weight loss meal

Chapter 13 Dishes

Chapter 13 Dishes (5)
Add ginger slices and cover, steam in a steamer for 20 minutes until crispy, remove ginger slices and set aside.

3. Heat another pan with oil, add bamboo shoots and carrots and stir-fry thoroughly, add clear soup, add salt, monosodium glutamate, and oyster sauce to boil, thicken with water starch, pour in cooked chicken oil, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and put it on the preserved winter melon. Can.

[Nutritional effect] Wax gourd is rich in vitamin C, and bamboo shoots are rich in cellulose. The two together form a dish, which can moisturize the collagen fibers and elastic fibers in the skin and make the skin soft and smooth.

Preserved winter melon must be deep-fried first to be fragrant, while winter melon must be steamed until rotten.

Fried melon with nuts

Ingredients: 30 grams of fried peanuts, 100 grams of tender winter melon, 30 grams of ham

Seasoning: Edible oil, ginger, garlic sprouts, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, water starch in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Peel the fried peanut kernels; peel and remove the seeds of the tender winter melon, and dice; dice the ham; peel and slice the ginger; wash and cut the garlic sprouts into sections.

2. Add water to the pot, when the water boils, add wax gourd, cook until half ripe, pour it out and set aside.

3. Heat oil in a pan, add sliced ​​ginger, diced ham, and diced wax gourd, add salt, monosodium glutamate, and sugar, add garlic sprouts and stir-fry thoroughly, thicken with water starch, stir-fry well, sprinkle with peanuts and serve.

[Nutritional effect] Peanuts contain high-quality protein, which is not easy to cause obesity.

Cook the wax gourd first to get the best taste.The sauce in this dish should not be too much, and the taste should be light.

Glass Winter Melon Slices

Raw materials: 150 grams of tender wax gourd, 10 grams of carrot

Seasoning: Edible oil, garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Peel and cut the tender winter melon into thin slices, peel and cut the carrot into thin slices, and cut the garlic into rice.

2. Boil water in a pot. When the water boils, add wax gourd slices and carrot slices, and blanch them until they are just cooked. Rinse them with cold water and put them in a plate.

3. Add cold boiled water and garlic in a bowl, add salt, cooking oil, monosodium glutamate, and sugar, mix well, and pour it on the wax gourd.

[Nutritional effect] Winter melon has the effect of dehumidification, and can also whiten the skin and remove excess body fat.But wax gourd is cold in nature, and those with physical weakness should eat less.

The winter melon should be tender, and you should pay attention to the changes of the winter melon when you are hot, and you should not overcook it.

Braised Winter Melon Strips

Raw materials: 250 grams of wax gourd

Seasoning: Edible oil, soy sauce, green onion, salt, monosodium glutamate, water starch in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Peel the wax gourd, remove the flesh and seeds, wash and cut into strips for later use.

2. Put the frying pan on high heat, put the oil and heat it until it is [-]% hot, add minced green onion and sauté until fragrant, pour in wax gourd strips and stir-fry until broken.

3. Add salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and a little water, cook over high heat until cooked, thicken with starch, stir well and serve.

[Nutritional effect] The content of vitamin C in wax gourd is relatively high, which is 1.2 times that of tomato.

To prepare this delicacy, you must choose mature wax gourds with hoarfrost on the surface, no fluff, and a thick sound when you tap them, which means mature wax gourds. Wax gourds are larger in size and are usually bought in pieces. It is advisable to choose thick meat. Don't buy it.

Stir-Fried Tofu with Loofah

Raw materials: 1000 grams of tofu, 700 grams of loofah

Seasoning: minced green onion, minced ginger, chili powder, salt, starch, edible oil, soy sauce, soup
Production process
1. Cut the tofu into small cubes, peel the loofah and cut into cubes.

2. Put the oil into the pot, heat it until it is half-baked, put in the tofu and loofah and fry it, remove and drain the oil.

3. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, add minced green onion, minced ginger, and chili powder and stir-fry, add soup, salt, soy sauce, tofu, and loofah, cook for a while to thicken, and serve.

[Nutritional effect] Loofah has nutritional effects such as clearing heat and cooling blood, detoxifying and laxative, dispelling wind and phlegm, moisturizing skin and beautifying skin.

The tofu and loofah should be deep-fried in 4 times. Do not fry too much at one time, otherwise the fried tofu will be fragile and uneasy.

Fried Tofu with Garlic Sprouts

Raw materials: garlic sprouts 100 grams, tofu 150 grams

Seasoning: minced ginger, cooking oil, salt, and pepper water
Production process
1. Wash the garlic sprouts and cut them into 2 cm long sections; cut the tofu into small pieces.

2. Heat the frying pan, heat the oil, put the minced ginger in the pan, add the tofu cubes and stir fry.

3. Add salt, pepper water, and garlic sprouts, and fry until they are almost mature.

[Nutritional effect] Garlic seedlings contain protein, carotene, thiamine and other nutrients, which can replenish qi and neutralize, detoxify and stagnate.

Most of the high-quality garlic seedlings have tender leaves, and the tips of the leaves are not dry. The plants are strong, neat, clean, and not easy to break.

protein bean curd residue

Raw materials: 250 grams of bean curd residue, 150 grams of egg white

Seasoning: shiitake mushrooms, red pepper, cucumber skin, edible oil, clear soup, water starch, milk, salt
Production process
1. Put the tofu dregs in a bowl, add egg whites and mix well, then add salt, water starch and milk and mix well; wash the shiitake mushrooms, red peppers, cucumber skins, etc., and cut them into rice-sized pieces for later use .

2. Put the pot on the fire, put the oil and heat it until it is [-]% hot, put the prepared egg white tofu residue in the pot, fry it over low heat until it solidifies, take it out of the pot and put it on a plate.

3. Put the clean pot back on the fire, add clear soup, shiitake mushrooms, red peppers, and cucumber rinds. After boiling, thicken it with starch and thicken it with cornstarch. Take the pot and pour it on the fried egg white and tofu residue.

[Nutritional effect] Tofu dregs are rich in protein and cellulose. After adding egg white, the nutrition is more comprehensive.Eating it during weight loss can relieve hunger, inhibit fat production, and provide the body with essential nutrients, making the effect of healthy weight loss more significant.

People with high fever, diarrhea, and hepatitis should not eat egg whites.

Dried Radish and Soybeans
Raw materials: 500 grams of soybeans, 200 grams of dried radish

Seasoning: edible oil, soy sauce, salt
Production process
1. Wash the soybeans, wash the dried radish and cut into cubes.

2. Put oil in the pot, add the diced radish after the oil is hot, stir-fry for 1 minute, then put it into the plate.

3. Take another pan, pour in oil, and when the oil is hot, add soybeans and stir-fry, add soy sauce and salt and continue to stir-fry until the soybeans are colored. After they are cooked through, add dried radish, stir-fry until tasty and serve.

[Nutritional effect] The protein content of soybeans is as high as 40%.

Stir-fry fresh soybeans and pickles for a more delicious taste.

Stir-Fried Soybean Sprouts with Day Lily

Raw materials: 250 grams of soybean sprouts, 150 grams of day lily

Seasoning: soy sauce, minced green onion, sesame oil, minced ginger, edible oil, salt
Production process
1. Pinch off the roots and whiskers of soybean sprouts, wash them, put them in a pot of boiling water, scald them, and drain them.

2. Remove the roots of the pickled day lily, wash it, soak it in a clean water basin for 1 hour, then wash it again with clean water, drain the water, and cut it into 1 cm long pieces.

3. Put the oil and heat it until it is [-]% to [-]% hot, add minced green onion and minced ginger to the pan, stir-fry until fragrant, add daylily and soybean sprouts, stir-fry for a while, add soy sauce and stir-fry well.

