Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 243 I'm not interested in hearing you misbehave, and you don't have to pretend to

Chapter 243 I'm not interested in hearing you misbehave, and you don't have to pretend to be pitiful in front of me.

She took a deep breath, suppressed her anger and irritability, and there was no joy or anger in her expression.

"Mr. You, what do you think about the signing of that project?"

"I didn't tell you clearly before, I will seriously consider signing this project.

If you come here every day like this, it will annoy me.

The result you consider at that time is not to your liking, so don't blame me. "

The atmosphere between the two was very delicate.

Xin Ying was expressionless and stood quietly without making a sound.

After a while, she lowered her eyes, looked back at You Haoze, and softened her tone.

"Mr. You, I'll let the director take charge of this project, and I won't ask questions.

Just for the sake of our past relationship, sign the contract, okay? "

You Haoze narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were deep and dark, and a trace of unpredictable emotion quickly slipped across his stern face.

Are you willing to mention it to me?
Even if there is a past, it is you who are sorry for me, not me who is sorry for you. "

"Yes, I'm the one who's sorry for you." Xin Ying felt a pain in her heart, secretly bit her lips to suppress the pain and remorse in her heart, and looked up at him.

"Signing the contract at such a low price this time is to make up for what I owed you in the past."

You Haoze squinted at her, the corners of his lips curled up mockingly, and he sneered silently.

"make up?
Miss Xin, are you making a mistake?
You don't owe me money, and besides, I'm not short of money.

We don't need to cooperate on this project. "

Xin Ying was shocked by his dark and cold eyes, and there was a hint of anxiety and worry on that pretty face.

She lowered her face, her tone full of helplessness and depression.

"Mr. You, you can't break the contract.

If you break the contract with this project, where will I put my face?
How do I explain to the employees below?
My dad..."

You Haoze's eyes of hatred fixed on her face, and he interrupted her words like a joke.

"Miss Xin, I'm not interested in hearing you misbehave, and you don't have to pretend to be pitiful in front of me.

It's better to keep your tricks to deal with Zhong Shaoqing. "

The fire of resentment revealed in his black eyes burned Xin Ying's heart.

Her body was slightly stiff, her face gradually turned pale, she shook her head slightly, and smiled coldly.

"Ah Ze, Shaoqing and I broke up a long time ago.

We've only been together for three months..."

When Xin Ying said these words, it seemed as if she had vented/let out the depression that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time, and she felt much more relaxed.

You Haoze closed his eyes forbearance, with a sullen face, sarcasm and sarcasm buried deep in his gentle voice.

"Heh, why don't you keep hiding from me?

I have no interest in knowing about you and him.

To me, you are all insignificant strangers. "

The cold and heartless words, like a basin of cold water, poured Xin Ying from head to toe, drenching her all over in an instant, making her look miserable.

Her heart throbbed suddenly, and her face was full of deep despair that could not be hidden.

"Aze, do you know why Shaoqing did this?

Because the woman he loves has always loved you in her heart.

It was my fault that I left you in the first place.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

The feeling in my heart that was forced to be buried by myself suddenly came out like a spring, and my heart was filled with sorrow.

Xin Ying's eyes couldn't help showing a little sadness, and her eyes turned red unconsciously.

She closed her eyes, holding back tears and said.

(End of this chapter)

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