Chapter 1190 Chapter 1190

This man has been staring at me for a long time.

I recognized him as the one I met at the intersection of the street a few days ago.

That day, the two of us were driving separately, and we happened to be waiting for the traffic light at the same time. He rolled down the window, and I rolled down the window.

When I met his gaze, I felt my heart skip a beat.

Is this what it feels like to be heartbroken?
At that moment, I was almost blinded by his appearance.

So handsome, so handsome that he bursts.

It's a pity that he is a bit ruffian, and his words can't be said by others.

As you can imagine, the first thing this man said was to ask me, 'beauty, have you farted too? ', what was my mood at the time?

I blushed and scolded him; 'Asshole. '.

Since then, I have been obsessed with that man. I never thought that today I would meet him again in this bar.

Is this fate?

Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, I stepped forward and said to him bluntly: "Handsome guy, I want to sleep with you, let's make a price."

"Huh?" The man raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Hehe, if you say such a thing, don't say he will be surprised, even I will be surprised.

The pain of losing a relationship, my mother's critical illness notice, those hospital bills, all the troubles I couldn't get rid of, and the confusion about the future seemed to disappear from my mind when I said those words.

The burden of life is so heavy that I can hardly breathe, and I feel like I am going crazy.

Before going crazy, it's better to be crazy first, and do something that you want to try but never put into action.

"Are you not interested in me?"

The man's dark eyes slightly raised to me, and he smiled: "Sorry, I don't want to be a duck, why don't we go and get a certificate first?"

"Are you serious?"


It's absurd to say, but we added WeChat to each other and chatted online for a few days.

When we met for the third time, the two of us brought our household registration booklet and ID card, and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate.

When signing, I only found out that his name is You Haoze.

I took the little red book and read it over and over again. Is this considered married?
Life after marriage is very fresh and exciting. After all, it’s a flash marriage. If you don’t know each other, you have to live together. It’s inevitable that there will be sparks.

However, every time the two of us get into trouble, You Haoze will let me go.

Although it was a flash marriage, You Haoze treated me very well and spoiled me to the bottom of my heart.

I love him so much, to the core.

So, when I heard him tell me that he was cheating, I couldn't let it go.

During that time, life for me was oppressive and dark, like the sun being covered by dark clouds.

I feel like I've been trapped by a demon, and I feel very uncomfortable and in great pain.

However, I still resisted all the hardships and tried my best to support and walk with him.

I didn't get a divorce when I learned that he cheated, and I didn't get a divorce when I learned that another woman was pregnant with his child.

However, after I was diagnosed with infertility, I resolutely chose to divorce.

I thought I made the best decision for him, but in the end I was being smart. While hurting him, I was also hurting myself.

Facts have proved that You Haoze did not cheat. From the beginning to the end, the only woman he slept with was me.

He didn't actually divorce me either.

No matter what happened, he never gave up on me.

Time, let me see a lot of things.

What you see with your eyes is not necessarily the truth. You should learn to grasp a person with your heart, not with your eyes.

My favorite biological mother turned out to be my adoptive mother who just used me as a tool for revenge.

Since I was a child, my mother has always instilled in me a kind of thinking that men are unreliable, which made me unable to accept You Haoze wholeheartedly at the beginning. I was too suspicious and too defensive towards him.

The father I hate the most is a good father.

Knowing that I was not his own, he still raised me responsibly.

Eat and drink to support me, give me the best aristocratic school, give me the most beautiful clothes, and give me the most delicious food.

I thought my ex-boyfriend was a scumbag and he betrayed me, but it turned out that I failed him.

I thought You Haoze used me as a substitute, but who knew I was his first love.

(End of this chapter)

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