Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 213 They are two men fighting, why drag her into the water?

Chapter 213 Why did they drag her into the water when they were two men fighting?
Judging from the photos, Lin Zitong is only passively enduring the love from You Haoze.

He looked at her, his ink-like eyes were shining brightly, but she closed her eyes slightly and pushed him away.

Under the photo, a row of headlines with bold characters "President of You's Group Loves Actress Lin Zitong" suddenly caught the eye.

Lin Zitong roughly scanned the text, this article reported his love affair from You Haoze's perspective.

Facing the news media and the public, in order to protect his wife's image, You Haoze deliberately made people write reports that he was madly chasing Lin Zitong.Moreover, he sincerely begged Lin Zitong to agree to him and choose to be with him.

Even that photo was chosen on purpose.

That photo was taken from a special angle, anyone who looked at the photo could tell that You Haoze forced Lin Zitong to reject him, and Lin Zitong accepted it passively.

In this way, the combination of photos and text really reflects You Haoze's good intentions.

Lin Zitong's originally stern and serious face gradually softened.

Suddenly, she thought of something.

This is the case with Zhong Shaoqing. In front of the public, she took the initiative to express her love, but she did not express her attitude.

Why is You Haoze's confession routine exactly the same as Zhong Shaoqing's?
After realizing this, she understood in seconds!
By doing this, You Haoze clearly retaliated against Zhong Shaoqing's actions.

He deliberately challenged Zhong Shaoqing in front of the public.

Before that, she still felt that she knew You Haoze a little bit.

Now she is completely dumbfounded.

She thought that Zhong Shaoqing was powerful, and You Haoze couldn't compete with Zhong Shaoqing.

It turned out that You Haoze was just waiting for the right time.

But how difficult it is for her to be caught in the middle of their fight like this.

Why did they drag her into the water when they were two men fighting each other?
"Mr. You, do you really consider my feelings by doing this?"

There were scandals with two men at the same time, and the fans somehow spurned her.Such words as stepping on two boats, such as being promiscuous, no matter how ugly the words are, they will be used on her.

The heart lake set off endless waves, causing her thoughts to surge up and down, and her heartstrings to vibrate endlessly.

She already had a premonition that public opinion would criticize her.

You Haoze smiled and joked: "The two men confessed to you in public, you should have a bright face."

"So, do I have to thank you?"

Lin Zitong gritted his teeth and endured desperately, his face was tense and serious, and he stopped looking at him in anger.

You Haoze embraced her and stopped teasing her.

"Honey, I've given you so many days, and you haven't gotten used to it yet?"

She was stunned, what to adapt to?
Carefully pondering what he said, he suddenly found that there was a big problem in it.

Could it be that he deliberately maintained the calm last week?
He had endured so many days before making the move, so that she could calmly accept it?
"Why, it's okay to announce yours and his, but not yours and mine?"

You Haoze held her hand, lowered his voice slightly, and said in a serious tone.

"Who is your man, have you figured it out?"

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Lin Zitong suddenly remembered that he had said something to her in the car on the way to accompany him from the Imperial Capital International Hotel to the company.

'Sooner or later our matter will be made public, you have to get used to it slowly. '

At that time, she felt that he seemed to be hiding something from her.

Now, she understands.

He had planned this all along and couldn't wait to make their relationship public.

The incident Zhong Shaoqing provoked was just the fuse, and You Haoze was just pushing the boat along.

(End of this chapter)

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