Chapter 1189 Dragon and Phoenix Twins (The Finale)

With You's Group, Shen's Group, and 5% shares of Huang's Group, You Haoze became the richest man in Zhouchuan, and even the entire province.

There are countless properties under his name.

In the annual chamber of commerce election, You Haoze was elected as the honorary president of the chamber of commerce.

At 27, he is the youngest chamber president ever.

In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the economic development of Zhouchuan, the government and government gave him a state a888888 license plate number.

Every time he goes out in a luxury car with that license plate, he always makes a fuss all the way.

At the inauguration ceremony, the host commented on You Haoze that he created a business myth in Zhouchuan.

Standing in front of the microphone, You Haoze only looked at Lin Zitong.

"Today, with so many witnesses, I want to propose to my wife. Four years later, I still owe her a wedding."

As he spoke, he walked off the stage and walked to Lin Zitong's side under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Lin Zitong watched him take out the snowflake-shaped diamond ring Only, a little surprised.

Wasn't that diamond ring photographed by Huang Canrong, the president of the Huang Group?
How could it appear in You Haoze's hand?
"Honey, it's a bit late, but for the sake of my baby in your womb, marry me."


No flowers, no balloons, but by proposing to her on this occasion, he was telling the world that he loved her.

Lin Zitong was overwhelmed with emotion.

Because of this marriage proposal, the two of them made headlines again.

Later, Lin Zitong found out that Huang Canrong photographed this diamond ring to give it to You Haoze.

This is how they asked You Haoze about the whereabouts of their daughter Huang Hanbing, showing their sincerity.

No wonder, in front of Li Tianhua that day, You Haoze would speak out about Jin Yan's background so readily, so there is still such a thing.

This fellow is indeed an out-and-out businessman.

On the day of the wedding, Lin Zitong held flowers in his hands, with a sweet face and a sense of infinite happiness all over his body.


As the days of Lin Zitong's pregnancy increased, the fetal movements became more frequent and louder.

The baby will be born in a few months, but she is a little puzzled.

The two even held a wedding, and it was held in an unprecedented grand manner. Almost everyone in the world knew that she and You Haoze were married.

However, You Haoze has not gone with her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the remarriage procedures for a long time.

"You Haoze, you are the president of Shen Group and You Group now. You have a big family and a big business. Will you kick me?"

"How can I? I'm pregnant with twins anyway. Where can I find such a beautiful and capable wife?"

"How do you know it's twins?"

"I watched B-ultrasound myself."

"You are awesome, you can understand all this."

"What's so difficult about this? Don't you know that your husband is a genius? My wife, after giving birth to this child, we will have both children. It's too hard to give birth to a child. I'll tie it up when you're in confinement, okay?" ?”

"No, I want to have a few more children to inherit the family business."

"Okay, as long as you like it, I will listen to you."

After enduring and enduring, Lin Zitong finally couldn't help asking: "By the way, when do you plan to remarry me?"

"Huh? Remarried?"

"Yes, why, you want my child to be an illegitimate child?"


Only then did You Haoze go to the bottom of the box to find two marriage certificates, and handed them to Lin Zitong to read.

This, this is their marriage certificate from four years ago!
"You Haoze, you bastard, big liar, you lied to me like that!"

【End of text】

The text ends here, thank you for your company and support for such a long time.

Next, if I have time, I may write a side story, or I may not write it.

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(End of this chapter)

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