Chapter 1126 may be my misreading.

"These days of housekeeping and things are restrained, restrained, and orderly. When you become a husband, you should pay attention to it and don't act so rudely."

You Haoze blushed when he heard this, his emotions were tumbling, and his inner feelings could not be expressed in words.

Lin Zitong's face was hot, red enough to bleed.

It seems that the medicine is too powerful, she didn't miss it last night, Vine, him!
After leaving the gynecology clinic, You Haoze asked Lin Zitong to sit in the waiting hall and wait for him, and he went to the pharmacy to queue up to get the medicine.

Lin Zitong was sitting there waiting for him, but he unexpectedly saw Dr. Hao, the assistant physician who was operating on his mother Lin Yunzhen, so he went over to chat with Dr. Hao.

It generally revolves around Lin Yunzhen's recovery and post-care, as well as some things that need attention in daily life.

That Dr. Hao felt Lin Zitong's filial piety and care for his mother, and couldn't help but praise her.

"Miss Lin, you are so filial. Your mother is able to adopt such a well-behaved and sensible daughter like you. She is really convinced in her previous life! Today's young people, let alone their own, are their own. Many of them don't care about their parents."

Lin Zitong smiled shyly, and patiently corrected her: "Doctor Hao, I am not adopted, I am my mother's own daughter."

Dr. Hao froze for a moment, frowned slightly, and was a little puzzled: "Really? That day, when your mother was undergoing surgery, I followed her all the way, and she didn't look like she had given birth before."

Lin Zitong seemed to have been hit with a sap, and felt unbelievable.

"Doctor Hao, is what you said true?"

Dr. Hao seemed to be joking, but at the same time he seemed to be serious, and asked: "I am an obstetrician and gynecologist. Can't I tell if I have ever given birth?"

Hearing this, Lin Zitong's pupils constricted and he was shocked violently.

There is a sequence of hearing the truth, and there is a specialization in the surgery industry.

It would be ridiculous for an obstetrician not to be able to tell whether a woman has given birth or not.

But, how could she not be Lin Yunzhen's biological daughter?

Seeing that her complexion was different, Dr. Hao added: "However, I may be wrong."

Hearing this, Lin Zitong heaved a sigh of relief: "Doctor Hao, you really misunderstood, I was born to my mother."

Dr. Hao didn't argue with her on this matter, and echoed, "Well, well, it's great that your mother has such a filial daughter like you!"

"Dr. Hao, thank you for telling me this. I will tell my mother later and ask her to pay more attention to her body."

"All right, Miss Lin, I'm busy."

After Dr. Hao left, Lin Zitong didn't take this matter to heart, and sat back on his seat to wait for You Haoze.

What she didn't know was that You Haoze quietly returned to the hematology clinic afterwards.

He told the doctor in the hematology department that they were preparing for pregnancy recently, and asked if the medicine prescribed by the doctor would have any effect.

The doctor had to re-prescribe the medicine.

After returning from the hospital, You Haoze treated the wound on Lin Zitong's arm by himself, and applied imported plaster to ensure that there would be no scars.

However, when he took the ointment prescribed by the gynecologist and wanted to help her apply the ointment, she refused.

She still felt ashamed to ask him to apply the medicine there.

You Haoze didn't force her, let her apply the medicine by herself, and went to the study.

That day, You Haoze didn't go out, but stayed at home with Lin Zitong.

It was past eight o'clock the next morning, and You Haoze hadn't left the house yet, so Lin Zitong couldn't help urging him.

"Hao Ze, I'm much better now, you should go back to work."

He is so busy, there are a lot of things in the company waiting for him to deal with, how can he be allowed to stay at home with her all the time?
(End of this chapter)

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