Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1127 Mr. You, You Are Unreasonable!

Chapter 1127 Mr. You, You Are Unreasonable!

You Haoze didn't listen to her, and insisted on staying at home with her.

"It's okay, you can work at home."

For three consecutive days, You Haoze didn't go to work in the company, put down everything at hand, and stayed at home with Lin Zitong.

It can almost be said that she is guarding her every step of the way.

After three days of recuperating at home, sleeping, eating and drinking well, Lin Zitong felt that his body had almost recovered, so he thought about taking another movie to film.

She was discussing with Su Shanshan, but was disturbed by You Haoze.

"Boss You, you're being unreasonable!"

"Honey, stay by my side and stay with me for a while. Anyway, it's almost Chinese New Year, so don't take on new plays during this time. After the Chinese New Year, I'll pick a few good scripts for you to shoot, okay?"

Lin Zitong looked at his expectant expression and sincere eyes, and couldn't say no to him no matter what.

"OK then."

"Hehe, do you want me to go abroad with you to have fun and relax?"

When You Haoze said this, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

In fact, she could feel that something was wrong with him these past few days, he became alienated and lonely, as if he had a lot of words hidden in his stomach.

Although he forced a smile in front of her, whenever he was alone, he was depressed.

Once, she made a cup of ginseng tea and sent it to the study, and happened to meet him smoking.

It is not accurate to say that he smokes, he just lit the cigarette, and then stared blankly at the smoke rising, not even noticing that she came in for a long time.

She could clearly feel the heavy depression in his heart.

Occasionally, he frowned and rubbed the diamond ring on his ring finger unconsciously, without any emotion.

Not only that, recently she can always catch his straightforward gaze, following her figure, colliding with her every time, and then glance away indifferently.

Since they met, she rarely saw him suffer from insomnia, but these days, he has suffered from insomnia.

In the dead of night, when she suddenly woke up, his fleeting melancholy eyes made her feel inexplicably nervous and distressed.

She knew in her heart that although he didn't mention what happened that night in front of her, he must have tracked it down behind his back.

One thing she didn't tell him was that she saw You Xinyi at the celebration banquet that night.

She was almost sure that the person who killed her was You Xinyi.

Except for You Xinyi, she really couldn't think of anyone who would have the guts to do this?
However, Lin Zitong just kept it in his heart and didn't dare to tell You Haoze.

Alas, luckily there was no danger.

If You Haoze really found out that You Xinyi was playing tricks in the dark, what would he do?

That's his own sister, what can he do with her?
Thinking of this, she felt sour in her heart.

Probably, You Haoze was frightened by what happened that night.

Because, he has always blamed himself. He blamed himself for not taking good care of her, which almost caused her to have an accident.

Therefore, in order to make up for the guilt in his heart, he stayed with her these days.

Such a him made her feel a little distressed.

After a while, she held his hand: "No, I'll accompany you to work."

He stretched his brows slightly and smiled: "Okay."

Next, Lin Zitong and You Haoze went to the company and commuted together as they did a few months ago.

She lays hands on him, makes him coffee, and does what she can.

However, her intuition was different from what she had experienced in previous months.

A few months ago, she accompanied him to work, and he had a playful smile and a lively conversation, but recently he was always depressed and a little absent-minded.

Several times, he dismissed her, and when she came back, she accidentally ran into him training his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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