Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1131 Mr. You, I'm already dirty.

Chapter 1131 Mr. You, I'm already dirty.

After a long silence, the indecision in my heart seemed to have a result in an instant.

She pushed him away and stood up.

The next second, You Haoze stood up and reached out to hug her again.

She backed away as if seeing a scourge.

"Don't touch me, dirty!"

When a man encounters such a thing, he will more or less feel embarrassed.

Even if he was tolerant and didn't mind, she couldn't forgive herself.

She felt very humiliated, extremely ashamed in her heart, and felt that there was a mark of shame on her body.

Even, she felt ashamed to face others.

'Don't touch me, dirty! 'One sentence hurt You Haoze's heart.

The pain rippling from the bottom of his pitch-black eyes made this tyrannical man feel a bit of vicissitudes.

"Don't be like this, wife." There was a faint pleading in his hoarse voice.

"Mr. You, I'm already dirty. I don't know how to face you in the future. I can't pass the psychological test." Lin Zitong shook his head indiscriminately, falling into a state of self-loathing, feeling that he was completely different from the previous self up.

"My wife, don't punish yourself with other people's mistakes. It's not your fault, and you don't want to."

Lin Zitong felt sore and weak all over, as if his whole body had been drained of energy: "Please, don't say anything!"

"Wife, wife..." The man was incoherent and very confused: "Don't think so much...don't think so much...I don't care...don't think about it..."

He said, slowly approaching her.

"Don't come here, don't come here!" Tears rolled in her eyes, but they didn't slide down.

"Wife, put down the burden, we have to look forward. This is not necessarily true, even if it is true, so what?
Your life will not be affected by this mistake, just treat it as a scar, and there will always be a good day.

We almost missed it once, don't miss it a second time.

I know you were hurt in this matter, and I didn't take good care of you, so you can heal your injuries here.

No matter what, I will never let go of your hand in this life, let alone let you leave me. "

It was fine if he didn't say that, but he forced out the emotions that had been controlled all the way, full of grievances and worries that urgently needed to be vented, she felt useless, her nose was sore, and she couldn't hold back her tears.

"Mr. You, we're already divorced."

His sincere words were blocked by her cold words.

My whole body froze, and my whole body felt icy cold, as if someone had suddenly poured a bucket of ice water on it!
If she could, she didn't want to irritate him by saying such words against her will.

Lin Zitong just stood there quietly, like a sculpture, not moving for a long time.

Only she knew how sad she was.

"It's just a piece of paper, do you think I care? In my heart, you will always be my wife, and no one can take your place in my heart."

You Haoze couldn't bear to see her now, so he stretched out his hand and hugged her carefully, coaxing her softly: "Trust me. No matter what happened that night, no matter what the results are, I won't let you suffer .”

The implication is that he will severely punish the culprit.

She didn't struggle, but leaned against him wrongedly, tears dripping down unconsciously.

For a moment, she felt that You Haoze hurt her to the bone.

How did he survive those days?

He must feel more uncomfortable than her.

She couldn't bear it anymore, hugged him and cried loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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