Chapter 1132 Husband is protecting you.

"I'm sorry, Hao Ze."

The man hugged the crying woman tightly in his arms, and coaxed softly: "Okay, stop crying, my heart will be broken by you crying."

I thought this matter would be over like this, but the day after Lin Zitong received the photo, someone exposed this matter on the Internet.

Lin Zitong and Li Xinyou's scandals are flying everywhere.

There are ambiguous photos of the two of them in the hotel room everywhere on the Internet, and there are even videos.

Lin Zitong felt that the sky was about to collapse, but fortunately, You Haoze held up the sky for her.

"With me here, you don't have to be afraid of anything, my husband will protect you."

As soon as the matter was exposed, You Haoze immediately found someone to do public relations, and suppressed the matter at all costs.

However, those who should know basically know it.

The next day, You Haoze and Lin Zitong agreed to go to a hot pot restaurant to cook mutton hot pot.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the car was parked, it was surrounded by a large group of paparazzi squatting on guard.

Lin Zitong was dumbfounded for a moment, a little frightened, not knowing what to do when he got out of the car.

You Haoze's face was calm, he got out of the car as if nothing had happened, and when the door opened, the flashing lights were connected together.

He turned a blind eye, came to the other side calmly, and opened the car door for her.

She bit the bullet and got out of the car. He held her head and buried her face in his arms.

The flashes came more and more violently, and with it, there were tricky angles from the paparazzi.

You Haoze let the paparazzi yell for a while, and when they calmed down, he said quietly: "Don't scare my wife, you guys can interview me."

Immediately, a paparazzi asked first: "President You Da, as a man, do you really not mind your woman's affair?"

Lin Zitong's heart throbbed for no reason, this question seemed familiar.

A few months ago, the hotel scandal between her and Zhong Shaoqing was exposed, and some paparazzi asked You Haoze that.

At that time, he replied firmly, 'There will be no such day. '.

how do you know...

A chill passed through her whole body, and suddenly, she felt sad for You Haoze.

You Haoze is such a face-saving man, yet he is repeatedly asked such embarrassing questions in public, what a humiliation it is to him!
If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have suffered such humiliation at all.

Such an unparalleled good man is willing to endure this kind of humiliation for her sake!
She was so sorry for him.

This kind of guilt is something she can never let go of in her life.

Lin Zitong buried her head in his arms, tears dripping onto his clothes.

Realizing that she was crying, You Haoze's temples throbbed, and he unconsciously revealed a sinister look in his eyes.

"Can you believe things on the Internet? My wife has never done anything wrong to me. I will definitely investigate who made the rumors!

In the future, if I hear words that slander my wife again, I will never let it go! "

The paparazzi strongly felt the dangerous aura emanating from those furious black eyes, as if carrying murderous intent.

Everyone kept silent, and no one dared to ask more questions.

Since You Haoze categorically denied this matter, they couldn't hold on to it, and if they kept asking, they might lose their jobs.

After all, the current President You Da is not an ordinary person, who can shake the whole city with just one sentence.

No one knows how capable he is, but they all do things based on his face.

These paparazzi are no exception. Who among the people in the circle doesn't live by looking at the faces of big shots?
Before walking into the hot pot restaurant with Lin Zitong in his arms, You Haoze left a word.

(End of this chapter)

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