Chapter 1056 Did I admit it?
She was also taken aback for a moment, not expecting him to say that at all.

He wasn't engaged to Xin Ying?
She quickly realized that those interviews and reports were all directed and acted by Xin Ying alone, and she had never seen You Haoze come out to express her opinion.

She already understood what was going on in her heart, but she said: "Xin Ying, she has been interviewed a few times, and the diamond ring on her hand is so big, don't say you didn't buy it."

"It's really not me who bought it. After all, is my taste really that bad, such a big diamond ring, wearing it so tacky!"

There was ridicule and contempt in You Haoze's words, obviously disapproving of Xin Ying's aesthetics.

She pretended not to understand the deep meaning in his words, and said to herself, "Xin Ying should have bought it by herself. However, it doesn't matter who buys it. The key is that you two are engaged."

He finally couldn't bear it anymore, and sneered, with a hint of mockery in his voice.

"Lin Zitong, are you out of your mind? Can't understand people's words? She said she was engaged, so she got engaged? That's just her wishful thinking, do I admit it?"

Lin Zitong felt that he must be crazy, but his reprimanding words were very pleasant to her ears.

Even though she was scolded, she still felt at ease.

She also noticed what You Haoze said, the engagement was always talked about by Xin Ying alone, and he never responded.

Moreover, there was no engagement ceremony or anything like that.

She was thinking in her heart, but her mouth had her own consciousness: "Then why don't you admit it?"

Did not wait for his answer, but heard the sound of 'beep beep'.


This guy is still playing his temper.

Ma Dan, she originally wanted to tell him that she and Li Xinyou would have a sex scene the day after tomorrow, but before she could say anything, he hung up.

Haha, but it was quite unexpected, I didn't expect that there would be a surprise in this call.

You Haoze frankly did not get engaged to Xin Ying, which is equivalent to giving her a powerful reassurance.

Then, here comes the problem again, he is not engaged to Xin Ying, why did he try to avoid her?
What is he thinking in his heart?

Do you really want her to cry and beg him to forgive?Then she is too shameless!

In the afternoon, Lin Zitong had a few horseback riding scenes. The filming process went very smoothly, and it was over in one go.

After Director Kong Haiyang shouted "OK" in satisfaction, Lin Zitong reined in the reins, and at this moment an accident happened.

The horse somehow got frightened and she fell off the horse.

Fortunately, protective measures were taken at the scene, and thick mats were laid on the ground, so the fall did not hurt much.

Seeing her lying on the mat, Zhong Shaoqing and the staff rushed over to help her immediately.

However, Lin Zitong sat up by himself, holding his knees tightly with his hands, refusing to be touched by Zhong Shaoqing and the staff.

Zhong Shaoqing leaned over with anxious expression: "Zi Tong, I'll carry you to the hospital, okay?"

Lin Zitong shook his head and remained silent.

Zhong Shaoqing could only worry on the sidelines, no matter what he said, she would ignore him.

Kong Haiyang came over and said with concern, "Zitong, how are you doing?"

Lin Zitong replied calmly: "Director Kong, I'm fine, don't worry, don't delay everyone's filming."

Su Shanshan arrived later and asked worriedly: "Zitong, where did you fall?"

Seeing Su Shanshan, Lin Zitong seemed to see a savior: "Sister Shanshan, please take me to the hospital."

"it is good."

Called 120, and the ambulance came soon.

Zhong Shaoqing watched as several nurses carried Lin Zitong onto the stretcher, and didn't understand why Lin Zitong suddenly became strange to him.

(End of this chapter)

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