Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1149 What kind of bungee jumping, I wonder if she is afraid of heights?

Chapter 1149 What kind of bungee jumping, I wonder if she is afraid of heights?
"Like me? Why are you like me?"

"To my niece and aunt, isn't it like Yinger to look like you? Stupid!"

Being laughed at by him for being stupid, she was not happy, so she curled her lips and brought the topic back.

"It suddenly occurred to me, what did you mean when you said that Shaoqing doesn't judge people by appearance? Could it be that I was really ugly when I was young?"

"It's not ugly, but it doesn't meet my aesthetic standards. No wonder I don't have much impression of you after saving you. You said that if you were as beautiful as you are now, would I forget you?"

"Hmph, superficial! I've been pretty since I was a child, okay, it's because you don't know how to appreciate it!"

"Hehe, yes, I almost missed it. However, fate is such a wonderful thing, you still can't escape my palm after going around."

"If Li Xinyou and I hadn't broken up and you met me, what would you do?"

When Li Xinyou was mentioned, You Haoze's face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth: "I will probably grab him."

Only then did Lin Zitong realize what she had just said. At that moment, she saw something crystal clear in his eyes.

It's over, breaking the taboo, she quickly and wittily changed the subject.

"You told Huang Wei that Jin Yan is Huang Hanbing, is that true, or did you lie to Huang Wei?"

"Of course it's true. Do you think Huang Wei is easy to fool? Didn't you realize that Jin Yan looks a little like Fan Youxian?"

"I found out a long time ago, but I just didn't think about it. Are you really planning to let Jin Yan return to Huang's house?"

"It depends. I don't do business at a loss."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. After all, you owe me two lives. Tell me, how should you pay it back?"

"I'm all you, how do you want me to pay back?"

"Be more obedient in the future. If you have anything to do, don't keep it in your heart, you must say it."

As he spoke, he said, "Don't, fuck her."

When the plane landed at Zhouchuan International Airport again, Lin Zitong felt like he was alive after a catastrophe.

Although the winter has not yet passed and the weather is still very cold, she feels that life is already moving in a good direction.

Early the next morning after returning to Zhouchuan, You Haoze said, "Follow me to a place."

After starting the car, You Haoze sat in the cab and concentrated on driving.

Lin Zitong didn't know where he was taking her, so he didn't ask, but just sat quietly in the co-pilot and looked out the window.

In fact, there is nothing to see.

The cold wind was howling, and the leaves on the trees had fallen, leaving only the bare trunks.

When they got there, Lin Zitong got out of the car with him, and only then did they know that they had arrived at Fuyun Mountain.

Fuyun Mountain is a well-known mountain in Zhouchuan, known for its towering clouds.

At this moment, she couldn't help asking: "What are we doing in Fuyun Mountain?"


Lin Zitong had a capitalized question mark all over his face: "Huh?"

Run to the mountains to relax?

She stood at the foot of the mountain and looked around. This mountain is not deserted.

There are a lot of tourists here, if he thinks that he will not be followed by paparazzi when he comes here, he is very wrong.

They could be photographed anyway, the two of them might as well go to an amusement park or a zoo.

After a pause, You Haoze said, "Bungee jumping."

Lin Zitong was startled and staggered. "Isn't bungee jumping hundreds of meters? I don't want it, I'm afraid!"

Ma Dan, what kind of bungee jumping, I wonder if she is afraid of heights?
"What are you afraid of? This mountain looks very high, but it's actually not high. The vertical height of the mountain is only about [-] meters. You can try it later."

(End of this chapter)

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