Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1099 Wife, remember, I am only good to you.

Chapter 1099 Wife, remember, I am only good to you.

You Haoze's eyes flickered brightly, and he said in a strong voice: "However, you and Quan Lei's tricks to deceive people are all left over from my playing. So far, no one has played tricks better than me."

"You Haoze, did you know that I was Jiang Beikang's cousin from the very beginning, so you made every effort to deal with me? I just don't understand why you signed a contract with Feixin Technology even though you knew I was plotting against you?"

"There is indeed a gap between people, can't you figure it out?"

You Haoze had a haughty look on his face, and the corners of his lips smiled lightly: "Then I'll tell you, someone insists on paving the way for me, why don't I go?"

With those words, Jiang Xuewen was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

He thought that You Haoze had fallen into his own trap, but he didn't expect that he fell into the trap that You Haoze had laid.

Lin Zitong sighed: "Mr. Jiang, your cousin Jiang Beikang committed a crime, why did you follow his way?"

"Lin Zitong, I know that my cousin has offended you, but he is my cousin after all, and You Haoze treats him so cruelly, I can't just sit back and watch. It's just that I'm not as skilled as others, and I can't fight You Haoze."

Jiang Xuewen smiled bitterly, and looked at her sincerely: "You are very beautiful, if I knew you earlier, if you were not You Haoze's wife, I would definitely..."

You Haoze didn't let Jiang Xuewen finish his sentence, so he dragged Lin Zitong away.

"Mr. You, why don't you let him finish his sentence?"

"What's so nice? Don't I usually tell you enough love words?"

This guy's vinegar jar was overturned again.

Lin Zitong had no choice but to change the topic and divert his attention: "Mr. You, have you fired Huaqiang? Can you rehire him? I think Huaqiang is not bad!"

"What did he tell you?"

She pursed her lips and said in a low voice: "I didn't say anything, I just said that I was reluctant to leave, and said a lot of things like how you treated him well in the past, and how he felt sorry for you."

"Wife, are you pleading for Hua Qiang?" He sighed slightly: "Actually, he is quite smart, but he is not very obedient."

Lin Zitong thought for a while and asked, "Mr. You, do you like employees who are smart and disobedient, or employees who are obedient and not smart? Although Huaqiang has done some things that made you unhappy, he has also served the You Group Contributed. Why can't you give him another chance to make up for his mistakes?"

You Haoze let go: "Let's see how he behaves."

She blinked, and her bright eyes flickered: "Mr. You, are you agreeing?"

"Well, you've been begging me for a long time. If I don't agree, wouldn't that disappoint you? You call him and ask him to come back to work tomorrow. "

Lin Zitong understood that You Haoze meant to forgive Huaqiang, but he just made a favor for her.

She couldn't help but smile on her face: "Mr. You, you are so kind!"

You Haoze looked at her, and suddenly said seriously: "Honey, remember, I'm only good to you alone."

"Yeah, I know, I'm hungry."

"Hungry, let's go, my husband will take you home for dinner."


On the day "The Young Master with a Fan" was officially finished, the first snow fell in Zhouchuan City.

The drama adapted from the big IP took nearly five months and finally came to an end.

After resting in the villa for two days, Lin Zitong felt that life was extremely boring, so he picked up another New Year's movie.

The title of the film is "Frozen", and it looks like a movie suitable for winter.

You Haoze fully supported her to continue filming, he didn't want her to retire during the rising stage of her career, and she didn't want to waste her years of hard work in the early stage.

(End of this chapter)

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