4. Add a little fresh soup, bring to a boil, and pour in sesame oil.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is rich in protein, carotene and vitamin E, which can invigorate the spleen and appetizers, moisten the intestines and laxative, and lose weight.

Day lily contains a lot of crude fiber and is not easy to digest. Children and those with digestive insufficiency should not eat more.

Braised Bean Curd with Green Pepper

Raw materials: 400 grams of bean curd, 50 grams of green pepper

Seasoning: appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, cooking oil, ginger, and five-spice powder
Production process
1. Soak the bean curd in warm water until soft, wash and cut into fine pieces; remove the stalks and seeds of the green pepper, and cut into small cubes.

2. Add base oil to the pot and heat it up, add minced ginger and let it cook for a while.

3. Add the minced bean curd and fry for a while, then add the diced green peppers, add salt, soy sauce, and five-spice powder and stir-fry well over high heat.

4. Stir well, then turn to low heat and simmer for 2 minutes.

[Nutritional efficacy] This dish is high in protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamin A, carotene, and calcium.

Tofu skin is a semi-dry product, which is the first-class raw material in vegetarian dishes. It can be cut into thin shreds and can be used for stir-frying, cooking and stewing after being scalded or boiled.

Braised Flower Mushrooms
Raw materials: 70 grams of mushrooms

Seasoning: chopped green onion, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, ginger, salt, cooking oil, clear soup
Production process
1. Remove the stalks of mushrooms in water, wash and squeeze dry.

2. Heat the pot on high heat, add oil, heat until [-]% hot, add mushrooms, stir-fry a few times, add soy sauce, salt and broth and cook.

3. After boiling, use low heat to collect the juice. When the soup is dry, add monosodium glutamate, drizzle with sesame oil, take it out and let it cool.

4. Press the mushrooms one by one, put them in a ring shape on the plate, put more in the middle, make the shape slightly bulge, sprinkle with chopped green onion and serve.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamin A, carotene, calcium and other nutrients, and has a certain degree of blood fat-lowering effect.

Soak the mushrooms in hot water for about 20 minutes.Add a little salt and knead, then rinse with clean water, and the sediment will be cleaned.

Silver Vegetable Gallbladder
Raw materials: 250 grams of Shanghai green, 200 grams of white konjac shreds

Seasoning: Edible oil, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, sesame oil in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Remove the old leaves of Shanghai Green and replace them with gallbladder; rinse the shredded white konjac; peel and shred the ginger.

2. Add a little salt and monosodium glutamate to the boiled water of Shanghai Qing, boil it and place it in a plate for later use.

3. Heat the oil in the pan, add shredded ginger and sauté the pot until fragrant, pour in clear soup and bring to a boil, add shredded white konjac, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, and sesame oil and cook thoroughly, pour it into the middle of Shanghai green and serve.

[Nutritional effect] The dietary fiber in konjac expands in the body, which can increase the feeling of satiety.It is extremely low in calories, which can reduce calorie absorption while fully satisfying the pleasure of eating, so as to achieve the ideal weight loss effect.

The vegetable gall should not be overcooked, but should be crisp.The seasoning should be light and the soup should be moderate.

Dried shepherd's purse
Ingredients: 400 grams of shepherd's purse, 50 grams of dried tofu, 40 grams of bamboo shoots

Seasoning: Edible oil, salt, shredded red pepper, vinegar, clear soup in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Remove the roots and yellow leaves of the shepherd's purse, wash it, and put it in boiling water for a while.

2. Wash the dried tofu with warm water and cut into shreds; cut the bamboo shoots into shreds.

3. After the frying pan is heated, pour oil into it, heat it to [-]% heat, stir-fry shredded tofu, shredded bamboo shoots, then pour in shredded shepherd's purse, add vinegar, salt, and a little broth, bring to a boil, and sprinkle shredded red pepper.

