Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 212 She just watched how he pretended!

Chapter 212 She just watched how he pretended!
Lin Zitong couldn't help guessing the mystery in his heart.

With a sudden turn of her mind, she quietly raised her eyes and glanced at You Haoze.

Fortunately, he didn't show any abnormal expression, he still looked calm and breezy, looking intently at the document in his hand.

He didn't seem to notice Jin Yan's abnormality.

With a long sigh of relief, Lin Zitong unfolded the newspaper in his hand.

This is an entertainment evening newspaper.

When her eyes touched the photo on the front page of the newspaper, she was dumbfounded.

It was another hug/kiss photo. The heroine in the photo was herself, without sunglasses and a mask, and her face was clearly identifiable.

The male lead in the photo is no longer Zhong Shaoqing, but You Haoze.

Without the slightest psychological preparation at all, seeing this, Lin Zitong took several breaths before recovering.

She clutched the Entertainment Evening News, her knuckles turned white, and her voice trembled slightly.

"Boss You, what's going on?"

He took the newspaper that Lin Zitong handed over, and his eyes fell on the photo. The smiling face just now disappeared instantly.

Lin Zitong frowned tightly, stared at You Haoze closely, and remained silent with a cold face.

Really good at pretending!
She just watched how he pretended!
You Haoze's expression was first surprised, then relieved, then he smiled, and finally frowned.

"Damn, this matter was left until now to be exposed."

Hearing this, it instantly confirmed what Lin Zitong had expected.

The matter was very clear, it was clearly instructed by You Haoze.

Like being bombarded by five thunders, a rush of hot blood rushed straight to the top of her head.

She burst out all her anger at him, and continued to roar and question him like a cannonball.

"Mr. You, is this your so-called guarantee?

You swore to me and made promises to me, and I believed you too. What happened?

You yourself said that without your permission, no one dared to post our group photo.

So, now that our group photo is published in the newspaper, are you slapping yourself in the face?

Why are you doing this? "

'Don't worry, without my permission, no one dares to repost our group photo. '

His words echoed clearly in her ears, and she could almost recite them backwards.

However, he lied to her!

Their intimate photos are still reported!

In fact, since Jin Yan entered the door, You Haoze's eyes have followed Lin Zitong secretly, but he is good at covering himself up.

Based on the principle of being frank and lenient and resisting strictness, he didn't intend to argue anymore, not to mention his wife is not so easy to fool.

He raised his eyebrows, changed his previous pretentious posture, and admitted it very readily in the face of her pressing questions.

"That's right, I gave permission for this, and I provided the photo to the newspaper."

Lin Zitong's body trembled slightly, he gritted his teeth and said a few words.

"You don't count!"

Whether it's demeanor, tone, or voice, there is strong dissatisfaction and resentment.

"Look carefully at the photos first, and then read the text."

You Haoze looked at the calm and calm light in her eyes, and explained to her patiently with a calm voice.

"If I didn't take your feelings into consideration, I would directly disclose to the media that you are my wife."

Awakened by his words, Lin Zitong restrained his anger and looked down at the Entertainment Evening News.

The background of that photo was in the corridor on the top floor of the Imperial Capital International Hotel.

In the photo, You Haoze pressed her against a pillar, kissed her ear with his lips, but she put her hand on his chin.

(End of this chapter)

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