Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1057 You Haoze breaks out in a cold sweat!

Chapter 1057 You Haoze breaks out in a cold sweat!

After receiving the call from Su Shanshan, You Haoze immediately put down what he was doing and rushed to the hospital.

All the way, he was thinking, okay, how did she fall off the horse?

Can't she ride a horse?
What would he do if something happened to her?
The driver was driving in front, and You Haoze sat in the back and urged: "Drive faster!"

Isn't that fast enough? !
Can't go any faster, you'll get a speeding ticket!

Is it secondary to issue a ticket, the traffic rules must be obeyed by everyone, right?

The driver muttered to himself, breaking out in a cold sweat from the president's chilling aura.

You Haoze is also covered in cold sweat!

Can you not be frightened?

When Su Shanshan called him to inform Lin Zitong that he had fallen from the horse, he almost lost his grip on his cell phone, and his heartbeat was so fast that it would jump out of his chest.

After asking which hospital the person was in, he called the driver and Hua Qiang, and rushed over without stopping.

The reason why he asked the driver to drive was because he was afraid that he would be too flustered to care about anything, and a traffic accident would happen if he was so anxious.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, You Haoze was surrounded by a group of enthusiastic paparazzi.

When the paparazzi with long guns and short cannons saw You Haoze appearing, they rushed forward and started filming frantically.

Where has the accompanying driver seen such a battle?

Pushing and shoving, the driver was pushed aside and almost fell to the ground.

Huaqiang took the lead and opened the way for his own president.

"Mr. You Haoze!"

"President You!"

A paparazzi finally squeezed to the front, taking advantage of his height, and handed the microphone to You Haoze.

"President You, are you here to see Lin Zitong at the hospital?"

Isn't this asking nonsense?

As if You Haoze didn't hear it, he ignored the paparazzi and continued to walk forward.

However, the group of paparazzi around him wanted to interview him so much that they almost surrounded him, making it difficult for him to move.

A paparazzi next to him quickly handed over the microphone.

"President You, what do you think about Lin Zitong falling from his horse in a trance?"

Hearing this, You Haoze's pale face was covered with a layer of frost in an instant, looking cold and impatient.

The paparazzi didn't seem to be afraid of You Haoze, so he continued, "It's said that because you and Xin Ying were engaged, Lin Zitong couldn't concentrate on filming, so he fell off the horse. I don't know, how is your relationship with Lin Zitong?"

When Lin Zitong had an accident, he rushed to the hospital to see her as soon as possible, obviously he was extremely concerned.

Perhaps, the two divorced, there is another secret?

You Haoze stared at him sharply, his voice was extremely cold: "Get out of the way!"

The oppression in the voice made the crowd back away.

After the words fell, You Haoze pushed aside the crowd and strode towards the hospital ward.

The paparazzi were stunned for a few seconds, and quickly realized that they were about to chase after them with the camera on their shoulders. Hua Qiang behind him called out to them in time.

"Everyone, our president really has something urgent to do, so we can't accept your interview. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

The paparazzi couldn't interview You Haoze, so they had to settle for the next best thing and switched to interviewing Huaqiang.

You Haoze didn't believe that Lin Zitong would be in a trance and had an accident, he was more willing to believe that she was angry with him.

At noon, she also called him, and he was fine at that time.

Later, he ignored her.

What if she hurt herself because of anger?
I don't know where she was hurt, whether it was serious or not, before seeing anyone, You Haoze was holding his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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