wash the rice with water, cook the preserved eggs and cut into small cubes, peel the ginger and mince it.

2. Take a clay pot, pour in an appropriate amount of water, boil it over medium heat, add rice and ginger, and boil until it blooms.

3. Add green vegetables, add salt and monosodium glutamate, and continue to simmer over low heat.

[Nutritional effect] Preserved eggs have the effects of cooling, improving eyesight, calming the liver, lowering blood pressure, and improving taste.

Green vegetables should not be put in too early, so as not to cook too badly.

Millet Pea Porridge

Raw materials: 50 grams of millet, 40 grams of peas

Seasoning: appropriate amount of broth, salt, monosodium glutamate
Production process
1. Wash the peas and millet.

2. Put the pot on the fire, pour in the broth and bring to a boil, add the peas, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook for a while, then scoop up the peas for later use.

3. Put the millet into boiling water and boil, add peas and cook until cooked, season with salt and monosodium glutamate.

[Nutritional effect] Peas are rich in protein, carotene and crude fiber.Eating peas can improve the body's disease resistance, promote intestinal peristalsis, keep the stool smooth, and clean the large intestine.

Eating too many peas will cause abdominal distension, so it is not suitable to eat in large quantities for a long time.

Jujube Tremella Porridge
Raw materials: 200 grams of rice, 25 grams of white fungus

Seasoning: appropriate amount of rock sugar, lotus seeds, medlar, and jujube
Production process
1. Soak the white fungus until soft, wash it thoroughly.Wash the jujube, soak until soft and remove the core.Wash the lotus seeds and medlar separately, soak until soft and set aside.

2. Boil enough water, add rice and mix well.

3. Add tremella, jujube, lotus seeds, medlar and rock sugar and cook until thick.

【Nutritional efficacy】Lotus seeds are flat and sweet in taste, rich in nutrition, containing carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.It is also rich in starch, β-sitosterol and alkaloids.Appropriate consumption has the effects of invigorating the spleen and stopping diarrhea, nourishing the kidney and strengthening essence, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves.

Although lotus heart is bitter, it is rich in nutrition.When lotus seeds are used as a health-care medicinal diet, the lotus heart is generally not discarded.

Radish Shredded Chicken Porridge

Raw materials: 60 grams of rice, 50 grams of chicken, 30 grams of carrots

Seasoning: onion, broth, soy sauce, starch, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking oil in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Wash and soak the rice for 30 minutes; wash and shred the chicken breast, add soy sauce, starch and water to marinate; wash and shred the carrot; wash and mince the onion.

2. Pour broth into the pot and boil, pour in rice and cook slowly into porridge.

3. Set another frying pan, pour oil and heat it up, add chicken shreds and carrot shreds and fry until cooked, season with salt and monosodium glutamate, take out of the pan and set aside.

4. When eating, pour the shredded chicken and carrot into the rice porridge, mix well, and sprinkle with chopped green onion and pepper.

[Nutritional effect] The vitamin B2 contained in chicken can promote cell regeneration, eliminate oral inflammation, enhance vision, relieve visual fatigue, and interact with other substances in the human body to help the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Sauteing the carrots first makes them more nutritious, and they taste even better when they are sautéed and then cooked.

Radish Ham Porridge

Raw materials: 200 grams of thick porridge, 100 grams of white radish, 75 grams of ham

Seasoning: chopped green onion, broth, monosodium glutamate, pepper, and salt
Production process
1. Wash and peel the white radish, cut into thick rectangular slices, and then cut across the middle to form a clip blade.

2. Cut the ham into thin slices, put them into the radish slices and set aside.

3. Pour broth into the pot, add radish and ham clips and cook for 20 minutes, add thick porridge and boil, add green onion, monosodium glutamate, pepper, and salt to taste.

[Nutritional effect] White radish is rich in mustard oil, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, increase appetite, and help digestion.The vitamin C and zinc contained in it help to enhance the immune function of the body and improve disease resistance.

Ham originated in the Song Dynasty.It is said that Zong Ze, a famous anti-gold general in the Northern Song Dynasty, presented bacon from Yiwu, Zhejiang Province when he entered Beijing. Emperor Gaozong of Song Dynasty was very satisfied after tasting it. Because the meat was as bright as fire, the emperor named it "ham".

Yam radish porridge

Raw materials: 60 grams of rice, 300 grams of yam, 80 grams of white radish

Seasoning: appropriate amount of celery, salt, pepper, coriander
Production process
1. Wash and drain the rice; peel and wash the yam and white radish separately, cut into pieces for later use; wash and mince celery and parsley separately.

2. Add 10 cups of water to the pot and boil, add rice, yam, and white radish, mix and cook until boiling, then change to medium-low heat and cook for 30 minutes.

3. Add salt and mix well, sprinkle with pepper, minced celery and coriander before serving.

[Nutritional effect] Yam can enhance the immune function of the body and delay cell aging. The amylase digester contained in it can decompose protein and sugar, and has the effect of losing weight and lightening the body.For those who are thin, the starch and protein rich in yam have the effect of increasing weight.This double regulating function makes yam get the laudatory title of "body protector".

When cooking this porridge, the yam must be peeled to avoid abnormal taste such as tingling when eating.

Yam black rice porridge

Ingredients: 60 grams of black rice, 50 grams of black beans, 15 grams of yam, 5 seedless black dates

Seasoning: appropriate amount of black sesame, walnut, and oatmeal
Production process
1. Soak black beans and black rice in water for more than 1 hour, boil black dates in water until foamy, and then whip into a puree.

2. Peel the yam, wash and chop, put walnuts and sesame seeds into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant, then beat them into powder, add a little water to the black beans and black rice, put them into a soymilk machine and crush them.

3. Put the rice milk and soy milk into the pot, add water, add the chopped yam and black date paste, stir and cook with a wooden spoon, when the porridge is almost mature, add walnut powder and black sesame powder and cook together , Sprinkle oatmeal when eating.

[Nutritional effect] Yam contains a lot of mucus, vitamins, amylase, polyphenol oxidase, saponins and trace elements, etc., which can strengthen the spleen and stomach, help digestion, and prolong life.

Eat this porridge often for health and beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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