Chapter 1100 You just watch the show from the sidelines

Lin Zitong plays the leading role in the film, which is still directed by Kong Haiyang.

This is the second time the two have collaborated. They know each other well, and they have a tacit understanding in filming.

Lin Zitong got along like a fish in water in the show business circle, while You Haoze overcame all obstacles in the shopping mall.

The reception hall on the first floor of You Group.

Today, Youshi Group held the press conference of 'K36' chip as scheduled, which was a complete success.

This marks the first victory of the 'K36' chip jointly developed by Youshi Group and Discovery Technology, which is a huge progress for the world's technology.

In the following time, let everyone witness how much profit the 'K36' chip has brought to the two companies.

At the press conference, You Haoze dropped a big bomb by the way.

The You Group will hold a press conference two days later, and will announce his personal relationship status at that time, and media people from all walks of life are welcome to attend.

Two days passed quickly.

The time of the press conference coincided with the weekend, and the venue was the reception hall on the first floor of You Group.

Before the meeting even started, the reception hall on the first floor was full of people.

Most of them were entertainment reporters who came here upon hearing the news, as well as some guests specially invited by You Haoze.

Xin Ying was sitting in the front row of the hall. Xin Ying's parents, Zhong Shaoqing, including Zhong Shaoqing's mother Qi Junyu also came.

In addition, Sun Yuewen, Qi Yuxuan, Rong Jing, Xiao Zifeng, Li Xinyou, Geng Junchen and others were also present.

The strange thing is that even Zhong Shaoqing's mother Qi Junyu came to this occasion, but You Haoze's parents, You Xinyi, and Lin Yunzhen, none of them came.

I don't know if they didn't want to participate, or You Haoze didn't let them come.

Hehe, it's good that they didn't come, otherwise, seeing Xin Jun and Quan Fangzi, both of them would be very embarrassed.

"Honey, do you want to attend today's press conference? It's fine if you don't want to. Anyway, there are live broadcasts and videos to watch online."

Before setting off, You Haoze was afraid that Lin Zitong would not be able to bear the consequences, so he specially gave her a vaccination.

"After all, Xin Ying is your own sister, I'm afraid you will feel bad."

"It's okay, I've made it through the most difficult days." Lin Zitong smiled slightly, and looked at him firmly: "Hao Ze, as I said, no matter what happens in the future, I will accompany you Let's face it together."

"Okay, then let's go together. After preparing for so long, this matter should be settled."

Lin Zitong got into the passenger cab of the Rolls-Royce, and You Haoze leaned over to help her fasten her seat belt thoughtfully and gently.

"Hao Ze, what can I do for you?"

"You don't have to do anything for me, just stand by my side openly." He said, holding her hand. "When the time comes, you can just watch the play from the sidelines and let me handle everything, trust me."


In the reception hall, everyone was looking forward to it, and the time passed by.

You Haoze took Lin Zitong's hand and walked slowly onto the stage. As soon as the two came out, the scene immediately became heated.

How could this be?
Didn't it mean that the two of them were divorced?
Xin Ying stared at Lin Zitong annoyedly, and realized in her heart that she was being swayed by this woman.

It's all nonsense to say that you want to let go and fulfill her!

In front of so many media, Lin Zitong and You Haoze stood there holding hands, as if they had slapped Xin Ying hard invisibly.

Xin Ying looked embarrassed and stood up excitedly on the spot with her round belly.

The next moment, she was held down by her parents sitting beside her. She was so helpless that she had no choice but to sit peacefully in her seat.

(End of this chapter)

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