[Nutritional effect] Shepherd's purse is rich in protein, vitamin C, etc., and has the effect of harmonizing the spleen and diuresis.Bamboo shoots contain carotene and cellulose, which are good for digestion.

Put a little salt in boiling water, then boil the dried tofu for a while, pick it up, flatten it while it is hot, compact it with a heavy object, cool it down and then cut it into very thin shreds.

Stir-fried Snow Peas

Raw materials: 300 grams of snow peas

Seasoning: appropriate amount of mature vinegar, salt, cooking oil
Production process
1. Remove the ribs from the snow peas, wash and drain.

2. Heat the frying pan on high heat, add cooking oil, heat to [-]% heat, put in snow peas, stir continuously in the pan, add mature vinegar, and continue to stir the snow peas from green to green.

3. Add salt and stir-fry until the snow peas are raw and delicious, then pour it into the plate immediately and spread it evenly.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamin A, and carotene, which can benefit the spleen and stomach, facilitate urination, and enhance human metabolism.

1. You can also use tender pea pods that have just fallen for a day or two. 2. Stir-fry on high heat for short periods of time without changing the pot, but only with oil, and it can be cooked in one pot. It is a characteristic of raw stir-frying and has a strong local flavor.

Sautéed Carrots with Snow Peas

Raw materials: 100 grams each of snow peas, soybean sprouts, and carrots, 50 grams each of day lily and black fungus

Seasoning: appropriate amount of ginger, garlic, cooking oil, starch, salt and cooking oil
Production process
1. Tear off the stalks and tendons of the snow peas, and cut off the roots of the soybean sprouts.

2. Soak daylily and black fungus until soft, wash; chop garlic; slice ginger and set aside.

3. Heat the pan and add oil, wait until the oil is [-]% hot, add snow peas and stir fry for a while, then remove.

4. Heat the pot again, add oil and heat up, sauté ginger slices and minced garlic until fragrant, add soybean sprouts, day lily, and black fungus and fry together.

5. When the soybean sprouts are soft, add the carrots, thicken the cornstarch, return the snow peas to the pot, and stir well.

[Nutritional effect] This dish is rich in protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber, which can reduce fat and moisten the intestines.

Those suffering from hemorrhoids should not eat fungus and pheasant at the same time, as pheasant is slightly poisonous, and eating the two together can easily induce hemorrhoids to bleed.

Auspicious Bean Cake
Raw materials: 300 grams of tofu, 25 grams each of fresh mushrooms, green beans, and carrots,
Seasoning: starch, pepper water, soy sauce, salt, minced ginger, five-spice powder, cooking oil, and vegetarian soup
Production process
1. Drain the tofu, blend it into a fine paste, add pepper water, salt, five-spice powder, and flour, and blend well.Cut mushrooms and carrots into small cubes.

2. Heat the oil in the spoon to [-]% heat, squeeze the adjusted tofu paste into balls, put them in the spoon, and press them into small cakes with your hands.Fry slowly over low heat until both sides are light yellow and put on a plate.

3. Leave the base oil in the spoon, add minced ginger, green beans, diced carrots, and diced mushrooms and fry for a while, add pepper water, soy sauce, salt, minced ginger, five-spice powder, and vegetarian soup, and slowly add tofu cakes to a boil.

4. Thicken the cornstarch with starch, drag it into the plate with a large spoon and serve.

[Nutritional effect] This dish contains protein, carbohydrates, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, iron and other nutrients, and has the effect of lowering blood fat and promoting digestion.

Don't mess up the hash browns when thickening.When it is finally plated, "dragging" means slowly slipping into the plate.

Fried potato slices
Raw materials: 300 grams of potatoes

Seasoning: edible oil, soy sauce, salt, mature vinegar, spring onion and peppercorns
Production process
1. Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into shreds, soak them in water for 10 minutes, wash off the starch, and keep them cool.

