Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1058 I fell on purpose, can't I?

Chapter 1058 I fell on purpose, can't I?
If she hadn't insisted on punishing her and asking her to bow her head, she wouldn't have had this incident.

Regret and self-blame enveloped him, making him uneasy for a while.

There was a sharp pain in my heart.

Su Shanshan was alone guarding the door of the ward.

"Sister Shanshan, how is she?"

Su Shanshan didn't feel anything at first, but when she saw the sweat on You Haoze's forehead, she was taken aback: "Mr. You, don't worry, there should be nothing serious."

You Haoze breathed a sigh of relief, didn't tell Su Shanshan any more, and went straight to the ward.

Entering the ward, he saw Lin Zitong lying on the hospital bed at a glance, looking at him with a pair of eyes, with a forbearing smile on his face.

Seeing her ruddy complexion and the look of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, You Haoze instantly understood.

A false alarm!
Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he returned to his place with a hanging heart.

Fortunately, things were not as bad as he thought.

Under her gaze, he stepped forward and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Where did you fall?"

Lin Zitong lowered his face, feeling guilty for no reason: "I don't know, the doctor asked to take an X-ray, but I didn't agree."

For CT examinations, the radiation is too much, which is very bad for the body.

She was a flop, not a real fall, and she didn't get hurt. Where does she need to be checked?
After listening to her words, You Haoze knew it well, and there was nothing serious about it.

However, he was still a little worried: "After all, I fell off the horse. You don't have to take a picture if you don't want to. Let me check it for you. If you feel any pain in a while, just let me know."

She nodded obediently: "OK."

You Haoze's hand, from the ankle to the top, squeezed her knee.

When it touched his waist, Lin Zitong's brain froze for an instant.

The waist is one of her most irritated places.

She couldn't help but look up at him.

At this moment, he lowered his head, and lightly smacked her forehead, "Don't."

The next moment, she felt his slender hands lightly pinch her waist, and couldn't help but hiss.

In an instant, his hand quickly retracted, and she saw panic in his eyes.

"what happened?"

"It hurts, Mr. You, my back hurts."

Without warning, hot tears burst out of her eyes.

Seeing her cry, You Haoze's heart ached beyond measure, and he couldn't feel sorry for her.

He stretched out his hand to wipe her tears, and comforted her softly: "Stop crying, it's okay, I'll call the doctor to come and have a look."

Saying that, You Haoze was going to ring the bell beside the bed to call the doctors and nurses.

"do not want!"

Lin Zitong suddenly rushed over and hugged him: "I just want you to accompany me."

Seeing her lively appearance, You Haoze doesn't look like she was injured?
He understood a little bit in his heart, and was not in a hurry to expose her.

"Okay, I won't go. The doctor will come later. Let's take a look at where the injury is. If it's time to do an examination, do an examination. If you need to take an X-ray, I will take an X-ray. I will accompany you."

She felt aggrieved, and her voice had a hint of crying: "I don't want to do the examination, I hate those cold instruments."

It's not as real as hugging a warm man.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and couldn't help poking at her: "Don't you know how to ride a horse?"

In other words, how could you get hurt?
"I fell on purpose, can't I? If I didn't, would I see you?"

She was obviously still crying, but the corners of her lips raised unconsciously.

"Mr. You, I don't know what I did wrong, and I made you angry. I apologize to you, and you don't want to fight with me anymore, okay?"

You Haoze froze for a moment.

Ever since he uttered harsh words in the hospital that day, he thought that Lin Zitong would apologize soon, but he didn't expect her to be so stubborn.

Been stuck with him for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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