Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 1150 Challenge yourself and surpass the pinnacle of life!

Chapter 1150 Challenge yourself and surpass the pinnacle of life!
Lin Zitong pouted: "Twenty meters, that's tall, okay? Standing on the top floor of the hotel and looking down, I feel dizzy."

You Haoze grinned meaningfully: "If you don't tell me, I'd forget. You dare to jump on the top floor of the hotel, why are you afraid of bungee jumping?"

She took two steps back: "Are you settling accounts after autumn?"

"You little brain, what are you thinking about all day long?" You Haoze walked forward with his arms in his arms, coaxing: "Will I still hurt you? After the bungee jumping is over, you will definitely be grateful to me."

The two walked for a while and saw the cable car going up the mountain.

The distance is only a few minutes, as You Haoze said, the mountain is not high.

However, Lin Zitong refused to participate in the bungee jumping, but was dragged by You Haozesheng to the cliff jumping platform.

Fuyun Mountain is a mountain on one side and a cliff on the other.

There is an artificial lake under the cliff.

The tower of the jumping platform is built on the top of the mountain, protruding horizontally towards the cliff, tens of meters away from the ground level, and hundreds of meters away from the lake at the bottom.

Lin Zitong put on the extremely cold hard hat, put on the indifferent safety clothing, tied up the jumping rope and the equipment belt, stood on the tens of meters high platform that made her daunted, and held on to the railing without moving.

The staff behind him explained the essentials of the movements in detail, but Lin Zitong felt like his ears were ringing and he couldn't hear anything clearly.

Looking down, I saw that the crowd was dense, like ants, and the emerald green lake water condensed into a small circle.

Overlooking the mountains and verdant mountains, the beautiful scenery is unobstructed.

The blue sky and white clouds above her head were as beautiful as a beautiful picture scroll, but it did not alleviate her sense of fear at all.

Heart palpitations came in waves.

She didn't even dare to breathe out, always feeling that if a gust of wind came, it might blow her down at any time.

This feeling was too uncomfortable. She was so frightened that her legs and feet were weak, and her palms were sweating while clutching the railing.

She stood on the edge of the platform, but couldn't take that step for a long time.

"I don't jump anymore, it's too high, I'm scared."

Seeing her terrified look, a staff member comforted her kindly: "Little girl, don't be afraid, just jump. Our protection measures are in place, double protection, there will be no danger."

Lin Zitong trembled: "I was forced to dance, not voluntary..."

staff member:"……"

You Haoze waved to the staff: "I'll do it."

He stepped forward and broke Lin Zitong's hand that was gripping the railing, the staff backed out, and Lin Zitong grabbed his arm instead: "I won't jump, I won't jump, don't force me..."

She only felt that her whole body was trembling violently, her eyes were darkened, and her feet were no longer in control.

The man was unmoved, and said calmly, "Look at the other side."

A banner was hung on an iron wall opposite, and the slogan on it read: [Challenge yourself, surpass the pinnacle of life! 】

As a sport for the brave, bungee jumping can greatly exercise the courage to challenge difficulties and fears.

Try it, just once!
The most terrible enemy in life is yourself. Only by successfully challenging yourself can you become a brave man in life.

Lin Zitong worked hard to build himself mentally.

It doesn't matter, the rope is very strong, believe in the staff, he is protecting it below; believe in yourself, be brave, and you can overcome your inner fear.

"The money has been paid and cannot be refunded. If you don't jump, the money spent will be in vain."

You Haoze said in a low voice: "I'm so sad, my favorite and most trusted mother cheated on me, I'm sorry You Haoze has no face to see him, I'm afraid of other people's gossip, I'm always sensitive and suspicious, I keep everything in my heart I dare not say it..."

(End of this chapter)

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