2. Put the frying pan on the fire, heat up the oil and Chinese pepper, then fry the chopped green onion.

3. Add shredded potatoes, stir-fry evenly for about 5 minutes, when the shredded potatoes are almost cooked, add soy sauce, vinegar, salt, stir-fry for a while and take out of the pan.

[Nutritional effect] Potatoes have nutritional effects such as neutralizing, nourishing the stomach, benefiting temperature and eliminating dampness, invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi, and detoxifying.

Because potatoes contain more sugar, diabetics should not eat more. If they want to eat potatoes, they must reduce the amount of other staple foods.People with spleen and stomach deficiency and diarrhea who are prone to diarrhea should eat less.

Spicy Potato Nuggets

Raw materials: 500 grams of potatoes, 50 grams of dried red peppers

Seasoning: Edible oil, vinegar, salt, chopped green onion, soup, and minced ginger in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut into hob pieces; remove the stalks and seeds of the dried red peppers, cut into small pieces, wash and soak until soft.

2. Heat the oil pan until it is [-]% hot, add potato cubes and deep-fry until they are cooked through, and pour them into a colander when they turn golden brown.

3. Heat up the frying pan, add a little base oil, use minced ginger in the pan, add red pepper and stir-fry until the red oil comes out, then add potato cubes, cook vinegar, add soup, add salt and stir-fry evenly, sprinkle chopped green onion out pot.

[Nutritional effect] Potatoes contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, B vitamins and vitamin C, etc. The total vitamin content is about 4 times that of tomatoes, and it also contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. It has nutritional effects such as neutralizing, nourishing the stomach, strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, and detoxifying.

Soak the dried red pepper in water until soft before stir-frying, otherwise it will be easy to paste.

Shuangdong fresh broad beans

Raw materials: 250 grams of fresh broad bean, 25 grams of winter bamboo shoots and mushrooms, 20 grams of carrots

Seasoning: edible oil, salt, cooking wine, soup, water starch, sesame oil in appropriate amount
Production process
1. Wash the fresh broad bean flaps, put them into the pot, stir-fry for 1 minute over high heat, take out and drain the oil for later use; peel the winter bamboo shoots and cut them into cubes with a knife; soak the mushrooms in warm water until soft, remove the stalks and cut them into small pieces; carrots Peel and cut into cubes of the same size.

2. Put the frying pan on the fire, heat the oil to [-]% heat, add winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms and diced carrots and fry for a while, add salt, cooking wine and soup and stir well.

3. Put in the fried fresh broad bean splits and stir fry evenly, thicken with water starch, pour in sesame oil, remove from heat and put on a plate. Serve.

[Nutritional effect] Broad beans contain protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, dietary fiber and other nutrients, which can enhance memory and lower cholesterol.

Before eating winter bamboo shoots, it is best to boil them in clear water and soak them in cold water for half a day to remove the bitter taste.

Braised Bitter Gourd with Garlic

Ingredients: 300 grams of bitter gourd

Seasoning: garlic, red pepper, edible oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, oyster sauce, water starch, sesame oil
Production process
1. Peel the garlic and cut off both ends, remove the seeds of the bitter gourd and cut into large pieces, cut the red pepper into strips.

2. Put oil in the pan, when the oil is hot, add bitter gourd pieces, fry over low heat until both sides are golden, scoop up and drain the oil.

3. Leave oil in the pot, add garlic and sauté until fragrant, add bitter gourd and clear soup, bring to a boil, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, oyster sauce, simmer over low heat until cooked, add red pepper slices, thicken with water starch, pour in Sesame oil, put it in the pan and serve.

[Nutrition and efficacy] Bitter gourd contains a weight-loss ingredient that is as expensive as gold - high-energy clearing fat.Experiments have confirmed that taking 1 mg of this ingredient every day can prevent the absorption of about 100 grams of fat.

(End of this chapter)

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