Chapter 1191

My wife always thought that it was the first time the two of us met at the intersection of the street that day.

Hehe, what she didn't know was that I had seen her several times before that.

Of course, when she was in Dongguo later, she remembered that when she fell into the water when she was a child, it was the time I rescued her, and that didn't count.

If she hadn't mentioned it, I really wouldn't remember it.

When I first met her, I was working part-time delivering food.

That day, the weather was very hot. When she opened the door for me, seeing her face, I just felt that my whole body was cool.

Very beautiful, especially pleasing to the eye.

I wore a helmet and stared at her for a full ten seconds.

Fortunately, she couldn't see my burning eyes, otherwise she would definitely call me a pervert and call the police.

Surprisingly, after she took the takeaway, she slipped ten yuan to me through the crack of the door.

"Brother, the weather is so hot, buy a bottle of water to drink."

That voice, gentle, soft, and creepy, made my heart melt when I heard it.

Later, when I went to find her again, she had moved.

The second time I met her was at a ski resort in the north.

At that time, in order to attract her attention, I pretended to be a beginner in skiing and fell in front of her on purpose.

Seeing me fall to the ground, she helped me up from the ground without saying a word.

The goddess is not only beautiful, but also has such a kind heart, which is really rare!

Before I could thank her, she left in a hurry.

I thought that we would just miss each other forever and never have the chance to meet again.

Who knows, a few years later, when I just broke up with her, I met her on the street.

I secretly swear, this time, I will definitely catch her.

The next meeting at the bar was not a coincidence, it was carefully planned by me.

When she said that she wanted to sleep with me, my jaw almost dropped in shock. It's hard to imagine how I said that.

"I'm sorry I'm not a duck, why don't we go and get a certificate first?"

It's not that I don't want to have sex with her, and it's not that I'm pretending to be reserved, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to satisfy her because I'm not familiar with the business.

After all, I am a novice, and I have never communicated with my ex-girlfriend in this regard.

In my opinion, a woman who can say such a thing must be a woman who has experienced many battles. I am afraid that I am still a child in my twenties, and I will be laughed out of my teeth by her.

Of course, I really want to marry her and want to be with her for the rest of my life.

It never occurred to her that she agreed.

It turns out that getting married is cheap.

For only a few dozen dollars, I got my beloved woman!
Work with a certificate and operate legally.

On the night of receiving the certificate, when she cried and said that it hurts under me, I realized that it was her first time.

I am so happy.

At that time I decided that she could only be my woman for the rest of my life.

"Honey, I will try my best to treat you well and never let you be wronged. In this life, I only want you."

After marriage, she took out tens of millions of dowry and bought a small business for me to run.

All her belongings are on me, how can I be willing to let her lose?
I worked hard, managed my business with heart, and gradually made the small business bigger and stronger, and finally developed into a large listed company like Youshi Group.

Maybe it's all going too well, so God looks uncomfortable.

So, I'm on a big deal.

That night, I didn't know what happened, so I slept in the same bed with Xin Ying in a daze.

What exactly happened, I really can't remember.

After my wife found out about this, she was in great pain, but how could she know that the pain in my heart was ten times more painful than hers, no, it was a hundred times a thousand times more painful.

I really love her very much. When something like this happened, I blamed myself, felt guilty and remorseful.

Once, I thought about letting her go, but I couldn't let her go.

Fortunately, it turned out that I was framed, the child was not mine, and Xin Ying and I were innocent that night.

Later, she asked me when I planned to remarry her.

I showed her my marriage certificate from four years ago.

"You Haoze, you bastard, big liar, you lied to me like that!"

"Lin Zitong, do you think I'm willing to lie to you like this? You forced me! I said a long time ago that in my life dictionary, there is no divorce, only widowhood!"

(End of this chapter)

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